The Newsmedianews Navel Competition
Study the picture and when you think you might know who the owner of the navel is, email your answer to:
(if you need a little help)
Not a lot, we're afraid.
The chance to have your own page on the Newsmedianews web site, contents subject to the editor's discretion and approval.
Answers to newsmedia
Question: What make car is this ?
Answers to newsmedia
The task : to correctly fit the word BORING to each line of the song Daisy, Daisy, Give me Your Answer Do
Clue: First line goes like this: B-OA-R-RING, B-OA-R-RING, BoRING BoRING BOARRING.....
The prize for the most original answer? Pretty boring, we're afraid. Just your own advertising space, maybe mini-site, at Newsmedianews ;-}
Attempts to: Answers
This is NOT
the owner of the navel.
They DO occasionally meet
in social and competitive capacities.