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Second in a series of public talks on Great Irish Writers
24 Nov 2014: posted by the editor - Events, Ireland

The second in a series of public talks on Great Irish Writers organised by the Limerick Writers' Centre in association with the Department of English Language and Literature at Mary Immaculate College takes place on Thursday 4 Dec 2014.

Donal Thurlow will continue the series with a talk on James Joyce, staritng at 8pm at King John's Castle (café entrance). Admission is free.

The aim of his talk is to persuade listeners approach all the various works of Joyce, acknowledging that he is one of the world's greatest writers, but realising that wide research and deep learning is not required to enjoy James Joyce. Just read and enjoy as Marilyn Monroe did!

Donal Thurlow was born in Dublin, and moved to England when he was 12 years old. He continued his education in England, and was a teacher of English Literature for thirty years. During those years he developed a great affection for the works of James Joyce. With his girlfriend at the time he was co-founder of The Peace Festival in Warwickshire which continues to thos day, and is one of the largest festivals of its kind in Europe. After taking retirement from teaching and lecturing he returned home to Ireland with his wife Suzanne, not to Dublin whence he came but to Bruff in County Limerick, his wife's home.

In Bruff, Donal remembered the connection between James Joyce and George Clancy of Limerick;this enthused him to start a Bloomsday celebration in the small town of Bruff. This coming year will see the 6th Bloomsday in Bruff Festival, a small and distinctive celebration of Bloomsday.

Donal also runs the 'Joycean' Twitter account which has a relatively small but distinguished list of followers. In this last year Donal has been worked ast supporting Dominic Taylor with his work at the Limerick Writer's Centre, including acting as MC at various events including the monthly 'On the Nail' Poetry and Writng sessions, and also at the Writer's Centre Annual Cabaret in the Lime Tree Theatre. IN the last two years Donal has been involved as co-producer in the short film "Two Gallants' a modern updating of the short story from 'Dubliners'. The film is currently being entered in various film festivals.

Tags: Donal Thurlow, James Joyce, Limerick Writers' Centre

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