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Asylum seekers gain support in protest against transfer from Mosney
04 Jul 2010: posted by the editor - Ireland

Show Racism the Red Card supports the rights of asylum seekers in their protest against transfer from Mosney. The Department of Justice has issued an order to transfer 150 residents in Mosney to different centres around the country. At many of these centres, conditions of overcrowding and oppressive regimes exist.

Further, many residents of Mosney have been resident for periods of over three, four and five years.  While the stated intention of the Department of Justice at the time of introducing direct provision in 2000 is that residents would be in direct provision for periods of no longer than six months, the reality is that Mosney is a home of sorts.

In addition, of the 800 residents in Mosney, there are 250 children.  Moving families will mean wrenching children from their home, school and away from their friends.

The conditions of asylum seekers in Ireland is nothing short of appalling. The experience of the 'system' is the modern day equivalentof that of the industrial home.  People seeking asylum are given an allowance of €19.10 per week.  This payment has been frozen since it was introduced.  The experience of asylum seeking is one of forced institutionalisation. Politicians of government and opposition ought to give this area more attention than it receives currently.  The Department have failed in their own intentions of assessment of asylum seekers cases within six months. 

Meanwhile the conditions many experience are humiliating as illustrated by this report, which illustrates that may residents are fearful of what exists for them in other hostels.  The report was carried out by by Immigrants Women's Group Akidwa

For further information or comment from Show Racism the Red Card contact Garrett Mullan at the details below. Keep up to date with the Show Racism the Red Card Intercultural Summer Camp for kids this week at

Tags: asylum, Mosney

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