For better security and control of this publishing system there are five types of user-levels. Each user-level has limited permissions in doing specified actions. These permissions can only be changed by an administrator.
The user-levels are as follows:

  1. Administrators - can do anything they want: edit others’ posts, comments, ban users, edit system configurations and everything else
  2. Editors - allowed to post news, can edit own posts and if given editing rights, edit news posted from all other users. Editors can also approve news added by 'journalists'
  3. Journalists - this level is for users who only need to post news. They have no editing rights. When a journalist adds a new article it can be marked active or instead marked as 'Unapproved'. Admin or an editor must approve unapproved articles for them to be visible. News can also be scheduled for date specific publishing.
  4. Commenters - when users from this level login, they are allowed only to change their passwords. Cannot post, edit news or perform any other action. This is useful when a user wants their username to be password protected when posting comments and for no one else to be able to post with that username. Unregistered users may be denied access to post comments.
  5. Banned - has abused access and cannot do anything.
  6. Reporter - assigned to a trial category to begin.
  7. Individualy named user assigned to specific category or categories