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Over 250 women run Dublin mini-marathon
01 Jun 2015: posted by the editor - Health, Ireland

Over 150 ladies from across Ireland ran for Cry in Dublin today to complete the VHI's Mini Marathon in aid of CRY—Cardiac Rick in the Young.

The charity, which supports families affected by SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome), appealed for runners to run for CRY's sake' and help raise much needed funds for CRY Ireland.

So many families are affected by SADS each year and they need all the support they can get. It is a small charity that helps so many people and I am so proud to support it each year by doing the mini marathon. Many of the women who took part today on behalf of CRY have been affected by the Sudden Cardiac Death in some way and it makes the day even more poignant.

As the charity's biggest fundraiser, monies raised from today's mini marathon will be used to fund the activities of the Centre for Cardiac Risk in Younger Persons (CRYP) in Tallaght Hospital which provides comprehensive cardiac evaluation of those who may be at risk from SCD either because of family history or worrying symptoms.

Funds raised from this year's mini marathon will also help raise awareness of the conditions that cause SADS and will also go towards Genetic counselling. This support service is offered to victims and relatives of victims to help them understand and deal with the risks, options and reality of the presence of the genetic disorder in their family.

The service provided at the CRYP Centre in Tallaght Hospital is available to anyone in the country (via GP referral) and is free to the patient. The Centre currently receives no direct Government funding.

Speaking about CRY and raising funds for the Mini Marathon, Orla Durkan from CRY said: “This is one of our biggest fundraising events of the year and we depend heavily on this to ensure we can continue to provide the free screening service in Tallaght Hospital. Often smaller charities are forgotten about when it comes to events like this, but luckily for us we have a growing number of supporters each year who help us support up to 100 families who have lost a young son, daughter, brother or sister. The funds we raise today will also go towards screening anyone who may have lost a relative to SADS. We are so proud and thankful to everyone who ran the Mini Marathon for CRY Ireland today.”

CRY is an Irish registered charity, which was founded in 2002, that supports families who have lost a relative to sudden cardiac death (SCD) and helps raise awareness of the conditions that cause it.

Money raised by supporters at the mini marathon will go towards the free service provided at the CRYP Centre in Tallaght Hospital.

Some facts about Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD):

  • An estimated 60-80 people aged 1-35 years die of SCD every year in Ireland
  • SCD may occur because of underlying heart muscle abnormality, electrical disorders, or other structural problems
  • In approximately half of cases, the cause may be inherited—close relatives may have a 1 in 2 chance of inheriting the same condition and may also be at risk
  • Conditions that cause SCD cannot be cured, but if diagnosed risk of death can be significantly reduced
  • The best treatment for those potentially at risk includes expert assessment, access to genetic testing and psychological support and counselling—the CRYP Centre in Tallaght is the only clinic in the country that provides a complete service, and it is free to patient regardless of where they live.
  • Almost 1500 patients can be seen each year in the CRYP Centre.

For more information see

Tags: Sudden Cardiac Death, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

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