But what remains to be seen is will Ireland be fooled again? Fine Gael leader and Taoiseach to be Enda Kenny has promised to discuss the IMF/EU loan to Ireland with a view to renogotiating what is effectively an impossible financial burden on the Irish state and its people. Will the EU look towards real help for the country of Ireland and its people or will it continue to play the role of supporting the Euro, an action that in reality is akin to attempting to build a house on quicksand with intangible roads leading in an out?
And in Ireland itself, will those who helped bring a nation to its financial knees be made to pay the penalty, or will they continue to receive brown envelopes stuffed with cash while those who had nothing to do with Ireland's demise continue to be penalised?
We can only wait and see. But one thing is clear–the people of Ireland should no longer tolerate any government in power whose ears are turned away from their collective voice.