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€9m Arts and Culture Capital Scheme now open for applications
13 Jul 2016: posted by the editor - Entertainment, Music, Showbiz, Arts, Ireland

A new €9m capital investment scheme for arts and culture centres which will run from 2016-2018 and is focussed on enhancing the existing stock of arts and culture centres throughout Ireland is now open for applications. 

The funding is being made available as part of the Capital Investment Framework 2016-2021. Applications are now being invited for funding under Streams 1 and 2 of the scheme as set out below.

Announcing details of the scheme, Arts Minister Heather Humphreys said: “The scheme will provide a very important capital injection for arts and cultural centres around the country. We are relatively well served in terms of regional cultural centres, but I am very aware that the current stock needs to be upgraded.

“It is my priority to target investment at existing facilities, to bring the current stock of arts centres up to standard. This €9 million investment scheme will run from 2016-2018, and we have designed it in such a way that venues of varying size and purpose will benefit.

“Arts and cultural centres act as a hub for local communities, and having a fit for purpose cultural space can really add to a sense of community pride. If we want to ensure that the arts are accessible in the regions, it is very important that we support our cultural infrastructure.”

The scheme is broken down into the following three Streams:

  • Stream 1 will offer grants from €20,000 up to €300,000 and is aimed at refurbishment and upgrade of facilities; (funding of €4m is available under this Stream);
  • Stream 2 will offer grants from €300,000 up to €2m for larger enhancement/expansion/ refurbishment projects involving construction works to arts and culture facilities; (funding of €4.5m is available under this Stream);
  • Stream 3 will be geared towards providing grants of up to €20,000 to community / voluntary groups for community-based projects (funding of €500,000 will be available under this Stream).  Applications for funding under this Stream will be invited at a later stage.

Application forms and Guidelines on the Arts and Culture Capital Scheme 2016 will be available on the Department's website from Wednesday, 13 June 2016.

Tags: Arts, Culture, Capital Investment Framework 2016-2021

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