Boreatton Park Readers' Comments
Last comment was added on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 13:08:38
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Readers’ comments
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from: Ranya Derrick
source IP:
subject: Photos
Hello :) I hope you are well! It’s lovely going through these comments and reliving the stories my Dad tells us. My Dad went to Boreatton Park in 1959, and they are some of his fondest memories! My Dad is Terry Derrick :) Please get in touch with me if you have any old photos from this time! Would love to find some pictures of my Dad at this time! Best wishes, Ranya
Sent - on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 13:07:15If any readers have any photographs and I can provide contact details for Ranya.
from: Wendy Lowdon
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subject: an entry in the Baschurch Newsletter
Good afternoon, I am putting together a potted history of Boreatton Park for the local newsletter, I have been researching the topic and I have come across your blog. I would like to give your contact address in the article, ie. reference, if this meets with your approval. Please let me know in the next ten days.
Sent - on Wednesday, February 07, 2024 at 12:38:09
from: David Clark
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Looking for any information about Ron Benfold,left Boreatton 1962 to join Te Army at Lichfield
Sent - on Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 18:30:06
from: Paul Flude
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subject: I was there 68/69
Hi Roy i was reading your comments, I must have been there at the same time as you but i dont remmember you, i worked in maintenace engineering, with mr Harrison, cant remmember his nick name, it was a cushy job my best friend was Malcolm Homer who worked on there too, i was in Lichfield and then Redbank same as you, i was in the army cadets because you had two weeks leave at Leek camp and then you went home for two weeks so you was out of there for a month, but i look back on that time there as some of the best times of my youth, also went canoeing and camping down the river wye for a week which was great, anyway i was in reading your comment and it brought it back a bit, great to here some of the comments, Paul
Sent - on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 09:47:12
from: Barry aston
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subject: I have attended this school in 1972
First time I've been looking back I worked in the garden section
Sent - on Sunday, January 01, 2023 at 17:07:15
from: Roy harris Harris
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subject: Cy
Just to let all the Boreatton lads know who were there in 1957_58_59 that it was 6 years today That Cyril Middleton died we were there at the same time also was Philip Pyne. We kept in touch for quite a few years after finding each other on Newsmedianews Boreatton Park School. To all the Boreatton Boys who are still with us good luck and Good Health to you all. R I P Cyril Middleton Your Friends Roy Harris and philip Pyne Not Forgetting your Wife Joan Middleton Who Misses You Every Day
Sent - on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 18:58:25
from: Roy Highfield
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subject: Boreatton park
I was at Boreatton park about 67.68.69. Some of the other lads names were Bentley novavik howes Johnson carl sherwood known as shirty. Greg turner. A kid named Francis whom I broke his nose because Dave bamford said he was say saying things about me behind my back so I hit him and broke his nose. Little did I realise that bamford was lying and didn’t like him so he got me to do his dirty work so he didn’t get into any trouble. He was supposed to be cock of the school but he didn’t frighten me if he had tried it on with me I would have put him in his place. It was more like an holiday camp to me. I was working in forestry with mr Howe he was a good boss as long as you didn’t do anything wrong. When I broke francises nose mr sharman the governor gave me a right dressing down i can’t remember what punishment he gave me but it was nothing really for what I did to poor Francis. I since have never taken anyones sa so unless I here it for my self. Once you got into the rhythm at boreatton it wasn’t to bad. The one person I would really like to get in touch with is shirty sherwood as I met him in another institution that I went to. Can’t remember which one. I went to red bank. A place in litchfield and another place in falfield Gloucester. My last sentence was Winson green Birmingham which was for six months for g,b,h, that was forty five years ago and have not been in trouble since. I started my own business and done very well I’ve been retired a few years now. I was just browsing on the internet when I came across this site so I thought I would respond and see if anyone remembers me. It would be fantastic to hear from shirty sherwood if he’s still around. Thanks for reading and I hope anyone who was at boreatton at the time I was there are keeping well. Roy roger Highfield.
Sent - on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 01:35:19
from: Ron Tibbetts
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subject: My time there.
I was a Boreatton Park from 1958 to 1960. I was a bricklayer trainee and this training has helped me a lot during my life. Mr. Hogg was a very strict Headmaster. My best mate there was David Everson. I was also a cadet in the KSLI and remember going to a Camp in Pembroke. From my bedroom I could see the Breidon Hills.The walk to Baschurch Church every Sunday morning was about 2 miles have been back a few times just to look at the place and relive the memories of my time there.
Sent - on Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 21:18:21
from: Edward chivers
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subject: I was there from 1955 till 1957
I spent 2years 2months in boreatton Park approved school spent most of my time cutting bracken I was 11 years of age and it was hard going I remember the headmaster mr hogg who was very strict with us all we did was work
Sent - on Wednesday, February 02, 2022 at 07:27:21
from: Keith Billett
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subject: Alan
Hi Alan , thanks for your comment,s to my message , what is your surname ? . I was in Corbett House I worked on the painting and decorating with Paddy Green from Oldbury , After my release on September 9th 1971 I kept out of trouble and was glad to be back home and got a job at a kitchen cabinet factory , hope your keeping well and look forward to hearing from you.
Sent - on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 14:58:04
from: Alan
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subject: Kieth Billet
I was at Boreatton (Hunt house) from 1969 to 1971. Like you I loved it there. Trouble I found upon leaving was, I went back to the same old crap I was in before I went. To me it was paradise. Always plenty to do, new things to learn and the staff were great. Was sad to leave I can tell you.
Sent - on Wednesday, August 04, 2021 at 23:25:45
from: Judith Evans
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My father Don Hart was a teacher at Boreatton Park from August 1950 till August 1954. I have various informal photos that he took of the boys at time. Is there anywhere I can post them? They might be of interest to boys who were there at the time.
Sent - on Tuesday, May 04, 2021 at 08:36:36
from: Rev Gay Pye
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subject: my Dad
My Dad was on the staff of Boreatton from 1950 to 1952 when we went to South Africa. His name was Bill (or Trevor) Davies and he was responsible for the gardens I think. We lived in one of the staff houses called Triona where my brother was born in 1952. I was just 6 when we left. We staff children used to go to Baschurch School. We were taken there every day by a taxi. I dont expect anyone can remember Dad but I wonder where the records of the school are kept? I went to South Arica as a little girl with lots of memories of Boreatton.
Sent - on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:15:32
from: Keith Billett
source IP:
subject: Boreatton Park
I was at Boreatton 1970 to 1971 , I have fond memories of my time there , are there any others from that time who also have any memories good or bad , I would love to hear of your accounts of your time there.
Sent - on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 15:21:57
from: Dennis Samuel Beech
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subject: Boreaton park
I was sent boreatton park approved school in about 1957 the sentence was six months /two years it may seem strange to many but I did not find it scary some of the boys there were of the bulling kind but I learned from an early age that bullies are mostly cowards .i was put to work in the garden the man in charge we called twisty because his nose was twisted he was a hard task master but fair I loved the garden they had a forestry master wish I could remember his name I learned how to fell a tree which helped me in later years I learned to drive a tractor I learned how to kayak on the huge lake they had I could swim very well so I was in the swimming team I Boxed for them .they had new P.T teacher who ran the boxing his name was Frank Bell a huge man and also his claim to fame was that he knocked out Tommy Farr who fought Joe Louie .again I learned to box Thanks to these I didn't see it as a punishment to be there I had a bed of my own a shower every day three meals I came from a big family and all this was amazing .then I joined the army cadets the K.S.L.I still have the cap badge ,home leave to me was not something I looked forward to .back to the crowded house allways good to get back .then one day i was told I was being considered for going home on licence strange but I was gutted so I started getting in to trouble and that was cancelled iam not sure if this is ok to put on this site but when I saw this article lots of memories came back .the head master was a mr Hogg and his deputy was mr Stevens .so all in all I thought all at Boreatton park were good people
Sent - on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 07:20:00
from: Peter Sheldon
source : direct email
subject The Old Orchard at Trench Lock. Memoir by Peter Sheldon (previously Peter Schalscha)
Well what a surprise to turn up Keith Harris’ blog. I remember him well. So here’s my recollection.
Our family moved from London to Ketley, 9 Greenacres Estate, approximately 1946, as my father, Otto, was initially a draughtsman at Trench Works, owned by Kurt Joachim (John, alias ‘KJ’Sommerfeld. 2 year’s later, we moved to 4 Old Orchard. How exciting! A large expanse of grounds, with apple trees to climb, and apples to eat. Our neighbours at various times in the Old Orchard, included Keith Harris, his older brother Ronnie, mother whose name I forget (Stella — ed), who had met their father (Norman — ed) who was in the RAF in Cyprus. Mr Harris later taught me to drive in 1957). I believe Ronnie moved to Canada, though I’m not certain. Other neighbours included Victor Block and his wife Ellen, and son Harry, plus their dog Rennie. Then there were the Floyd family, with son David. Later they moved and were replaced by the Lewis’s Joe and Edna, with sons Barny and Chris. Joe had a cycle with a sidecar which I remember being given a ride in. In 1949, my sister Vivien was born. We weren’t permitted to see her for her first week, and instead, the Lewis family took Michael and I on holiday to Barmouth. We enjoyed it very much.Also the Hughes family, and latterly Mr and Mrs Greengrass, a company director and colleague of my father. He had a Wolseley 6-80 which he let me drive with them to Church Stretton. Mixed feelings, lovely leather and walnut, shame about the rest, but the police used them to chase crooks, so long as the crooks didn’t exceed 80 mph!
Harry Block was very clever, attended the Walker Tech, then Shrewsbury Tech, before going to Kings College University of London. He got an honours degree in Chemistry, and later, a PhD. I believe he was a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool University, where he married Edyth. I attended their wedding.
I initially attended Hartshill School at Wombridge, a very pleasant experience, especially Miss Duddle but when we moved to the Old Orchard, I transferred to Hadley County boys’ school. What a contrast! It was tough, I was bullied because I had a German sounding name. However, I learned to fight back, and give with interest! I remember the first teacher, Miss Morris, then Mr Rainford, and finally Mr Owen, who coached those interested, in passing the 11 plus.
My father was a keen chess player, and Shropshire County champion. He taught me to play, but soon realized I was a hopeless case and gave up. John Sommerfeld, the boss, was rarely seen, but attended the annual Works Christmas dinner, held either in the works’ canteen, or latterly (in 1963), at Terry Heath’s Town House. He lived initially at Granville Lodge in St Georges, then Stanhope Terrace in London, finally in Holland Park. The firm possessed a battered old Ford 8, initially grey, then for some reason painted black, another green Ford, used by his wife, the beautiful Lilian Sommerfeld, and then a Rover 10. In addition, he had a Studebaker Dictator, (DMY 207) which was a different experience to be driven in. This was eventually replaced by a Ford Pilot, pre-war vintage, shiny black, with green leatherette upholstery.
A colleague of my father’s was Tommy (Major) Foster. He had been in the army and met in Palestine and married Miriam. I remember he had an MG TC sports car, to be followed, as his career developed, with a Chrysler shooting brake, an Austin Sheerline (GKW 82), then a 3 litre Lagonda, then a Facel Vega. Sadly he died prematurely of a heart condition. My father’s more modest works car was a Hillman Minx, 1950, (IY 6693), which unfortunately met its end one dark night near Markyate, when my father was driving to London on business. A lorry had been stopped by the police because it had no rear light. Had they been a bit less assiduous, my father might not have crashed into it. If there had been a passenger, they would definitely been killed. Instead my father somewhat bemused, was given the last rites whilst still in the car, before being taken to a nearby hospital, where his face was badly stitched up by a nervous nurse who helpfully informed him that she had never done it before! This scar would match the one he had incurred whilst fencing as a student in Darmstadt many years previously. Any way, the Minx was followed by another, ROE 515, which had a happier life.
In 1954, tragically my brother Michael drowned whilst on holiday in Newquay. He was a friend of Kenny Cruxton, whose family lived at Chestnut Terrace. Kenny’s older brother Lesley shared a desk with me in Mr Owen’s class. I learned to ride a bicycle when he lent me his, before my dad bought me a new Hercules after passing the exam for the grammar school. Their elder sister, Daphne, who I never knew, yet amazingly met in 2018, at the annual dinner of the Wellington Civic society. Sadly she was widowed following the death of her husband David Williams, who I remember seeing at the Sankey’s Saturday dances. Another friend of Michael was Ross Vickers, whose older brother Michael was a mate of mine. Sadly he passed away a few years ago, but I still see Ross and his wife Tot, who live in Wellington, in what used to be the Old Bike Shop.
Tommy Foster purchased the Oakworth and Castos business, owned by Andrew Sommerfield (note the change in spelling), who was John’s father. The business flourished up to the time of his death, as Oakworth greenhouses, which regularly advertised in the Radio Times. He had a fleet of Jensen lorries, all registered in Sheffield, and thus bore number plates prefixed OAK.
In 1952 or thereabouts, a beautiful house was built for us by the firm. It used steel window frames, and lattice girders made by the factory. An architect, Mr Rading, who had been an associate of a firm of architects in London who had been involved in the design of the Skylon, a notable feature of the 1951 Festival of Britain. It used the classical Bauhaus features. A shame that this was not understood by the Telford Development corporation, who bulldozed it circa 1976, my father having sadly died in 1974, and mother, Ilse, wished to live somewhere smaller. The same fate was dealt to the famous Hadley Manor House, owned by Dr Harold and Marjorie Price.
Trench Lock is no more. All the area behind the factories between the Trench Lock and Wombridge have been well landscaped, there was no way it could have been nostalgically regarded as beautiful, despite the attempts of nostalgia.
I’d love to share memories with anyone who is interested, this missive having been inspired by Keith Harris.
Note: anyone whish to contact Peter can contact me.
Any of Stumpy Mason/Sweaty Hogg's rugby team of '65/67 (?) around – who played in the match against the visiting Northern Ireland under 19s on our home pitch at the back of the Park ? Or any members of the athletics team that travelled to Leeds with Stumpy Mason? And anyone remember an asshole named Karlokowski— ? Keith
from: philip pyne
source IP:
subject: geoff boult
geoff, i remember you, i worked on the farm as well. if you want a chat phone me on 01443 476711
Sent - on Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 12:45:37
from: Geoff Bolt
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subject: Inmate 1959-61
Hi,i was an inmate from 1959-to 1961 ,i was the School first team goal keeper and worked on the farm.I absconded once with Wally walters.Anyone from that era.Thanks Geoff
Sent - on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 15:07:20
from: Geoffrey Bolt
source IP:
subject: Old Boy
Hi anyone from the 1959-1961 era at Boreatton Park.I was the School Football Team Goal keeper and i worked on the farm.Nice to Here from anyone of that era.Thanks Geoff
Sent - on Saturday, July 06, 2019 at 16:03:19
from: michael lawley
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subject: mail
i was at bratton park when it was an approve school i was on the painting /deckerateing gang jimmy edwords was are boss i learned a lot from him whitch landid me a job with the council i was there over two years back in early70s to mid 70sstarted on in grades lower grade middle grade upper grade senier grade 1/2seniar 1/2 you could go out at the weekends on your own but had to be back before 9pmwhen you got in to seniar 2 grade you dident have long to go before you was out for good all dependid on you a few things went on whilst i was in there ill just say the two staff that run the farm any lads who was on farm duties will have a good idea what iam on about ill say no more one lad i got on great with think his name was john worked in the electrisionshop got his motor bike sent in to the school so he could work on it think he was from derby ended up getting in a spot of bother wi old bill whilst at the school endid getting six months in a detencion centure got sent back to the school so john if you see this and read it give us a bell all the best mick
Sent - on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 13:23:41
from: Terence Ledwith
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subject: Boreatton VERY old boy
I was one of the first 12 boys to attend BP as an Approved School. Was there around 1942, cannot remember exact date. WE spent most of our time doing internal modifications to adapt the house for a greater number of boys. I have to say my time there was fruitful and served it's purpose, largely due to the Woodwork Master who became a father figure to me. Having reached the age of 89 it obviously did me no harm.
Sent - on Sunday, April 07, 2019 at 07:57:02
from: Paul
source IP:
subject: Book
Hi Robbie, I was there between 67 to 68, I was just wondering what the name of the book was called, thanks Paul.
Sent - on Thursday, April 04, 2019 at 08:48:34
from: Robbie McCauley
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subject: boreatton
Headmaster: Norman (Nonky) Hogg Deputy. Skermer. Secretary+ General duties. Mister Bassett. Teachers, Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Fielding, Mr Bell, Mr Mr. Clarke. (Nobby). mr. Ken Kersley. Farm, Mr. Dean, Mr. Davis Carpentry, Mr Muller. (Springy or Loopy) Forestry, Mr. Howe. Gardens, Mr Metcalf. Engineer, Mr. Harris (Jetty) Gen. Duties. Mr Burgess. (Bert) (1958-1961)
Sent - on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 07:28:56
from: Robbie McCauley
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subject: breatton
Hi, Keith. Its been a very long time. I hope you are fine. The reason I needed to contact you is because, after years of being harassed, I have now written an autobiography which as been accepted by one of the largest publishers in the world. I thought it only right to ask your permission to use your description of Boreatton which will be used in book 2. Thanks Keith...And all the best
Sent - on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 06:51:59
from: michaellawley
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subject: comment
Sent - on Tuesday, November 06, 2018 at 00:27:03
from: Ken Doleman
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subject: Rugby Team
I was a member of the rugby team that played against the northern Irealand team in the mid 60's. As I remember we were hammered by them. John Conner, Skin Saunders, John Mumby played in the same team as me. Stumpy Mason was the coach. Happy days.
Sent - on Sunday, November 04, 2018 at 17:41:21Hi Ken - I was in the team and played in that match - wasn't a guy called Wales, or called walesy in the team too ? I knew we were beaten, but I don't think it was a hammering ! I did get one myself becuase you may recall I tackled three guys in a row and prevented a try by them - almost disabled me. I met up with John Mumby again some years later by chance.
from: K Doleman
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subject: Boreatton Park
Am interested to hear from anyone who attended the school 1963-1965
Sent - on Sunday, November 04, 2018 at 13:11:01
from: Terry Derrick
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subject: Boreatton 1959
I think the head and deputy, Was Nonky and Scoby Hogg. Skerma I remember, Mason, Jackson,Frank bell, Fielding he played the guitar when you had a class when you wrote your letter home.
Sent - on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 15:21:53
from: Terry Derrick
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subject: Boreatton 1959
I think the head and deputy, Was Nonky and Scoby Hogg. Skerma
Sent - on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 15:15:26
from: Martin wynne
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subject: Any body remember I fell off the farm tractor. The only teacher i remember was mr Dimock i think
Sent - on Monday, October 08, 2018 at 17:27:46
from: peter bradley
source IP:
subject: boreatton park
spent time here about 1964 worked with a guy we called lump building a house in the grounds remember church every sunday and going to the army base in lydd for a few weeks now nearly 70 and enjoying life to the full
Sent - on Sunday, October 07, 2018 at 09:34:04... in the second dormitory to the main staircase ...
from: Rick
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subject: John Marshall Hi John, yes I remember him, his nickname was "dicky davies"
Sent - on Monday, August 13, 2018 at 12:40:42
from: John marshall
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subject: 1966/7 Does anyone remember mr Davis who ran the farm. He used to take us to his sisters sometimes for tea and cake on some Sunday afternoon. Also there was a Paul Bettie who was there.
Sent - on Thursday, August 09, 2018 at 13:44:48
from: Robbie McCauley
source IP:
subject: Hi too all the old boys who attended Boreatton during the late 1950s-mid 1960s
Sent - on Saturday, July 28, 2018 at 15:43:36
from: Michael Davies
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subject: Boreaton park inmate Hi there would like to know is there any lads that were in Corbett around 1963/1964 I was in Corbett Davies23
Sent - on Monday, June 11, 2018 at 04:54:47
from: rick
source IP:
subject: Paul Hi Paul The name Robert Prichard doesnt ring a bell. I remember Muller Harrison and Sharman was the head. I also built the glass fibre canoes and went on the trip. We used the pool to practice the role overs before we whent. The trip was down the river Wye. So I must have known you. I was Wakemans house leader and Fig was my mate in there. Bits keep coming back and that was a good memory jog about the canoes.
Sent - on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 13:26:17
from: Paul
source IP:
subject: Hi Rick, its very frustrating that I cant put a face to the name, I must have known you and a lot of others, I recognise the name but cant put a face to it, cant believe you were the one that saved Carpenter, glad he never died, I think he was bullied a bit, I remember some of the masters, Muller, Sharman, Harrison, do you remember a lad called Robert Prichard, I went in with him but he did a bunk a few times, ended up doing a lot longer time than me, I remember making canoes out of fibre glass, going on a camping trip down the river wye for a week in the canoes, great to speak to you, regards Paul.
Sent - on Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 12:09:54
from: rick
source IP:
subject: Paul Hi Paul, I was there around the same time. Youve just jogged my memory about Carpenter, He worked on the farm with me. It was me and dicky davies that cut him down. He tried to hang himself with baling twine in one of the chicken huts. He didnt die though. He was from Ilkeston in Derbyshire.
Sent - on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 11:34:36
from: Paul
source IP:
subject: Hi Gerrard, I can't remember you my name is Paul, we must have been there about the same time, I remember Foulks,i must have been in Leighton because I was in the next bed to Foulks, I worked in engineering with Mr Harrison, with a lad called Malcolm Homer, I was in the cadets as well, did you go to the camp at leek for two weeks I think, it was really good, I was a corporal don't know how I got that, I also remember a lad called Carpenter, but after I left I heard that he committed suicide, don't know if that's true, I'm also 65 now and look back on those days as good times which they weren't at the time Great to hear from you all, regards Paul.
Sent - on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 08:45:00
from: rick
source IP:
subject: Gerrard Hi Gerrard, I cant say I remember you, but my memory isnt as good. I was head of the next table to Fig and a guy called Paul Swan was on your table as well. Think I can remember Carpenter. speak later
Sent - on Thursday, April 05, 2018 at 09:44:25
from: Gerrard Hodkinson
source IP:
subject: boreatton Having read some of the posts i now remember "Fig Foulks" he was the head of our table when i first got there..there was also a lad there who's name i think was Boustred, a big fella who's lift didn't go to the top who tried to bash my head in with a snooker cue because i beat him in a game!!,also John kennet and Harry carpenter .hopefully someone will remember these lads and maybe me.
Sent - on Monday, April 02, 2018 at 19:21:57
from: Gerrard Hodkinson
source IP:
subject: boreatton Forgot to mention i was in "LEIGHTON"
Sent - on Monday, April 02, 2018 at 18:19:12
from: Gerrard Hodkinson
source IP:
subject: Rugby and boreatton in general Hi Everyone,i was in boreatton park 1969/1970ish and would love to hear from anyone there at this time.i worked in the wood work dept under mr muller.I ended up playing rugby for shrewsbury and shropshire while i was there mr templman was the coach and i worked on the new house for i believe was the new headmaster mr Sharman,i was also in the cadets and made the mistake of absconding and faced the wrath of mr muller who battered me :( when i was caught it was the time of the foot and mouth outbreak in 69 (i think).I did though have a lot of respect for mr muller who was an amazing carpenter and taught me a lot.I,m now 65 and cannot remember anyone who was there the same time as myself but should anyone remember me i would love to hear from you.
Sent - on Monday, April 02, 2018 at 18:14:02
from: Alan
source IP:
subject: Mr Mueller Hi Paul. yes Mr Mueller was indeed with the cadets. Major Basnett was C/O. There was also a lieutenant called Jones. He was a nice bloke.
Sent - on Monday, September 11, 2017 at 00:45:41
from: Paul
source IP:
subject: Army cadets Hello anyone, I was there late 66 60 late 67, memories gone a bit, can anyone tell me if the Mr Muller in carpentry was the same one who did the army cadets, I think he was a captain..
Sent - on Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 08:37:03
from: Roy Harris
source IP:
subject: Cy Middleton 12 months today when you passed away. R I p my friend. Boreatton park 1959.1960
Sent - on Friday, July 21, 2017 at 15:13:42
from: Paul
source IP:
subject: I was there late 1968 to 67,worked in engineering with mr Harrison, my mate was Malcolm Hommer,was one of the best times of my life looking back, i live near London now, anybody wants to get in touch please do, love to talk about old times.
Sent - on Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 17:24:35
from: Bill Whitelaw
source IP:
subject: Boreatton Park As a child I lived at Stanwardine and for as a short time my father was a gardener (I think) at Boreatton whilst it was a Correction Centre. This would have been in 1947/8?. I remember going to a Christmas party at the home of one of the masters. Subsequently my brother and I would go into the grounds as a dare. The last time that I visited Boreatton was in 1960 for the inter schools cross country championships.
Sent - on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 11:40:19
from: paul wheeldon
subject: mr brian birch-machin Can anybody remember my father BRIAN BIRCH-MACHIN. He was sent to Boreatton between 1949 to 1952. Is their anybody at all that was there during this time. He was in leighton dorm 13. Mr renney was his first head master then when he retired Mr hogg replaced him. Other teachers that was there were Mr moore and the cook was Mr edwards so he thinks. Lads that was also there during his time was somebody named brian joseph, raymond body and someone with the second name drinkwater, jimmy hobson and ziggy ryan and morris bacon.he also said hoggy was obsessed with boxing My dad is 80 this march. It'd absolutely make his day. Please everybody read this and reply if you have news.thanks alot
Sent - on Friday, February 10, 2017 at 16:46:59
from: veronica
subject: 1947 -1950 I hesitate to put a comment on here in case someone has horrible memories of my Dad who was the school engineer (dates above). He loved his time there, the Shropshire countryside and the work he did with the boys and he was heartbroken when we left for a 'proper job' in a town. I was born there and just 3 when we left, but have his recollections (Derek Bentley?) as part of my childhood. His name was George Wakeham.
Sent - on Friday, January 13, 2017 at 18:42:59
from: philip pyne
subject: old boreatton boys would like to wish all boreatton boys, nomatter what year A VERY MERRY XMAS and would like to hear from anyone who has been a BOREATTON BOY
Sent - on Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 22:35:58
from: Robbie McCauley
subject: photos Heres some photos of Boreatton
Sent - on Monday, July 25, 2016 at 10:46:13
from: Keith Harris
subject: Cy Middleton Sorry to hear the news of the passing of Cy. Although we never met, we did exchange a number of emails. My condolences to his family and friends.
Sent - on Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 01:40:51
from: roy harris
subject: The Boreatton Boys For a old Friend Cy who passed away last night. We only got back in touch just 6 years ago.But remained friends with Philip Pyne and Robbie McCauley. Robbie as wrote below a lot about Cy.Our Love to is wife Joan and family. R.I P MY OLD FRIEND
Sent - on Friday, July 22, 2016 at 16:38:32
from: Robbie McCauley
subject: Last night my very good friend and ex Boreatton boy Cyril Middleton passed away and will be badly missed. Our thoughts are with his lovely wife Joan who cared for him till the end. Its never easy when we lose somebody who we know to be a genuine and decent person but Cy was also a great human being and was never happier than to be walking on the mountain with Joan and his dog Todd.At Boreatton back in 1959 he worked on the forestry party under Mr Howe and that really was a tough job. Sometimes having to work in tempratures below freezing in nothing but a pair of khaki shorts,boots and thin coat....but Cy loved the job nearly as much as he loved to box. Boxing was taken seriously at Boreatton and Cy soon became a feared opponent under the tutoring of Frank Bell who gained fame by being the only man to knock out the champion Tommy Farr. Frank wanted Cy to take up the sport on his release from Boreatton but Cy only wanted to go home to Wales and his only love Joan. Later, after marrying Joan, Cy formed a Shadows dedication band and played some gigs in the Midlands as the lead guitarist. There is so much that can be said of Cy but it will always come down to the simple truth...he was an unassuming man with a dry sense of humour and was loyal to his wife and to his friends. I will miss him dearly. R.I.P mate you did a great job while you were here.
Sent - on Friday, July 22, 2016 at 14:55:09
from: Paul wheeldon
subject: Philip pyne Hi Philip yes I'm certain about the dates has my dad was born in 1937 and was sent to Boreatton at the age of 12. He served just over 3 years there. He left at 15 then did his national service in 1955 at the age of 18. So the machin you have records of can't be my father because he'd be in his 20s in 1960. He was in dorm 13 in Leighton. He said Mr Renney was his first headmaster then he retired making way for Norman Hogg. He can name other lads that was also there during that time if that helps. Ok please reply thanks
Sent - on Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 20:20:09
from: Paul wheeldon
subject: Brian birch-machin Hi Philip yes I'm certain about the dates has my dad was born in 1937. He was sent to Boreatton at the age of 12. He said Mr Renney was the headmaster and Mr Hogg was his deputy. My dad was there whilst Mr Renney retired and Norman Hogg took over has headmaster. He served 3 years there and came out at 15. He did his national service in 55 at the age 18. He'd be 23 in 1960. So the Mr machin that was there during 1960 can't be him. He was in dorm 13 if that helps and definitely Leighton. Hope this helps. I can give you names of lads he can remember meeting there if your interested. Anyway hope you can reply.
Sent - on Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 20:23:47
from: Rick
subject: Philip Jones
Hi Jonah. I think i remember you. I definatley remember going down the river Wye. Most if not all the canoes where made by us at Bratton. How are you keeping ?
Sent - on Monday, January 18, 2016 at 18:49:57
from: philipjones
subject: oldtimer
re ken follet aka olsen riky do u remember JONAH we canoed down the SEVERN to tintern abbey together
Sent - on Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 16:56:28
from: philipjones
subject: old timer
i was in boeatton park in late 60,s well remember Sweaty pig also actually enjoyed my 18 mth stay even earned a outward bound sea school stay in Aberdovey plus lots of canoeing down the Severn an Wye rivers once right down to tintern abbey we even rode the severn bore looking back dont think i would any of that at home
Sent - on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 21:40:01
from: philip pyne
subject: paul wheeldon
paul are you sure your dad was there from 49/52 i have checked the few records i have for 49/50 and no sign of his name,maybe he was there a little later.there was a machin there in59/60.would like to know if its the same one
Sent - on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 13:47:07
from: philip pyne
subject: boreatton boys
i would like to wish any of the old boreatton boys that are still out there,a merry xmas and a happy new year,as there are very few of us left.if you want to get in touch,my phone number is 01443 476711, my name is phil pyne 105,ex leighton house,1959/61.would be nice to hear from a few more of you
Sent - on Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 15:03:37
from: Alan
subject: Harriet
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all old boys of Boreatton. who have survived this long, a Very happy Christmas and New year. I often think of my time there and wish that I could do it all again, with more appreciation. Quiet frankly I loved it there. My best mate Jock and I were sent there for 3 years for stealing a transistor and bar of chocolate from a house. We felt pretty hard done to as we had already spent seven days in Brockhill remand prison. Still, turned out nicely in the end. Harriet if you would be kind enough to drop me a line I would be interested to hear how you are. I hadn't realised we visited your home for "good behaviour" but I must say, the hospitality of your family was amazing. Merry Christmas
Sent - on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 15:59:11
from: Alan
subject: Harriet
I remember you Harriet. Along with your sister Sybil and of course Mr Evans. I came to your cottage opposite the farm quite a few times. Happy days.
Sent - on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 21:15:24
from: Paul wheeldon
subject: Boreatton park
Can anybody remember my dad Brian Birch-machin he was serving 3 years there for stealing a cake during 1949 to 52
Sent - on Tuesday, December 01, 2015 at 20:52:55
from: Paul wheeldon
subject: Boreatton park
My dad was sent to Boreatton park for 3 years back in 1949 to 1952 for stealing a cake. His name was Brian Birch-machin. He was in the house Leighton which was yellow. At the time the first headmaster was mr rennie followed by Norman Hogg. He also remembers skermer, Hitchcock, Howe and Bennett. Can anyone else remember these teachers or even my dad.
Sent - on Tuesday, December 01, 2015 at 20:43:31
from: Alison
subject: Mr Onions
I am the daughter of Mr Onions mentioned in some of these posts. I was born at Werrington School after he left Boreatton. He spoke so fondly of so many boys he knew between 1961 and 1963. I went back this week and went to the Church I believe he walked to every Sunday with some boys. he left to go to Werrington with the Deputy head.
Sent - on Saturday, August 01, 2015 at 20:07:54
from: eric burns
subject: other teachers
just to re.cap,was in the army cadets,mr bull(basil)was incharge,great camp down folkstone kent,lotsof freedom,girls hughes sometimes took us to pictures(shewsbury)i thnk....we saw,The Magnifisent Seven,enjoyed thefishing with Mr Harris. Mrs Hughes nice,aswas Mrs Wademan..happy days,wasnt to bad,food was ok.
Sent - on Saturday, August 01, 2015 at 14:13:35
from: eric burns
subject: other teachers
remembered,a teacher who got a band to come and play for us inthe main hall,doing all 60s music.said hehad contacted Brian Epstein,see if the Beatles could come,i think he was bullshitting,they never came,still it was something to think about,that Red Bank approve school looked vile,i used to fetch the tea for lump head and smithy,i used to have a drink out ofboth of them befor they did,they would not give you nowt,still they were ok.
Sent - on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 11:13:46
from: eric burns
subject: other teachers
i was there,63/64/65..was in basil the bulls house, iwell remember mr/mrs hogg.mrhughes,feacher/boxing couch..mrs hughes worked sewing room,kitchen,very attractive edwards,always smoking andcoughing.i worked on the,lump head,and mr.smith.i thought the staff good,didnt really see any bulling,dare say it went on,over all not to bad,
Sent - on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 18:10:29
from: Norman
subject: Kent
Does anyone from the middle/late 60s live in kent????
Sent - on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 18:29:01
from: colin vincent
subject: breaton park 1974 till 1977
my name is colin Vincent, I was in breaton park in care I have found 2 people bob morris and shaun, if there is any 1 who rembers me or the other lads, staff I rember wendy gray terry gray, dave gould,had some good times in there, I am hope to return for a visit, just to see the old place again, kezandcol32 at hotmail co uk
Sent - on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 19:35:41
from: philip pyne
subject: tony frame
tony ,give me a bell on 01443 476711,would be nice to talk to you about the boreatton days.
Sent - on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 19:29:24
from: Harriet
subject: Eardiston
we lived in the village of Earditon in 1969 and some times a teacher from Boreatton would bring down some lads for tea on a Sunday for good behaviour , then they would go back to the school one I can remember was Dave Parr and his mate Willie does anyone know them. The teachers name was Mr carl Evans. thanks for reading .
Sent - on Friday, January 30, 2015 at 00:21:48
from: Tony Frame
subject: Phil Pyne
Just been back on the site after a while.... great to see lots of memories of Boreatton Park both good and bad being put up......would love to know if there is going to be another visit there..... Does anyone know or remember Jack Fenner or Tom Burton or Hoppy Hopkins
Sent - on Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 19:50:13
from: phil pyne
subject: mick attwood
i can remember you mick,you came at the tail end of my time, 59/60/61, know quite a few off the boys you knew, if you want to chat,call me on 01443 476711, if you dont get an answer in the day,you will catch me in the evenings. hope to hear from you phil pyne 105 leighton house
Sent - on Sunday, September 07, 2014 at 10:54:20
from: Michael Lawley
subject: comment
Iwas there 66 69 wak eman house time iwas there meet a friend from derby got permission to get his motor bike sent in so he could work on it he was in the macanic shop at the time when it got sorted we had some fun burning some tar up early hours morning round bashchurch whilst everybody was a sleep the dumbest thing we ever did was when we were in our last two grades forgot what they callied em when yeh hit them yeh was allmost on yeh way out you was able at weekends to go were you wanted with me liveing local wellington ketley we being my mate with the bike and another lad we started thumb ing alift got there trying to thumb alift back to the clink no joy so we nicked a car from wellington dumped it in bashchurch any way we got found out went to court forgot now what we got I think we ended up looseing are privileges for a long time ended up staying in same grade for a further 3 months any way I got discharged before my mate wi bike itold him iwould come see him at the school whitch I did do it was middle of 70sby that time he got in lumber again ended up geting 3 ,6 mounths detention centure got sent back to the school any way friend if you read this get in touch ive given yeh a noth hints who you think iam think bike think car mi names mick
Sent - on Thursday, August 21, 2014 at 21:32:24
from: Michael Lawley
subject: letter
I was at boreatton park in 1968 was there all most 3yrs iwas on the painting .decorating dept our boss was Jimmy Edwards, great bloke if he is still living he will be in his 90s by now. I also had other jobs working on local farms spud picking suede picking - best job I ever had on a farm was feeding the animals cleaning out the pig pens milking cows mending broken fenceing. Sometimes use to bottle feed young baby sheep, loved working with the cows and calfs - they all had tags with their names on took some time to get to know each one by name but I got there in the end. We use to have weeks away where we went camping - one time we went to snowdonia where you could catch a train to the top but we were the bad boys so we had to walk to the top a long the public foot path. We used to have weekend home leave sometimes a full week or fortnight depending on what job you was on ie painting building gardening forestry. The bloke in charge of you attended meeting every couple months to speak up for you then you started going up in grades, I forget know exactly what it was called been that long ago. When you got in your last to grades you was allowed to go out at weekends on your own which was ideal for me ass at the time used to live in telford, place called Ketley just out side Wellington town centre. Been back a few times just for a visit not to stay hehe went in early 80s building still standing went back in 2012 and I couldn't see any building or driveway leading up to the building. There was also an indoor swimming pool I all so went back in middle 90s and I can remember it was a holiday home sort of where you could send your kids for a break. They could stay as long as they wanted for a fee but there was a lot going on horse riding, other activities going on. I shall be taking another trip sometime early next year asking some of the local residents whatever happened to the school I can remember as you entered the drive way there was a great big wooden board saying boreatton park
Sent - on Thursday, August 21, 2014 at 09:44:49
from: Dave
subject: Looking
Trying to contact my old mate Ron Benfold class of 1960-62 who left The School and joined the army at Lichfield. Thanks Dave Class of 60-62
Sent - on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 18:43:46
from: mick attwood
subject: boreatatton
I was there in 61to 63 attwood53 can any one remember mr onions best member off staff,rememer big lad thay called him guy staff wear scared off him I can remember the jones boy that obsconded and a lot off the boys lad named stanly one off the big bullys was a bad time oof my life
Sent - on Monday, August 11, 2014 at 19:53:59
from: robbie
subject: BOREATTON
Keith, Ran into prob while researching Boreatton. According to the records Boreatton Park was in existence as far back as 1637 when, according to this, was born.! He married Frances Paget in Buckinghamshire and returned to Boreatton where later they had a daughter who they named Fracise. Can you shed any light on this ? We know Rowland built Boreatton in the 1800s ...but was there another building there on that site called Boreatton park?
Sent - on Sunday, August 10, 2014 at 18:41:32 Sorry, no further info on this other than what I have managed to collate on the pages.
from: royharris
subject: boreatton park
hi to all the old boreatton boys i was there 1959 1961 i was 111 harris leighton house i have been in contact with 3 of the old boys for 3 years now met up on this site by chance and we have met up and talk to them on sykpe regular. they are called Philip Pyne. Ciril Middleton. robbie Mccauly. Any more of the old Boreatton Boys out there get in touch.
Sent - on Thursday, August 07, 2014 at 19:14:02
from: emma
subject: when did Boratton Hall become a home?
Hi, just reading everyone's comments is strange. I was born in 1969 and lived in Boratton Hall for 2 years with my parents. Was anyone else living there then? We had an apartment on the 1st floor.
Sent - on Sunday, July 06, 2014 at 22:48:10
from: Rick
subject: Norman
I must not have been there at that time........Cant remember a "nurse pat" I was there in 67, I got there when Hogg was in charge then Sharmen took over whilst I was there. I spent about 18 months there. Sweaty hughes was the deputy head.
Sent - on Sunday, May 25, 2014 at 13:20:22
from: Norman
subject: Guess who
Can anyone remember who ran away with the nurse pat, I think the school just wanted the person out of the way, cause he got early release, I know his name but wont divulge, were still good mates. ???????
Sent - on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at 12:00:36
from: Rick
subject: Bratton
Hi guys, trying to keep this site alive...Anyone got anything to say.....Nothing new in my life, just same old same old. Retire in 2 years and Im sort of looking forward to it, but I think I will need some part time work. I have hobbies, but I dont think that will be enough for me. Anyway, come on guys, lets chat.
Sent - on Tuesday, May 06, 2014 at 09:05:12
from: Rick
subject: Bratton
Hi Kev. Sorry about the punches then...You are right about the violence, especially the staff. I think he was the hunt housemaster, smoked a pipe, he didnt like me, he used to use his saying, Have you ever seen lightening boy, then crack me. That used to happen about once a week. When first I got there a lad called swan used to crack me and take my canteen (sweets) off me. Yes you are right about Fig, he was from Colwyn bay, I dont know how true it is, but I heard that he was doing big time for killing someone!!!! But as I say, dont know if its true or not..If you want to contact me direct, I use the email Where abouts arre you in the UK? Im in Yorkshire. What job did you do at Bratton, I was on the farm. Keep in touch mate, Rick.
Sent - on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 21:10:39
from: Kevin
subject: Boreatton
Hi, rick, sorry about the gigs, I meant cigs(cigarettes) as for the beating, I was punched in the face a couple of times. To me it amounted to the same thing? But it's all water under the bridge now, I don't bear anyone any grudges. It could be a violent place at times, both by the boys and some staff. It makes you wonder how today's kids would stand up to it? I remember fig well he was a good bloke, I liked him. I think he came from Colwyn Bay. ...take care mate. Regards Kev.
Sent - on Monday, September 16, 2013 at 20:48:39
from: Rick
subject: Kevin
Hi Kev, yes you are right, my last name is Folit. I can remember trying to look tough and rolling our sleeves up high, dont know what you mean about tucking my "gigs" in (what are gigs?). Cant remember beating anyone up in the washroom. Im not saying you are wrong because at that stage of my life I thought I was hard etc and was a bit of a bully. I grew up quickly after a few good hidings by guys that were hard. I think I got away with it at Bratton because I was bigger than most. If I did beat you up, I apologise now, but truthfully, I cant remember. Are you sure I beat you up, or was I bullying. No excuse for either I know. Take care mate and keep in touch. Rick.
Sent - on Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 16:00:46
from: Kevin
subject: Boreatton
Hi, rick I think I remember you, I was there 67/69, didn't you used to lean on the radiator by the stage with fig? I think you and fig used to roll your shirt sleeves up high and tuck your gigs in them. Is your last name follet? Or am I mistaken if so I apologise. But I do remember you beating me up in the washroom before you left. You asked me who I was screwing(looking at). Hope your temper has mellowed with age. O by the way I was in hunt. But the years roll on mate. Regards, Kev
Sent - on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 21:46:22
from: kenneth hart
subject: boreatton park
I was there in 1963 anyone there at that time
Sent - on Sunday, September 08, 2013 at 15:04:27
from: norm
subject: rick [w]??
Hi rick, I was in hunt, the best house in the club, worked on the forestry side of things,remember perkins? who caught a rabbit by throwing his jacket over it, then asked mr howes if he wanted it.he did and we all got a fag each, that's before a bollocking off mr Williams once, me and perry went fishing in the pike/perch lake, caught an albino pike and put it the other lake stocked with carp,roach,rudd,tench, somehow I don't think Williams was that impressed, anyway the bloody carp must be huge by now, love to go back fishing again, see you later off sampling Guinness, all the best.
Sent - on Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 17:31:53
from: Paul Knight
subject: Boreatton Park
Hi all, - talk about a blast from the past. Reading the article and other "inmates" comments, jogged a few memory cells. I was there about 1966 I think, - I remember Dyche from Burton - Heinz from Liverpool (I think) and of course who could forget Mr Hogg, Dickie Davies or Mr. Mason. Wearing shorts, the only good thing about them was you got a tan - but nearly always draughty. Bullying was a problem, and I had my share of it. But looking back now, I suppose most boys at that age can be as***les. Learn from things an move on. I wish all the old boys well - from whatever year.
Sent - on Tuesday, July 09, 2013 at 04:55:18
from: Rick
subject: Bratton
Hi Norman, I was also there at roughly the same time. Was Lewy a black guy. I also remember Ted Livsey being a good table tennis player as well. What house was you in? I was in Wakeman. Where did you work? I was on the farm. My mate was Fig.
Sent - on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 21:35:16
from: norman payne
subject: any
I was there 1966-68, my mate was pete [spanner] spencer, has anyone seen him lately i would like to get in touch,I remember he escaped one time and ended up in nick thats the last time i saw him I wonder if you remember me i was the best table tennis player at the time and second best at cross country, i just couldnt beat [lewy] lewis at the time. got to to go now N payne
Sent - on Friday, June 21, 2013 at 11:36:45
from: Ray Barritt
subject: old boys
Hi Keith,thanks for the reply!It took awhile to get my brain into gear but i now have Yates first name as Harold-we used to call him "H",got out November 66.I can recall most of the other names you came up with-some more from the same year-Artless,Stuckey,Connor,Lewis brothers,Coney,White,Damon,to name just a few. Cheers for now Keith,stay well.
Sent - on Saturday, May 04, 2013 at 20:05:19
from: roy harris
subject: the old boys
hi to all the boreatton lads. iv not been on for a while. i was there 1959 till 1961. i am still in contact with 2 of the lads. philip pyne and cy middleton. we got back in contact with each other after 50 years it was good to get reunited after all them years.Thanks to the boreatton park site. Never no we just might get some more of the old boys getting intouch. By the way my name is roy harris 111 lighton house worked on the farm. Good luck to one and all.
Sent - on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 23:53:05
from: Ray Barritt 39
subject: old boys 66/67
Hi guys,just came across this fantastic web page!Now where to start.I got to Boreatton via Redbank in Jan 66-came down with a brummy pal who had the name of Yates(can't remember his first name)anyone help on this one?he was from Great Barr.I remember others who have contributed to the bulletin board-Danny Grew,Brian Dyche etc,and Danny! i sat along side of you when we watched the world cup final in the main hall.Anyone remember Hawkes,the coloured guy who worked in the kitchen,boy did he take some stick!Wasn't too bad for me,i was pretty good at sports(only thing that kept me sane)Bye for now lads,keep safe! P.S. great site Keith-will keep in touch.
Sent - on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 20:27:12Yates ? Was it Phil ? Some other names from the era - Mumby, Radcliffe, The Lurch (Davies 109), Mawhinney, Harper, Woolley, Bradley, Karlowkovsky. Peach, and yes 'Blackie' Hawkes, who was in my dorm— Keith
from: Dave
subject: Geoff Bolt
Are you the Geoff Bolt from Crewe that knocked around with Lefty Wright Montgomery,Hough,Ed Nelson
Sent - on Thursday, April 04, 2013 at 21:44:02
from: philip pyne
subject: tony frame
hia tony, i worked on the farm with ison,and hopkins,know all the boys you mentioned.devlin was a good mate of mine.if you want a chat phone me on 01443 476711,would like to hear from you.i am in touch with a few of the old boys,hope you can phone,the evening is the best time,or before 10.30 in the morning.if i dont hear from you, look after yourself, 105 pyne leighton house
Sent - on Wednesday, April 03, 2013 at 18:07:14
subject: 1963 - 1965
I was at this approve school between 1963 -1965. Does anyone remember me. Johnny kemp and Alan borthwick was both mates of mine. Does anyone remember fat jack the night watchman and Mr Davies bailiff and dickie Davies. Iv come across this feed through my grandson as I ain't got a clue about computers. I was asking if he could find any contact with johnny kemp. Has anyone got contact with him?? Heas l From longheaton Nottingham??? If anyone wants to contact me my number is 01204796213 bolton. Met a lad in the pub last year name Owen he recognise me by face.
Sent - on Monday, March 25, 2013 at 18:36:21Hi David - I remember Dickie Davies and his night patrol round the dorms ! Never there when wanted (-:... Keith
from: Tony Frame
subject: 1961-1963
I was here for about 18 months, I can remember Bob Ison, who worked on the farm, ??Hoppy Hopkins who worked on the farm, Tom Burton who was a painter, Jack Fenner a painter,??Salty a painter, I think the gaffer on the painting side was a Mr Edwards. There was ??Nelson, ??Bagley,??Brogan, ??Foo Foo on the forestry, ??Devlin on the farm, Sorry about the ?? but at 67 the brain is not at it's best lol
Sent - on Sunday, March 24, 2013 at 20:52:44
from: philip pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: ronald skillicorn
sad to hear of the passing of ronald skillicorn,who passed last week,he was in boreatton 59/60,worked on the farm with myself and roy harris and rob vickers,and a few more i could if you were there at any time,keep in contact with any of your butties that you can,as we dont live forever.
Sent - on Monday, December 03, 2012 at 16:50:36
from: martin watts
[Connecting IP:]
subject: mid 60s
i have read many of these comments and find that some people's memory are way of what i recal to be fair i was there about 67 sharman was the head guy i was in the engineering shop with i think a tutor called kerry cordingly who was ok first year went on a summer trip in the cairngorm mountains second year canoed down river wye while i was there i spent the last about 6 months working at i think it was gwilts garage in baschurch the only lad that i can remember was just known as H i would not call him a bully but it was good to have him as a friend certainly not the worst days of my life
Sent - on Sunday, December 02, 2012 at 22:50:43
from: keith wistow
[Connecting IP:]
subject: my time at boreatton park
I was there from about 1970-1972 I remember Ken Pearce very well he was a great teacher ... also I remember kelvin Williams if he still wants to get in touch
Sent - on Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 11:23:13
from: Jacko
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Corbett House Rules OK
Sorry i have not been in touch sooner Keith but i have been working away,sorry to hear about the assault have they caught them yet?what they going to do slap on the wrist and say dont do it again and send them hoilday SEND THEM DOWN any way back to your question i was at borreanton from 69 to 71 having been sent back, any way you knew were you stood with mr muller he was strict but fair i remember going to the kitchen at break times to fetch his canteen of tea and he always left some in so i could have a drink as well,not many of the staff would do that i know mr carr (LUMP) the builder would throw it over you than give you a drink i cant remember the member of staff who used to take us the pictures and the theater but he always brougth us a drink he worked on the gardens i think any road get well soon Keith i shall be in touch soon Jacko.
Sent - on Thursday, November 08, 2012 at 18:25:22
from: timothy mulrennan
[Connecting IP:]
subject: "bratton" as we used to call it
hi guys, yea I was there for about 18 months, came from Forhill house in Brum. sounds as though nobody from my era has gotten on to this site yet. round about 72ish for me. when things were calming down abit not so much violence occurring. some of the guys I became friends with had been there a while and told me bout the past. The older staff members found it difficult to change their ways.
Sent - on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 13:20:33
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
This is Robbie bowing out. Take care and have a good Christmas......Robbie gone
Sent - on Friday, October 19, 2012 at 17:49:20
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Keith
Thanks for taking the time to answer and explain Keith. appreciated.
Sent - on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 16:52:55
from: roy harris
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1959/60/61 boreatton lads
hi to the old lads im 111harris leyton house. i was there 3 weeks ago with 3 of the old lads. we were treated well and given a tour round. well worth the visit thats if they will let us let us back with the comment robbie wrote. it was a load of lies what he he wrote. im sorry robbie but you were out order with the comments you wrote robbie. 111 harris leyton house.
Sent - on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 22:58:17
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Just want to send best wishes to Keith Harris who as just had eye surgery after an assault. Get well Keith...and next time carry a bloody great stick !
Sent - on Monday, October 15, 2012 at 12:02:42
from: Jacko
[Connecting IP:]
subject: corbett house
What have they done to the old place such a shame yes we broke the law and got i sentanced 3 years but you learned a trade while you were there i was in the carpenters shop with Geroge Muiller i made all the new wooden beds, the old cast iron beds were murder remeber when they fixed the beds i jumped on mine one night and collasped on me ihave still got the scar today ,oh happy days iwas in corbett house if i remember right there was Steve Barry,Steve House ,me,Simmy & black Jacko were from wolverhampton when me & Simmy got up to senior level and on a saturday when Wolves were at home we went home got back one night and at to walk back from the station did we have a bo******* the next day, i never knew Sharman could shout so loud, any way should bring these exstablishments back perhaps these so called hard kids of today who go around killing with knives & guns would be brought back down to earth ,what a waste of lives no deterant no respect, thsnks for lisening keep up the good work all the best Jack.
Sent - on Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 15:31:02
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: messages
Hi everyone. Does anyone know why some of the messages disappear? Twice now in the last couple of years my messages have gone a walk about and not come back.
Sent - on Sunday, October 07, 2012 at 10:11:53Hi Rick, once this was a result of a hack and I had to use an incomplete back up - the recent loss was when the page was accidentally updated by an earlier copy of the page. Keith
from: philip pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: geoff bolt
geoff , you can email me at if you like
Sent - on Thursday, October 04, 2012 at 18:22:36
from: philip pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: geoff bolt
hia geoff, i can remember you at boreatton,i also worked on the farm with dicky davies, and dixie dean, i was friendly with ison,and have a few photos of all the boys that was there at our time,if you want to get in touch,phone me on 01443 476711 any time,but i am in the house most week nights,will send you the photos if you give me a postal address,we returned to the school 2 weeks ago after over 50 years, myself,roy harris (who also worked on the farm) cy middleton,robbie macauley,have also been in touch with a few more of the boys, would like to hear from you,to chat over the old times,if you want to that is.hope your in good health 105 phil pyne.
Sent - on Thursday, October 04, 2012 at 18:12:51
from: Geoffrey Bolt
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Old Boy
Geoff Bolt here,i was at Boreatton in 1960,remembering the masters Norman Hogg headmaster;"sweaty Hughes games master.I played in goal for the first team for 2 seasons.Remember old boys Eison,Inskip,Wally Walters.I worked on the farm.Rememeber going to church on sundays singing--1 man went to mow,1 man and his dog spot,bottle of pop,sausage roll,old mother riley had a cow and they went to mow a meadow.Remembering meat paste sarnies and milk at night in the main hall.Dreading the boxing ring coming out in the autumn.Gopod times or what?
Sent - on Tuesday, October 02, 2012 at 16:31:19
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Hey Keith, are you still out there with Newsmedia ? As you have probably already read the item below you will know that we met up at Boreatton last Wednesday but, although we were treated exceptionally well by the staff there, there were certain issues which I found a little disturbing. I need to talk to you about these issues and get your imput as to their relevance with a view to health and safety at the site. There is also the question of moral standards
Sent - on Friday, September 28, 2012 at 08:03:47
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
Just got home after a visit to Boreatton Park where four of us 'old' boys had a reunion. Cy,phil,Roy and I would like to express our gratitude to Chris and his staff...esp Kevin and Emily...for treating us so well. They made the day a memorable one for us. Going back to Boreatton is always a bit un-nerving given the experiances we endured whist there during 1958-1961..and I for one dont mind admitting that I was a little apprehensive when I first arrived there today but the flocks of happy,noisy children everywhere gave the place a more acceptable and friendly atmosphere and far from the Boreatton that I remember. Obviously there are a lot of drastic changes to the grounds and the house its-self (the interior colour scheme made me wince with pain....but, when you consider that it was done for the benefit of the children-who love bright colours- then it does make sense. After all, it does have to appeal to them and not four old fossils from back in the pre-historic days of cream and green with the odd slash of terractta.! Sadly, some misguided individual had seen fit to flattene my lovely gardens...gardens that I had literally sweated blood for, and stuck this club-house 'thing'up there where my potting shed once stood- which was a blow to my ego..but, at least, they did have the grace to leave a few of the original apple-trees in place. So, thanks for that PGL. The staff there; although on the young side, seemrd genuinely dedicated to their jobs and to the children and are both helpful and polite...unlike the staff who hoovered like a bunch of cane swishing harpies prepared to unleash untold hell and damnation on anyone crazy enough to step out of line...which was just about every boy there..guilty of not.! All in all it was a great day for us 'crinklys' and given that we had not seen each other in over 50 years, it was pretty emotional, I can tell you. SO, THANK YOU CHRIS AND PGL for making that possible. It was truely appreciated.
Sent - on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 22:47:32
from: ronald skillicorn
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1959 to1961
as far as i am concerned the only good master there was mr muller
Sent - on Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 12:46:35
from: philip pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: christmas
i would like to wish all the old boys of boreatton a very merry xmas, and all the best for the new year 105 pyne
Sent - on Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 10:10:42
from: philip pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: old boys
me and cyril had a good day yesterday we met up with terry mcgann in maesteg,first meet in over 50 years,and he hasnt changed a lot over the was nice to talk about the old days,andthe old boys ,the ones we could remember that is. but the hunt is still on for a few more,so if your an old boy,get in touch with this site,and give us a bell,all welcome 105 pyne leighton
Sent - on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 09:15:17
from: philip pyne 105 leighton
[Connecting IP:]
subject: old boys
well ,after many years searching we have got in touch with one of the old boys from 58/59/60,TERRY Mc GANN, and it looks like a trip to maesteg tomorrow to see him,when i say we, that is myself,cyril middleton and ray diplock,its well over 50 years since we last met,so there is hope for any of you old boys looking for your mates from boreatton,because we have been in contact with quite a few from our time,and its a good feeling,there has been a few who dont want to remember the place,but i will say it has been an keep looking, because your not getting any younger,and good luck in your search,if anyone wants a chat,phone me on 01443 476711
Sent - on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 07:54:21
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: answer
Hi Jack, Forget the visit ! Since PLG took over its impossible to look around. I managed it once some time ago but now its out of the question. Probably dont want outsiders finding out too much about what goes down there. I was at Boreatton from 1958-1961....when Boreatton WAS Boreatton and not the kindergarten it became later. Sadly PLG as butchered the place and appeares to employ a bunch of teenages to run the least thats what I saw. SAD. It no longer as any charisma...just there to make easy money.
Sent - on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 10:09:35
from: Jack
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Corbett House 70/72
Any old lads out there from Wolverhampton?
Sent - on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 18:48:44
from: arthur meadows
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton
I was riding past Shrewsbury the other day and thought i,d have a ride up to the old place. i could,nt believe the change but the memories soon came back.If any one knows if its possible to have a look round i would love to know.I remember the pecking order on the tables in the dining room, when you nearly always came out hungry.Names like Whirly,Dimp,Burford,Jack heinz soon came to mind.i was dying to go in but it was late.So hopefully go back again soon.58 meadows wakeman.
Sent - on Wednesday, September 07, 2011 at 06:53:50
from: Jack
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park School
I attended Late 60`s early 70`s and in the woodwork shop with Mr George Muller where i learnt my trade,good days and some bad days,but i only remember the good days i did live in W`ton at the time but i have been all over the place with my trade and now live in Cradley Heath coming up to retirment i would like to get in touch with some of the old lads if possible waiting on your reply Many thanks Jack.
Sent - on Sunday, September 04, 2011 at 18:41:20
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1960s
Phil yes i was at boreaton park in the sixties along with micky thomas from near Walsall and a lad called Bird who drew the church at Baschurch for a christmas card. I was there when the roof was put on the swimming pool so if any one remembers that i would like too hear from them
Sent - on Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 12:47:16
[Connecting IP:]
subject: brian dyche
brian have tried to email you,but messages have me on 01443 476711
Sent - on Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 13:10:19
[Connecting IP:]
subject: rick
no rick we havent absconded, we are all on skype its a very handy tool. are you still in touch with arty meadows.look after yourself,keep in touch 105 pyne
Sent - on Sunday, May 15, 2011 at 19:30:14
from: philip pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: donald hindley
donald, you must have been at boreatton after 61.ihave just had a visit off one of the old boys from manchester(111 harris )he was in leighton house,there are four of us all from the same time at the park.and we keep in touch on skype,as well as visiting each other.if you click on the photos,we are there.myself and cyril even made a return trip to the park last year.the first in 50 good and look after yourself ,keepin touch via this page if you like 105 pyne
Sent - on Sunday, May 15, 2011 at 19:17:32
from: donald hindley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: approve school
Iam 65 next month June2011 and was at boreaton park when i was sixteen until i was eighteen. My house master was mr mason aka STUMPY and the person in charge was called head master his name was HOGG and his wife was matron. My job was on building site which supposed to prepare you for the outside world and stumpy mason was in charge of building , and was also an army cadet which was run by basil the bull
Sent - on Sunday, May 08, 2011 at 20:22:24
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: anyone there
Hi, has everyone absconded??? Missing reading the clips.
Sent - on Friday, April 22, 2011 at 09:08:56
[Connecting IP:]
subject: old boys
merry xmas and a happy new year to all old boreatton boys,and thank you keith for all you have done for this page, i am still in contact with a few of the old boys from 59/6o/61
Sent - on Friday, December 10, 2010 at 11:13:00
from: shaun duckmanton (ducko)
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park 74/76
i was there 74/76 wheres terry and wendy gray like me mum n dad them two . rob mullis nutter .max sharmen never all there , dave gooding what a laugh .good times would not change them for the world any one remember me ducko . take care ex boys . need to contact craig westwood you old dog you still alive?
contact me at or 07854454202 let the old times roll
Sent - on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 21:11:38
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: the park
SCHOOL MASTERS 1959-1961 Mr Hogg. Headmaster (Toddy-Nonky) Mr Skermer. Deputy head-master Mr Basnett. Treasurer (The Bull) Mr Clark. General staff Mr Bell. boxing and general staff.(Big Frank) Mr Hitchcock. English teacher Mr Harris. Engineer and boilers (Jet) Mr Muller. Carpentry. Mr Metcalf. Gardens Mr Dean. Farm Mr Burgess. General staff (Docker) Mr Howe. Forestry Mr Fielding. Fishing class and general staff Mr Kersley. General staff Mr Heyworth. Teacher Mrs Skermer. Surgery and Cleaning Mrs Hogg. Surgery and Cleaning 3 Sewingroom ladies Cook Did I miss any-one?
Sent - on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 07:22:40Mr Brown - gardens - or did he arrive later ? — Keith
from: 105 pyne leighton house
[Connecting IP:]
subject: jones 8
well dave, just back from weekend in oldham,i did manage to get around to meeting one of the old boys,111 roy harris,leighton house 59,60, is always nice to meet an old boreatton boy,no matter what year they were there.we also had a lad called salt ( james} he was from stoke,and he worked in the kitchen.he is in our photo slides from the isle of man .anyhow keep in touch,feel free to phone me at any time,you,or any other boreatton boy,my phone number is 01443 476711 look after yourselves boys we aint getting any younger phil pyne 105
Sent - on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 19:25:48
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1966
Think it was 66 I was there. Not too sure,I was there as "Hog" left, then "Sharmen" took over and we where allowed to smoke. I remember Stone (Corbet) One of his sayings was "have you ever seen lightening boy"
Sent - on Monday, September 06, 2010 at 09:22:37
from: dave jones
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park
hi brian i do remember you did you work in the kitchens with james salt the stoke lad you are right about paul daffern he was a grand lad i think old mr stone him with the pipe was in charge of corbett house back then great to hear from you we will have to go back there one day ill keep in touch
Sent - on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 18:45:02
from: brian dyche
[Connecting IP:]
subject: jones 8
i remember jones 8 from when i was there he woked for jetty harrison with another lad called daffern my number was 46 i was in hunt house. if any of the lads are thinking of meeting up there anytime i would be interested in coming along. i am a regular visiter to north wales (colwyn bay inc)and would like to meet jones 8 some time rgds brian
Sent - on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 15:44:56
from: philip pyne 105
[Connecting IP:]
subject: jones 8 corbett house
dave this is quite a good site,since i have been on it i have been in contact with a few boys i have not seen for over 50 years.i have even had a visit from one of the boys[106 terry derek]who lives in the isle of wight . cyril middleton and myself even visited the park last year.we are some of the older boys,we were there in 58/59/60.we still keep in touch.i hope you get to meet a few from your era,will keep in touch 105 pyne
Sent - on Sunday, August 15, 2010 at 19:26:53
from: dave jones
[Connecting IP:]
hello lads stumbled across this site gave me a bloody fright i was there 66 to 68 i was jones 8 in corbett house iworked on the engineering for the old guy mr harrisson doing the boilers etc ilive in colwyn bay now
Sent - on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 20:01:11
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Hi Roy, Robbie here.(Boreatton 1958-1961 No66. Wakeman) You say you have some photos of the huts at Church stretton and the Long Mynd. Any chance you can e-mail copies to me at ? Many thanks.
Sent - on Friday, June 25, 2010 at 10:55:01
from: phil pyne 105
[Connecting IP:]
subject: k h
welcome back keith you have had us all wondering keep up the good work. lets hope we can get a few more of the old boys on line pp
Sent - on Monday, June 14, 2010 at 17:34:56
from: roy harris
[Connecting IP:]
subject: phill and cyril
i lads sorry not got back earlier.i do remember you cyrill i was 111 leighton. thanks again phill for those photoes just been looking at some i have. a great one of williams vickers stanley brown and myself a group sat on the top of the long mynd. and the huts were we stayed at church stetton. if i remember we had a quite a number of cigarets to smoke cant remember who managed to bring them in one night but all had a good smoke. still thats a long time ago. hope we can all keep intouch speak to you soon.111 roy harris.
Sent - on Wednesday, June 09, 2010 at 22:38:55
from: Keith Harris
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Back behind the keys
Hi folks - saw a comment further down asking where I might be - well, I been there and now I be back. Good to see you keeping the blog alive. Rgds to all Keith
Sent - on Tuesday, June 01, 2010 at 00:34:11
from: cyril middleton
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Tony Rawlins.
Hi,to all the Boreatton lads,Norman Goodwin and Roy Harris great to here from you after all this time and hope that now your here, you here to stay. You did not say which house you were in,i was Wakeman 85 then later Corbett 5. Tony where the hell are you? tryed your email and nothing. The last time we spoke you were asking me to get on skype, myself Robbie and Phill have been on for five monthes. New email All the best to all the Boreatton lads,take care. Cy
Sent - on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 14:57:19
from: phil pyne 105
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 111 roy harris
you are right roy,i am in that photo either phone me or leave me your phone number, because it takes me ages to type with one finger,im only a novice on this laptop.everything is fine in this neck of the woods.hope its the same with you dont me anytime,am waiting for your call 105 pyne
Sent - on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 15:14:27
from: royharris 111
[Connecting IP:]
subject: phill pyne
i phill nice to here from you after all these years.did,t think the lads would remember.or just wanted to forget the past.iv read some of the stories from the lads and they not wrong. iv got a couple of photoes 1 with the lads with there boxin gloves in the gym im sure your in the photoe.will keep in touch.roy
Sent - on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 21:03:38
from: philip pyne 105
[Connecting IP:]
subject: roy harris 111
roy iremember you well,rob vickers was my mate during my time at boreatton.i have quite afew photos of the boys of our era i am still in regular contact with three of stanly and david angus devlin were also good mates of mine but try as i may i cannot get any idea where they are must be the harris i phone number is 01443 476711 i would appreciate a phone call, please keep in touch 105 pyne
Sent - on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 17:38:59
from: roy harris 111
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1959 1960 old timers
hire to all the oldies pyne devlin stanley vickers aspenal fenwick broom cavell just a few i remember i was sorry t hear about vickers.he was just 1 of the good guys. i went to church streaton with the number was 111 never forget it. niether old hog the frog.can still see myself in the line ups think there were 4.i was 1 of the lads what got bullied off fenwick till 1 morning he came into the toilets and kick hell out of him.he never botherd me again or said i want that off your plate.i will keep intouch maybe some one will remember.good luck to all you guys.
Sent - on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 15:47:48
from: Robbie M
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Hi Norman. Your right, a lot of the work was the 'forced-labour' type. I worked on the gardens from 1958-1961 and coming from a city enviroment, it taught me a fact I still have a great passion for gardening. I just wish that someone would put the local historian (Y. Brown) correct. She is under the misguided impression that Norman Hogg was a 'fair' man and not the sadistic, whisky drinking, chain smoker who beat the hell out of the boys with a cane for the least thing and then sent them to have a cold shower to wash away the blood. When I visited Ruyton many years later I was told that Norman and his wife had retired there and were well respected in the community. People were shocked when I told them what he was really like..a bitter man who hired out the boys to work the local farms in all weather dressed only in short khaki pants and boots. And what about the huge yacht he had built for himself in the carpentry shop? Who paid for that? The boys work????? I have read so much nonesense about Boreatton Park during those days..written by people who where never there. Truth is IT WAS HARSH but I cant say it did me any the contrary. Its the abortion that PGL turned it into that angers me. What I want to know is just how they managed to buy the whole estate for such a pitance. Anyway, Norman stay in touch. There are still a few old lads on this site
Sent - on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 00:31:04
from: Norman Goodwin
[Connecting IP:]
subject: My years at boreatton park school 1953 to 55
My time at boreatton began sent fromm redbank in Feb 1953,the sports ground you speak of was a product of forced labour the age group involved 11 to 16, rock and bracken by the ton moved and drainage laid in all the way down to the Perry,blood dripped from many boys hands,a remorseless period the minimal school classes,shut to provide maximum labour,boys were loaned out to local farmers working without any kind of pay,On the plus side we became good athletes on our own built running track. I also became a sergent in the KSLI army cadets I also became school captain, I have a similar back ground to yourself allthough I believe the age range went up to senior leval after I went home, my phone number is Brummy 0121 3234968 best wishes N goodwin 15 03 2010.
Sent - on Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 22:23:25
from: Robbie M
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Keith Harris
Does anyone know whats happened to Keith Harris who started this web site? Let me know via my Thanks
Sent - on Saturday, February 20, 2010 at 11:31:20
from: 106 pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton boys 58-59 -60
sorry to hear of the passing away of robert leslie vickers of crewe,cheshire.he was a good friend of mine while there. my sympathy goes out to his wife jean,and the family.he is someone that i will never forget,
Sent - on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 20:43:22
from: arthur meadows
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Rick
Rick sorry you,re not getting my emails i can,t understand why, ive received yours and replied, iwill try again mate.
Sent - on Monday, February 08, 2010 at 15:23:59
from: steve h
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park 80s staff
i lived at BP in the early 80s and saw,felt and heard things there that i won't put on here,if anyone wants to know then just email me,i was senior rifle instructor there,and i lived there all year round for about 3 or 4 yrs, my email is steve h or geordie steve, take care.
Sent - on Tuesday, February 02, 2010 at 12:24:25
from: steve h
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park 80s staff
hello to all ex bp staff
Sent - on Tuesday, February 02, 2010 at 12:18:36
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Do any of you old boys have any photographs of Boreatton or the local area? If so please contact me at:
Sent - on Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 15:12:02
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Arthur
Arthur, I emailed you a couple of months ago, in answer to yours, but no reply as of yet! I will resend it again today. Cheers, Rick.....
Sent - on Monday, January 04, 2010 at 15:58:27
from: arthur meadows
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Phil Pyne and Boreatton old boys
Deffinately 67to68 i was there phil.Ted lyvesey came from colwyn bay a good swimmer.Barry Churms was a good mate and a lot i do,nt recall.Does anyone remember the rash we used to get either side the goolies,i think it must have been from the washing powder on the khaki shorts everyone got it.i remember trying to make shorts and socks meet while pulling nettles on the farm.If anyone feels like a chat my e mail is New Year to you all.
Sent - on Sunday, January 03, 2010 at 12:03:25
from: 105 pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: dave the 60,tsd
dave, dont know your last name,but you must have been there the same time as myself, if tou look at the photos you will probably see someone you recognize. iff you want to make contact my home phone is 01443 476711 would like to heare from you or any of the old boys, if not a merry christmas and a happy new to all ex boreatton boys 105 philip pyne
Sent - on Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 18:00:39
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton lads
Sent - on Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 18:29:59
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Ted Livsey
Hi Phil. Must have been 2 Ted Livseys (think from Manchester way), as he was there when I was and I was in about 66/67
Sent - on Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 12:21:33
from: phil pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: arthur meadows
arthur are you sure about the date you were at boreatton because ted lyvsey was there in 59 along with myself,cy midleton and robbie macauley
Sent - on Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 11:04:44
from: dave
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1960's
from 1960 Ron Benfold,David Plamer,Leftie Wright,and Lee Mongomery both (Derby)Ed Nelson where are you,But Redfern was a bully
Sent - on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 19:54:11
from: arthur meadows
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park 1967ish to 68
i spent 12 months at boreatton and ended up quite enjoying it.I was sent there with my best mate Mick Herbert and became good mates with kevin miles,dave walker,roger ireland.Other names the lewis bros paul swan ted lyvsey.i kept in touch with dave walker but lost his adress.i was in wakeman 58 i think.i played for the football team Jed stone was the bloke that used to take us to matches i think.Would dearly love to hear from some old mates to reminise.
Sent - on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 07:22:22
from: Terry Derrick-106-Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Frank Bell (Dinger)
Frank Bell was our boxing coach. I was at the school May 1958 to June 1959. He was heavy handed, sometimes he would make you get in the ring with him and he'd promise not to hit you (but he lied). It was all in good fun. His nose was broken, it was nearly flat, he used to take us once a week in class to write a letter home to our families but we used to get him to talk about boxing so we didn't do much schooling. All in all i found him one of the best there. Terry
Sent - on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 10:51:01
from: Terry Derrick-106-Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Frank Bell (Dinger)
Sent - on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 10:43:34
from: Terry Derrick-106-Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
Hi. Oh ok thank you so much cyril. I will let my dad know, i'm in egypt and he's in England so when i get back in about a week, hopefully, he can see the photo's. I did tell him about the replies and photo's and he is so happy and excited to see them all and he does say hi alot :)... and of course it would be nice to contact over the e-mail. Please, keep in touch. Thank you Terry's daughter hehe p.s the trip sounds very exciting... :)
Sent - on Wednesday, August 05, 2009 at 14:56:47
from: cyril middleton
[Connecting IP:]
subject: terry derrick
Hiya Terry,Great to here from you again,the photo,s are on the main page just scroll down and press start and your of.Phillip Pyne came over to see me about four weeks ago, and Robbie Macauly two weeks before that,it was really great to see them again and i know we will all meet up again soon as we are planing a trip up to Boreatton,cant wait to see the old place again and to take as many pic,s as i can.Terry you can contact me at All for now Cy.
Sent - on Tuesday, August 04, 2009 at 19:21:05
from: Terry Derrick-106-Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
Thank you so much to you all for contacting's so nice to hear from you all.. i was just wondering which picture am i in, is it on this site?? i would love to see them... thank you please keep in touch...sorry it's been so long for me to get back to you all. Terry
Sent - on Monday, August 03, 2009 at 14:59:51
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Still no word from Keith!!!
"still no word from Keith, It doesnt look good" ?????? Am I missing something or just being nosey??.....Rick
Sent - on Monday, August 03, 2009 at 11:56:24
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
Cy, still no word from Keith. It does'nt look good.
Sent - on Sunday, July 26, 2009 at 08:42:20
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Cy
Stop messing about. YOU ARE BACK ON!!!!!!Now contact Phil and Co and sort out when we can meet at the Park....Hi, Joan...woff woff to Todd
Sent - on Wednesday, July 01, 2009 at 10:59:
[Connecting IP:]
subject: FRANK BELL
FAO Lynette, Please contact me on Boreatton newsmedia. I have a lot of information about your father. Kind regards, and look forward to hearing from yourself. Cyril. Sent - on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 12:25:06
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Frank Bell.
I think, I may be wrong, but is this the same person who worked at either Stoke heath borstal or Onley recall centre,(memory isnt good) If it is, he was in charge of the workshop that made chip baskets, to put in chip pans... He was a good guy and you should be proud of him.
Sent - on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 12:02:53
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Frank Bell
Hello Lynette, Yes I remember your father very well and unlike most of the masters he really was a gentleman. I first meet him at Redbank Classifying school near Warrington in 1957-58 and, some months after I was sent to Boreatton Park, he turned up there. Actually he was a general master but he also took the boxing class. He told me about Tommy Farr (the battle of the giants) A great guy and he was well liked and respected. I have been asked by Cy Middleton to give you is e-mail address because of all the lads there he was very close to your dad. My e-mail address is If you contact me on that I can give you Cy's address. You must be really proud to be the daughter of Frank...who was born in Barnoldswick Lancs and If you have any photos or can tell me what became of him I would be grateful. Robbie M
Sent - on Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 18:48:58
from: Lynette Owen
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park
My Father Frank Bell a Boxer was a master at The Park when i was a toddler. We lived in Triona a house in the ground with my Mum baby sister & two other sisters. It was about 1960. I cannot recall it in my memory but we visited Baschurch recently as i am doing my family tree, does anyone remember my Dad he knocked out Tommy Farr and i think he was a PE master, thanks Lynette
Sent - on Saturday, June 27, 2009 at 09:59:17
from: 105 Pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: PhotosI
Cyril, Have Found Some More Photos, Will Bring Them Over First Chance I Get ,Look Forward To Seeing You
Sent - on Tuesday, June 09, 2009 at 19:26:21
from: 105 Pyne Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
subject: The Old Boys
Terry 106 Derek Rest Your Mind At Peace, The Last I Heard Of Terry McGann He Was Alive And Kicking And Still Living In Portalbot.
Sent - on Monday, June 08, 2009 at 17:28:04
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Picture 9
In picture 9, is that bully boy sweaty hughes scurrying off to the right. I would dearly love to meet that individual now.
Sent - on Sunday, June 07, 2009 at 18:37:28
from: 105 Pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: PhotosI
Iff You Look At Picture no 6 Terry Derrek Is The Tall One On The Right. The Boy On The Left Is Salt From Stoke
Sent - on Sunday, June 07, 2009 at 14:50:03
from: 105 Philip Pyne Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
subject: The Old Boys
Robbie Cyril Terry I Have Also Been In Contact With Bob Vickers From Crewe. Thats The Lad On The Boat. Would Like To Here From The Long One [ Terry Derek] Again. Terry My Phone Number Is 01443 476711 Feel Free To Phone Anytime. It Would Be Great If We Could All Get Together For Old Times Sake
Sent - on Sunday, June 07, 2009 at 12:59:06
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Andy..regarding your request for info. Contact me on
Sent - on Tuesday, June 02, 2009 at 16:56:53
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton
Hey Cy, That film we watched as cadets in the Church Stretton camp was THE BLACK SHEILD OF FALWORTH.The camp as long since gone and was first replaced by a lorry depot and then an all-night garage....where I still top-up when going fishing on the river Teme. Now you can get on fixing that guitar!!!!!
Sent - on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 12:42:29
from: Robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Lizard
Hi Danny, Just wondering if the Lizard you refer to is in fact Mr Skermer..who later became the deputy head under Norman Hogg. What year was you there? I arrived around July-August 1959 and remained there until 1961. I was in Wakeman and worked on the gardens. You must have been there before these dates (?)
Sent - on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 12:30:29The Lizard arrived at the Park in 1965 or 66 - and for a time was one of the most paranoid people on the planet! Keith
from: Danny J Grew (78)
[Connecting IP:]
subject: World Cup Magic
Hi Keith nice of you to remember me, yes Lizard was not so bad towards me after that incident. And he managed to get around five of us a GCE in Art and I was one of them. Sadly I lost the certificate. My number stamped on my brown leather belt was 78 I had to be up earlier than the other boys I worked in the kitchen and had to clean the staff facilities, toilets and rest rooms. And it was a woman that supervised me, a evil bitch that used to stand on my fingers when drying off the floors after mopping. All the brass and copper piping had to be gleaming after polishing them with Duraglit or Brasso. She took delight in regulary kicking over the mop bucket and spilling all the dirty contents. I lost a lot of stars in the points system because of her. Remember the points chart hung up every month, in the little window on our parade ground. You could earn up to three stars a month, and if you were lucky enough to achieve that, you could be home after 3 months. I did extra time there, I did not conform to being good at sports, Hogg loved the competition of local schools be it cross country running, cricket, football and he hated losing. I hated authority and was crap on purpose, and was of course punished by the bully boys missing out on priveliges and the staff. If you was good at football etc, the sun shone out of your arse and you could get away with many things. I was a Painter and also had to collect the dirty laundry, sheets, towels and socks, had to sit on the floor of the tailoring room and darn the socks then distribute all the clean laundry. But there was always one room that scared the shit out of me upstairs at the end of one of those long corridors I never saw anything but always felt uneasy. On entering to collect or return bedding in there,while all the lads were on parade or going about their daily jobs, the windows were always massed with thousands of flies. I just wanted to be out of there as quickly as possible. Best memory at Boreatton was when we were all allowed to watch the 1966 World Cup Final in the main hall. when the commentator said "There are people on the pitch, they think it's all over....Hurst scores again...the fourth and that beautiful surreal moment when he said "It is now" the hall erupted and teachers and the lads were hugging and jumping for joy. Time went in slow motion and for that brief wonderful moment, we became as one, no bullies, no teachers just one happy crowd, a magical moment for those that shared it and one that would always be etched on their memories when remembering Boreatton. Can I add a couple of photo's to this site Keith, great job by the way.
Sent - on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 02:02:48
from: brian dyche
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park
hi danny and keith firstly keith ithink that any thing that helps the old boys of boreatton stay in touch has my vote,i found it quite by accident and was amazed that any one could be bothered to take the time especialy after the treatment we were dished good on you keith for your time and effort in making it all possible. i remember some incedent that happened with the lizzard he did not like me. iwas one of the boys who was not liked by a lot of the staff and was destind to do the full 18 months which is what i did i also went to redbank classifying school the main man there was a skinny man with glasses called miles and the deputy head was mr churchward mr miles could cane hard about cut me in half i remember you doing the printing to istill carry a svere neck injury that i got there and have had it all my lifewhen it happened i reported to sick bay and was given the usual asprin by stumpy masons wife and mrs hogg. i later found out i should have been in hospital.the injury in the last few years has caused me to retire early from my own buisness and now recieve a pension.keep in touch and danny if you want to meet up sometime or any of the other lads no probs
Sent - on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 06:30:02For those who may remember Mr Miles at Redbank - he was the inspiration for the Pink Floyd lyrics "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?" on Another Brick In The Wall. Redbank veterans will recall Miles as he prowled the dining room only to stop, extend an arm towards a table and in a clipped voice shout: "Any more!" - meaning the boys on that table could get second helpings if they wished. - Keith [Leighton 110].
from: Daniel J Grew
[Connecting IP:]
subject: The scars run deep
Hi Brian Wish I could say that I remember you, all I see are the faces of the people who abused and tortured some of us. And that abuse started long before we arrived at Hell House, and I pray those sadistic bastards got it back tenfold. Do you remember the new member of staff Lizard, he got his name from our group, he took us through our art exams. First day we had him he singled me out, in the line up ready to go in, one of the bully boys gave a hard pinch to the top of my leg causing me to utter something. Next minute Lizard had his hands around my throat and started choking me. You may remember the incident if you were there, I blacked out and woke up in his classroom he was a very scared man at the time. He got his name by the way he always flicked his tongue in and out, remember, and we said he was like a lizard and the name stuck. I went to Redbank also before being took to Boreatton at that time a girl was there segregated of coarse, she had strangled one of her younger brothers. The cook there beat me up badly so I escaped, jumped on the back of a coal train from a low bridge and I was caught in Wales. Brought back to Redbank and again had the birch and cold shower treatment. Do you remember Terry Grundy he was a mate of mine while I was there, he to was a Painter. We met up a few times after our release, but because of how some of us were treated he became a alcoholic and was always in trouble for fighting. He hung himself in his forties from a tree in the Garden of Rest behind St Matthews Church Walsall. I had spoken with him the day before and he told me he could not hack it anymore but I did not realise what pain and trauma he was going through. His death was recorded in the Walsall Express and Star for those who wish to check, and it was down to the scum who took pleasure in daily abuse and bullying. It took a very long time for me to trust anyone again. Hope you came out unscathed Brian and had a good life. Keep in touch
Sent - on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 17:13:24Hi Danny - I recall the occasion the Lizard grabbed you. I would have been in the classes with you. Thankfully the Lizard mellowed out - I got to speak with him alone as he was in charge of my working the pedal printwheel to make the Boreatton letterheads. He was actually quite a decent bloke but as you say, was scared to death when he first arrived. The Park in those days was truly a microcosm of the realities of human interaction throughout the world. I was saddened to read of Terry Grundy‘s lonely end. I knew him there too. Keith.
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton
When I was there the canoes were kept in a metal rack down by the 'top' lake. As for 'gliders'...I think some-one has been watching too much Colditz! I ran off the same night I arrived with Alan Percy. It was about 1.oclock in the morning and we thought the best way north was to follow the railway line. It was very dark and we kept tripping on the sleepers. Suddenly, far in the distance, we saw a bright light coming towards us.We thought it was the police but were too scared to leave the tracks because we could'nt see what was down the sides. So we just stood there like a pair of rabbits..waiting as the light got closer and brighter.It was almost on us when we realised what it was. We leapt off the line just in time as an old steam train thundered past. It was the huge light on its front that we had seen. We were caught in Oswestry a few hours later and hammered by Norman Hogg when we returned to the school. The place may have bad memories for a lot of young lads..and I know it could be rough at times with the masters being as vicious as the lads but, even though I was beaten to a pulp every other day, I still developed a passion for the place that is as strong today as it was 50 years ago.It toughened me up and taught me many a lesson. (note for Keith. Has Cy Middleton sent you any photos of THE LADS and THE SCHOOL ??)
Sent - on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 10:25:38
—Not yet Robbie but we've been in touch and they were mentioned = Keith
from: brian dyche
[Connecting IP:]
subject: borreaton park
looking at the comments by danny grew he is still suffering from being in that place as a lot of the boys are. i remember you well danny you worked in the painting dept if i remember, you had dark or black hair and were in leighton or wakeman house.i also was knocked obout when i first got there by a arsole called patrick he to was from manchester. and also kncked about by nunky hog on a few occasions. what part of the country are you from? b dyche
Sent - on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 06:03:52
from: Danny Grew
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Photo's from the 1960s ?
I was at Boreatton Park during the 60s and witnessed the awful bullying there, I too suffered at the hands of some of these lunatics. One name I will mention who made many lads lives hell was MacInnon he was a Manchester hard case I believe. He used to ask you to run down the playing field then throw javelins at you. Once he knocked me off a high scaffold used for painting. He was trying to force me to put putty in my ears nose and mouth. when I refused he threw blocks of wood at me hitting me around the head. I hit the floor, he stood over me and poured paint on my face. Of course you could not grass on anyone, so I ended up in Hoggs room with Sweaty asking why I was in the state I was in, and not getting the answers they wanted I was caned and sent down to have the dreaded cold shower. MacInnon if by some chance you read this I hope someone inflicted the same hell on you that you gave others. I hated that place, some of you got out unscathed but some of us still bear the awful scars that place inflicted on us. Even so I would like to see photographs around the time I was there during the 60s if only to recognize some of the staff and lads. I will add a couple of photo's that I have if I get any response. D.J.Grew
Sent - on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 13:18:51
from: lauren
[Connecting IP:]
subject: borreatton park
borreatton is really cool and the higher the better. if you are scared of hights just have a go because you are always wearing a harnise so if you fall you fall an insh. just have a go. the best actiaties are probebly jacobs ladder and the high ropes because there more challengeing. i got to the top of jacobs ladder with my friend florence
Sent - on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 10:23:56
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton
I have just re-read Keiths description of front room locations and he says that the t.v room was above the library. While I was there 1958-61 the gym was where we watched t.v and films. The t.v was a strange wooden box affair with a small hole in the front through which the picture was projected onto a large screen set up some twenty feet away. The controls were accessed via a lid in the top of the box. Projection t.v....and we had it back in the 1950s. Can you remember that,Cy ? Or watching THE LIVING DESERT? The one question I have asked of all those who have contacted me is this...When you view photos of the south end of the house two round windows can be seen high up near the roof...what are these? In all the years I was there nobody ever went up there so no-one knows what rooms these were or what was kept in them. Cy Middleton, who was my best mate at Boreatton, mentioned another strange thing during a telephone conversation just a couple of days ago that really got me wondering. It concerned the old summer-house in the woods at the rear of the hall. He said there was a trap-door in the floor and that it was heavily chained up. What was that and were did it lead to? Also, at the rear of the hall there was a raised lawn area surrounded by a parapit under which were small arches and what appeared to be a gate..heavily over-grown with bramble. Where did they lead to? I know that there were huge cellars under the hall but nobody seems to know anything about them. They must still be there.....
Sent - on Monday, May 04, 2009 at 11:27:17The tv sounds fascinating. The cellars were a maze, the old .303 rifles were kept down there and on the few occasions I went down there, I saw other locked doors leading off to who knows where.
The mind boggles on the summer house trap door - in the days I was there the hut was used to store canoes and other outdoor things used by the boys. And wasn't the attic section used by some staff — and anyway just what happened to those who “escaped” and were never seen again ... ? ? Maybe there is a glider or two still lurking behind those portcullis windows. Maybe too the area at the back under the arches was the family mausoleum as it was too far away to be perhaps the wine cellars? If anyone has more pictures of the house please let me know as I would like to add some more to this article. K
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: photos
Does anybody have any photos of Boreatton Park. I am looking for ones featuring the house its-self be it modern or old, inside or out. If you have any I would be really pleased if you could send them to me . Thanks. (..and that includes you Mr Harris!) Ha
Sent - on Monday, April 27, 2009 at 18:56:07Robbie - the only pics I have are the ones I put up on this page - K
from: Terry Derrick-106-Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
Hi, Yes, i was in engineering keeping the water flowing round the school with 84 Taylor and we were the ones that got the lights for the cigarettes - Do you remember the Bronco roll ups??.. The first twelve in the marks list used to go to the pictures in Owestry...a good time. I'm 6 foot, brown hair, parting on the left. Was in the KSLI ACF and went to the isle of man. Hope to hear from you soon. Terry.
Sent - on Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 21:04:18
from: cyril middleton
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Hi Terry,Its great to here from you,i am trying very hard to put a face to you,icant just now but i am sure i will.The lad Smith you mentioned,i am sure he used to play the guitar he would sit on the bottom of the oak stiars in the main hall and play.My number was 85 Wakman house and the lad Taylor 84 stood in front of me fair headed 5 foot 10 tall,In front of him was Hill 81.I to boxed in the finals that year i boxed a lad called Shuker from lighton house.I have about 20 photos here thanks to another old freand of owers Phillip Pyne,who we are in contact with over the phone. Again its been great to here from you, dont go away.You can contact me @ All the best for now Cy.
Sent - on Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 17:56:22
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Hi Terry, Good to hear from you after so long. There are a few of us who are now in touch inc Cy Middleton, Tony Campbell, Rick, Phil Pyne and myself.It helps to regenerate the old memories and although not all of them were good, the majority of them were. I am sure the others will contact you before too long so stay in touch and let us know what happend to you after you left THE PARK. E-mail me at
Sent - on Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 12:27:54
from: Terry Derrick-106-Leighton House
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 105-Pyne, Robbie McCauly, Cyril Middleton
Hi, My dad, Terry, was there in 1958 to 60. His job was engineering with 84 Taylor and 104 Smith. The teacher was Jackson. He fought Leggy Roberts on final night from Corbet house. Memories of scrumping for apples and throwing the cores out the window to the next dormitory. It was cold but we had the job in the boiler room making sure the water was round the school and we had overalls. We were the only one that could get a light for a ciggarette from the boiler. There was Nonky (Hogg) and Skobie (Scermer) Dingerbell (Bell) Lolly (On the forestry). I also remember the other student with me: McGann-Good boxer, Hopwood-Small guy but also a good boxer. Reply back soon we'd love to hear from you.
Sent - on Thursday, April 09, 2009 at 16:11:49
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Bratton
Brian, Keith forwarded me your email message and I answered !!!
Sent - on Sunday, April 05, 2009 at 14:06:46
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton or Braton 1960s
Brian, I think! I was there at about the same time as you..... Was stone the one who smoked the pipe? or was he a little fat one with a tash? What work did you do? Hope to hear back. Rick............
Sent - on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 14:43:13
from: brian dyche
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park
i was sent to boreatton park in 1966 from red bank classifying school iwas their for 2 of the three years given to me by burton magistrates court. they where the darkest days of my life. i was in hunt house number 46 the house master was a chap called mr stone he used to take work partys on jobs then he always asked for volanteers [you you and you] he was ok if he liked you. i remember all the staff from them days, i often wonder what happened to a lot of the lads who were there when i was and would love to here from any one who was there 1966 1968 i am now 59 and would love to here from you or about any re unions or meet ups any where or any time yours b dyche number 46
Sent - on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 19:38:15
from: cyril middleton
[Connecting IP:]
subject: kelvin .
Kelvin,I read your message asking for a few photos,i have got a few here.I olso tried to phone you on the number you supplied but was not recognised.please give new number and i will send you some pics best regards cy.
Sent - on Friday, March 27, 2009 at 15:34:50
from: Wayne Jones.
[Connecting IP:]
subject: terrymcdonald
Terry Mack you old trout. Haven't seen you for years. you were lucky, you got out before i did. but then again i did keep getting caught smoking etc. you can't say you had such a bad time there, it did teach you to look after yourself. give me a call Terry. Email me :
Sent - on Friday, March 20, 2009 at 19:10:45
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton
Terry, Boreatton Park was a lot of things to a lot of very vunerable boys back then. To some it was a place where their anger was allowed free reign while to others it was a the cause of their with-drawing into themselves...but to most it was an escape from a pretty rough existance, broken home, neglect and God knows what else. It could be tough at times..I know, I had many a hiding there, but the over-all effect-on me, anyway, was to find my-self and my weaknesses and deal with them. And over the years that as stood me in good stead. It taught me about people...not all good. I guarantee that if you look at your time there you will find that you learned a great deal that has helped you since. Best regards. Robbie. Contact me on
Sent - on Thursday, March 05, 2009 at 13:46:13
from: terrymcdonald
[Connecting IP:]
subject: borreaton park
i spent two years at borreaton park when it was an approved school this was my second school and where the first school druids heath in staffs was a school where education so important borreaton park was full of bullys and some of the biggest bullys were the staff to be honest just reading the could traumatise less stronger than myself i was there 1962 to 1963
Sent - on Wednesday, March 04, 2009 at 16:10:40
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Keith, thanks for this great site. It has enabled me to contact 4 people who I have not seen or heard from for over 50 years..and now we are in constant touch..even with Tony who lives in Australia. Brilliant! Thanks again.
Sent - on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 at 12:10:20
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Welcome to the house of fun Cy, Rick,Tony and Phil. Well, its over 50 years later and we are still here. There's got to be more of THE CLUB out there and I am sure that some at least will turn up sooner or later.
Sent - on Tuesday, March 03, 2009 at 11:40:37
from: Tony
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Cyril Middleton Comments.
G'Day Cyril - I can't put a face to you but we must have known each other seeing how you remember my name ! I was there between 56/58. Have attempted to make contact with past residents on this site previously, as you will see from my earlier attempts 03.11.07 & 30.01.08 but without success - seeing your listing with my name on it this morning was a pleasent surprise.My email address is and would be more than pleased to hear from you. Tony Campbell.
Sent - on Monday, March 02, 2009 at 20:39:07
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 67/68 I think ????
I was at Bratton 67ish??? Minds gone I think!! So a little later than you guys. I would love some photos of the old place. I too worked on the farm with Dickie Davies (not a bad bloke) Anyway, if there is any chance of some pics sending, my email is Cheers, Rick......
Sent - on Monday, March 02, 2009 at 15:17:09
from: 105 pyne
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Photographs
robbie I Have Given Cyril Photographs To Copy I Think He Is Doing A Set For You Phil
Sent - on Sunday, March 01, 2009 at 14:34:35
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY PHOTOGRAPHS OF BOREATTON PARK??? I am looking for pictures of the house its self.Please forward them to me at Thank you.
Sent - on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 14:28:39
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Er....and me,Squirrel!!!!and leave your nuts alone!
Sent - on Friday, February 20, 2009 at 17:15:06
from: cyril middleton
[Connecting IP:]
subject: forestry
I arrived at borreaton 1.35 on friday 7 april 1957.I worked on the forestry under mr,Howes a good man.The lads with me were Cambell...Griffin...Oakley...Jeff Burrows...Stone...Hall...Jones...Hill 81...Fern...Crawford had a glass eye. Reeves..Hewit...Green...Taylor84.
Sent - on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 18:18:20
from: robbie m
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
Phil, ring me asap.
Sent - on Friday, February 13, 2009 at 11:55:43
from: philip pyne 105 leighton housephilip.pyne@
[Connecting IP:]
subject: the farm
I worked the farm under dickie davies and dixie dean. Always done early morning milking.done the queens parade and the isle of man.other farm boys were Aspel' humphries' marsden'broome'vickers'holmes'. names that come to mind are 'lowe 'grainger'miller'hopwood 'gardener'salt'have loads of old photos my phone number is 01443 476711 mountain ash' would like to here from you . phil.
Sent - on Friday, February 13, 2009 at 05:53:09
from: phil pyne 105
[Connecting IP:]
subject: old boys 1959
would like to hear from any of the old boys
Sent - on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 23:03:31
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: staff of 1958-1961
Mr hogga, headmaster. Mr Skermer, dep h/master. Mr Hitchcock, english teacher. Mr Clark, cadet capt. Mr Fielding, fishing club. Mr Mueller, carpentry. Mr Howe, forrestry. Mr Basnett, master and treasurer. Mr Burgess, farm and general duties. Mr Bell, master and boxing. Cant remember who ran the garden party except that he had been a pro football ref. And who could forget Mr Hoggs dottering old dad who, each day, would creep up the hill along side the gardens with his shot-gun then, resting it in the low 'v' of a tree, take careful aim at the dozens of rooks massing in the trees at the top of the hill and fire....he always missed. Then he would trudge back dejected.
Sent - on Sunday, February 08, 2009 at 15:02:49Stumpy Mason, Sweaty Hughes, Mr Brown, Mr Mason, Dickie Davies and Mr Bradley, the ginger haired fellow who ran the builders
from: robbie mccauley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
I note from K.Harris' write up on Boreatton Park that there is no mention that Sir John Hunts family lived just down the road at Boreatton Hall. There is a lane that runs from the Park down past Slaters farm to a T junction and the hall was straight in front with large sandstone gates. Also, what Mr Harris says was, in his time there, the headmasters office (the bay window to the right of the main door was the dining room. And does anyone remember the three old ladies who repaired the clothing in a room off the corridor that led from the shower room to the main hall...where we spent the evenings eating dry meat-paste sandwiches before traipsing up the back stairs to the dorms. There was also the cadet force who had the honour of parading for the queen in Shrewsbury park. They had an away camp at Church Stretton and went off to the I.O.M for the 1961 all England cadet manoevers...and came home in disgrace after a some other cadets came to grief for crossing our lines without paying the toll !!Happy days! Remember trudging across the Long Mynd just outside of Church Stretton in the fog and rain for absolutely no good reason other than Nobby Clark, our hobbit sized captain thought it may be fun.mmmm.right. As for Nonky Hogg, well the man was a sadist who drank too much whisky and chain-smoked. He later died while living in Ruyton XI towns. Mr Howe, the forester died from a heart attack and Tex, the ex pro rugby player who thought the rest of the staff were 'Nancies' left. Frank Bell, the boxer famous for knocking out Tommy Farr was also a master at the school..a really nice bloke. All-in-all these are good memories and I would not have missed it for the world.
Sent - on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 18:01:20Nobby Clark!! Yes, I recall the tailoring room. The dining room was in a separate extension alongside the kitchen at the back of the main building. There was a small passageway leading off to it from between the washroom and the boot room. Ed.
from: robbie mccauley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park
is there a book on the history of boreatton park
Sent - on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 15:31:55
from: robbie mccauley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
C. Middleton ? Is that Cyril from Tredegar...3 Grag-y-bedu villa? Hope so.
Sent - on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 15:07:29
from: robbie mccauley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton
I know some of the lads have tried to contact me but I have been out of the country 4 some time. e-mail address now changed to oh, and in the 3 years I spent at the hall I never did see any ghosts but there where some strange goings on !!!!
Sent - on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 14:59:36
from: robbie mccauley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park
trying to contact any lads who attended the school between 1958-1961.e-mail me : sorry to see such a spooky but majestic building turned into a using a Rolls Royce to sell hot-dogs.
Sent - on Saturday, February 07, 2009 at 14:46:04
from: April
[Connecting IP:]
subject: PGL
It was ace at PGL here and the food was well nice in te canteen. I loved all of the activities, especially jacob's ladder and the giant swing!
Sent - on Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 13:49:06
from: Phil
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Was there 1962-1964
I worked on forestry was at Boreatton. Was there with my brother Mick who worked as a Builder. Had the cane many times for doing a runner. Saw loads of bullying... had to stick up for yourself else you got it. Remember being in the swimming team and always came second to a lad called Blackhem. Anyone there at the same time get in touch. EMAIL: ukhris at
Sent - on Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at 08:26:43
from: dom
[Connecting IP:]
subject: PGL
PGL was brilliant but i was in the top floor centre room and there was knocking on the window when all my other room mates were asleep it was really spooky in the boys toilets as well because the lights kept turning on and off and the door kept banging when there was no one there it didnt ruin my holiday though it was an amazing experience that i will probably never do again thank you Roy and Sophie
Sent - on Friday, September 05, 2008 at 20:24:27
from: Jenni
[Connecting IP:]
subject: The Ghosts
I went in around 2000 for 5 days. I was on the top floor in a large dorm on the right over the stairs. Something Very strange happened up there in the dorm. I can't remember the room number, but it had a small internal window. You went right to the top of the stairs, turned right then left to enter the room and it ajoined another dorm by a door. Does anyone know of this ghost of s little girl?
Sent - on Saturday, August 09, 2008 at 19:05:29
from: jacqueline slater
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton park, boys home
Does anybody remember my Dad Leslie Shoreman who was a resident at the home in the late forties early fifties. He also got a job on a local farm after he left Boreatton, I do not know the name of the farm, the only information I have is that the farmers son was called Gordon. If anyone has any information please contact me at brengerard.slater @ many thanks
Sent - on Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 15:17:56
from: Scott wilson
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Mintt..!
It Was mint..! The leadeers was mint...(Maddiee, Walta) I add a greatt weekend & ii hopee every1 else dus Fanks 4 havinn uss..! & maybe see u agenn soon..!
Sent - on Sunday, June 15, 2008 at 20:54:57
from: Wayne Jones.
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Andrew Harris
I put the wrong name for the Dep. Head. it was Mr, Skermer. (we used to call him skobie) I was caned by Mr Hog and Mr Skermer at the same time. They both set about me with canes. as you know we wore shorts, and short sleeve shirts. I was caned on my legs, arms, one even got me on my face. After that i was locked up and kept away from the rest of the lads for a couple of weeks (while the bruises went down) Funny when you get caned how the bruises,(two of them) come up on the sides of where the cane hit you. But you'd know that. Times have changed now thank god. Other than that, my life at Boreatton Park got better. I could write a book about Boreatton Park. The good, The bad, and the ugly.
Sent - on Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 20:45:21
from: sally
[Connecting IP:]
subject: cub camp
I have just got back from boreatton park with cub camp and luke was my groupie. I had lots of fun on activities and evening fun. i cant wait till i come back nextyear.
Sent - on Friday, May 30, 2008 at 20:13:53
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Braton 68/69
Ok, I now think I was at Braton in 68/69, im not a 100% sure, so may be wrong. I was the house captain for Wakeman. Some more names of lads there at same time as me... Ted Livsey, Paul Swan, Chris Harper, I remember Dave bamford, he came about a month before I left. I can remember that when I first got there, under Hog there was no smoking, you just got a canteen on a Saturday. (sweets etc) and the bully boys used to take some of the sweets off the smaller kids. Then along came Sharman and he allowed smoking, so ciggies was the curency!! Thats when I started smoking and only 16 months ago, I stopped. Im 57 now, Bloody hell, getting old! My name then was Rick, it isnt Rick now, but I will stick with Rick for on here. If you want to talk about Boreatton, you can email me at . Love to hear from someone who was there at same time. I used to pal about with Fig (he had a star tattood on his forehead). By the way, take no notice of the email name, I havent had a sex change or anything like that..... Just thought! especially with me saying I used to be called Rick..LOL..Nothing against them that have..But I havent. Hope to hear from someone. Cheers, Rick.
Sent - on Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 20:44:42
from: Alan
[Connecting IP:]
subject: old boy
I was resident at Boreatton 1969/71. It was very much a time of change. the old head had gone, Sweaty was still there until the new head with new ideas took over. Boreatton was without doubt one of the best eras of my life. I loved it. I revisited a few times, once at 3 in the morning as I was on my way home from Wales. Mr Skermer who has been mentioned became head of Werrington school in staffs. I left there in 1968, stole a radio and bar of chocolate in 69 and hey presto. back to Red bank then Boreatton. Names of note, Fig, dave bamford, "H" Max Sharman Mr Watson, Basnett, Mueller, Davies, Watts, Ken Pearce, just a few.
Sent - on Monday, May 05, 2008 at 10:27:49What about “Stumpy”, and “The Lizard” - were they also still there? — ed.
from: Andy
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park Ghosts
Hi, I was interested in Boreattan park ghosts. An ex gf of mine was one of the groupies who worked there a few years back and she mentioned there were quite a few haunting stories around Boreatton park and even a book, maybe? In my opinion it's the ideal place for ghost stories . The whole place looks demonic and you can see it for miles around and I hear what your saying about the wind. It always seemed windy there even in the middle of summer, especially around the building, the stereotypical haunted house. Any info anyone has would be great, just for idle interest really. Thanks, Andy
Sent - on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 22:37:55
from: Andrew Harris
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Wayne Jones
I was caned by Mr Hogg a few times, but never by the deputy as well. Do you mean that Mr.Scobie winessed the caning ?
Sent - on Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 11:42:11
from: keith loty
[Connecting IP:]
subject: I was there
I was there in 1971 Sharman was the guv, some of the times I remember while I was there I worked in the kitchen and the butter was in frozen blocks and used to cut the blocks into very small blocks cut my finger scar still there to this day, me & fellow inmate walked a designated route having to sign in at police stations on the way on a sort of camping trip must admit those were good times and wouldn't change for the world (still got into trouble again afterwards though) ended up at werrington house then hatfield borstal but sorted myself out after hatfield
Sent - on Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 21:17:35
from: Rick
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton or Braton 1967
Was there in 67/68. I was house captain. Guy who walked up the line and counted the house number. My mate was Fig Foulkes, he was from Rhyl way, Think hes doing big time now for killing someone. When I first got there, Hog was in charge, then came Sharman. Sweaty hughs was the dep head. I remember going down the river wye in canoes that we had made. I worked on the farm, the guy in charge of the farm was Dicky davies. Good times and bad times there. Feel I need to talk to someone that was there at the same time. Hard to find though.You can Email me at Cheers, Rick.
Sent - on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 11:20:04
from: Tony
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Robbie McCauleyEmail Address
On reading contact from Robbie McCauley asking that I and Kelvin make contact with him @ the email address, I sent off an email to him - This was 6th/7th January 2008. Having had no response to that contact, I sent off another email to him on 29th Jan and again on 30th Jan but on both occassions the emails were bounced back at me with the comment that the cordnan email address no longer existed !!! Maybe Kelvin has had more luck ?
Sent - on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 11:16:42
from: Lynda Whitworth
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1901 census
I am researching a friends family tree and have found his grandmother working at Boreatton Park in 1901 when it was an Institution for the Insane. What a fantastic place to live!
Sent - on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 11:36:26
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subject: boreatton park.
To ed.the names of the four houses were CORBETT, HUNT, WAKEMAN, AND LEIGHTEN. MID.
Sent - on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 20:27:55
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subject: boreatton park.
Sent - on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 19:27:33I seem to recall a house called Waverley - can anyone remember any other house names? — ed
from: Kirsty Stansfield
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I used to live at Boreatton park when i was younger as my dad used to be the head chef there i cant believe how much it has not changed. I loved living there got to go on the activites at the weekends and stuff it was ace.
Sent - on Wednesday, January 09, 2008 at 23:28:40
from: Connor
[Connecting IP:]
subject: pgl
pgl the best place on earth. I had Jack dis Austrailen Women as my helper she was the best I came from Mytham in Little Lever Bolton.
Sent - on Sunday, January 06, 2008 at 19:37:55
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: the park
Tony and Kelvin, I can be contacted at Love to hear from you guys
Sent - on Sunday, January 06, 2008 at 13:11:43
from: Robbie McCauley
[Connecting IP:]
subject: The Park
I see that at least one of your readers have tried to contact me regarding THE CHIMNEYS. Please try again on CORDNAN@YAHOO.CO.UK. I was there from 1958-1961. My 'house, I think, was Waverley and I worked on the gardens.I was in the cadets under 'Bazzy' Bull and 'Nobby' Clark.With deputy headmaster Scermer as the leader of the pack. Percy Thrower was a member of the board of governors. 'Docker' Burgess had the small cottage down by the farm and was the original care-taker of the place. He died in 1960 and the cottage was demolished. Norman Hogg the head-master (always with a cigarette and a strong smell of whiskey) retired and went to live in Ruyton xi Towns where he died later.Mr Fell took the fishing group and Mr Hitchcock took English. A lot of memories lay at that place and far from unpleasant.
Sent - on Sunday, January 06, 2008 at 12:53:40
from: Wayne Jones.
[Connecting IP:]
subject: 1961 to 1963
I was sent to Boreatton park school, (as it was then known) late 1961. Mr,Hogg was Headmaster and Mr,Scobie was deputy. I was given the number Jones 27. House name Corbet. My job was a Woodworker. My teacher was Mr,Muller. He was great. He taught me so much.I can't say i had a good time there as i escaped, I was out for two weeks with anouther boy called Jones 91.caught in Wales and sent back. When i got back i was caned by both Headmaster and Deputy together. I never forgot that. Like most people i look back with some good moments and some bad. But then, that's life, part of, i'm not sure i want to remember.
Sent - on Monday, December 24, 2007 at 13:16:13
from: kelvin williams
[Connecting IP:]
subject: residents
with no disrespect to all the wonderful kids who have been to boreatton park as the pgl centre this is for all those who went to the park well before pgl (as a correction centre resident).i was there in the 60's and am desperate to get in touch with residents of the same era.due to illness my time is running out and i'm trying to write my memoirs for my kids and grandchildren .please, this is an URGENT message to anyone who can help. thanks guys
Sent - on Monday, December 03, 2007 at 20:24:57
from: Sarah Trekker
[Connecting IP:]
subject: BP
I worked as a pony trekker back in 2006 and wonderful time there, the old house spooked me a bit as did the tale of the fire and the boy dying, can anyone tell em if this is true? It is very interesting to learn that most of the fixtures were made by the boys who once lived there, the beautiful grounds and house really do make the greatest memories! Glad i didn't see that twister though, i would have been very frightened!
Sent - on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 03:03:57
from: kelvin williams
[Connecting IP:]
subject: boreatton park
hi peeps, sorry to be so boring but i really had to write again about my stay at 'the house' so many years ago. i was there as an inmate in the 60's doing 6 years (2x3).it really was a fabulous place and as i had no family outside it was home. does anyone remember ken pearce? he was a teacher who lived in one of the houses down by the farm.he was an outdoor type of guy who taught me all sorts of outdoor pursuits and it was him that fuelled my interest in canoeing.he actually taught us how to make them from fibreglass and took us on many a canoeing trip down the river wye for weeks on end. more tomorrow. get in touch if you were there
Sent - on Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 21:55:00
from: kelvin williams
[Connecting IP:]
subject: i was there
WOW! how amazing to read about boreatton park .i was a 'inmate' in the early 60's. i was given three years by the courts but was so sad my time was up i re-offended on purpose just to get another three years there on 'recall'. those 6 years were the happiest of my whole 54 year life .i actually helped on the construction of the new 'goveneners house to the left of the main house. my best friends there were all 'teachers' especially mr meigh the gov. there was also mr morris who lived in a house in the small courtyard. i could go on forever about the fabulous time i had as a youngster at 'the house' and maybe i will. i would love to hear from anyone who was there when i help you remember i was the one who was considered needing help and used to cycle to shrewsbury every week to shelton mental hospital as an outpatient. please, anyone who remembers get in touch either through e-mail or phone 01782 838075
Sent - on Thursday, November 08, 2007 at 11:48:34
from: Tony
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park
In reply to Robbie 20.10.2007 - attempted to make contact on supplied yahoo email address but massage bounced back has not existing ! However - I too was a resident of Boreatton Park during the period 1956/1958 when Norman Hogg was Headmaster and have many clear memories of my time there - Good & Bad - Earlier in the year I posted a message on this site hoping to make contact with any past residents from that period - in the hope that they may have had some photographs,and to maybe have some discussion with them re their memories of the time there and what had happened to them in their lives since etc etc, but without success. Coming across Robbie's message has somewhat switched on a small light at the end of the tunnel as it were and I would be more than pleased to have contact with him if he wants to contact me on the supplied email address. Tony.
Sent - on Saturday, November 03, 2007 at 19:18:28
from: robbie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park
I attended the Park when it was an approved school back in 1958. I was there until 1961. Spooky, remote, over-powering presence, bat-plagued and brilliant ! Loved every minute of it even though working on the gardens was hard and the head-master, Norman (Toady) Hogg was strict to the point of sadistic. However, when I returned to visit the place in 1965-66, I found the man both charming and informative. I returned for another visit in the mid 80s only to find it deplete of its former mystique destroyed by modernisation. It is now just another commercial 'play-ground' bereft of any spirit. I stood at the entrance gates as darkness fell looking up at that eerie old mansion with its distinctive chimneys and shook my head.It was sad to see it reduced to this.
Sent - on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 11:12:31
from: hollie
[Connecting IP:]
i went Boreatton park i did raft-building and everything we slept in tent's. and that's the mansion isn't it?? there are all shield's on the wall lol... i loved sleeping in the tents. there was a beetle on the floor when i switched my torch on - i was whacking it with my word-search. it was mint!!!!! our groupie was rachel she has a twin called ?? i can't remember we played cludo on saturday the day before we went home. we had to say peas on forks when a car or something went past, and we had to sing song's like E.G there was a crazy moose-x I REALLY WANNA GO BAK PGL. hollie-guest-xxxx
Sent - on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 19:24:26
from: Lee Hutchings
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park
Hey, my dad was sent to borstal at Boreatton Park in 1951 after stealing a bottle of ginger beer from a shop near to where he lived as a boy in Smethwick, Near Birmingham. He remembers them all being told about King Georges death in 1952 and he stripped and varnished all the paneling in the main hall. Another task the boys had to do was collect gooseberries from the grounds, the headmaster, if that's the name for him by all accounts of my dad was a nasty man and smacked my dad around the head when he saw him eat one of the gooseberrys. My dad also had to pick the crab apples and lay them to dry on the floor of the abandoned summerhouse somewhere in the grounds which isn't there today. I'm 24 and when i was 11 our school took us on a trip to Boreatton Park and i had a fantastic weekend, i didn't realise at the time that dad used to live there so was a bit of a shock when he told me when i went home!
Sent - on Monday, October 01, 2007 at 16:00:42
from: steff elms x
[Connecting IP:]
subject: about it
hello ppl i have not been yet but our yr 6 group is going soon i hope that its good were sleeping in the mansion my head teacher has booked us in lol.I can't wait to go bii x
Sent - on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at 17:36:19
from: Gareth Chalmers
[Connecting IP:]
subject: The House
Working as an Ecology Instructor for PGL I have to mention the open fire place where we would come in from the back fields (by the river Perry) from a very cold day learning about the wonderful countryside that surrounds. This fire place produces enough heat to warm all thirty children and accompanying teachers and Instructors. Would be nice to see a picture or the main hallway and fire place.
Sent - on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 20:26:10I don't have any pictures of the interior of the house - but will gladly add any pictures if anyone should send some in.
from: Moose
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Boreatton Park
Boreatton Park is amazing now, and I love it. PGL is awesome. I love reading about the history of the place, and wish to know if there have been any archaeological excavations around there?
Sent - on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 20:29:30
from: jodie
[Connecting IP:]
subject: dance
thanks for an amazing weekend i love to dance and i love to come to tour pgl centre again charlie our camp leader was lovely we want to come back again but don't worry we will be back soon were the girls from wolverhampton parkfield high school love you xxxx
Sent - on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 13:38:39good luck the girls from Wolverhampton!. Ed - as always.
from: bob
[Connecting IP:]
subject: horrid
i thought the tent i stayed in was horrible and old
Sent - on Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 12:12:25It is good to give your opinion and I guess horrible and old is better than horrible and cold, or is it worse? That said, survival is being one step ahead of the posse. If you canna do this then you shouldna be where you are when you face the need to do it.
from: me
[Connecting IP:]
of course i did
Sent - on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 10:41:33Well, your email address(es) tell me (and if I published them the whole world) that you are full of bull. Enough said. Ed.
from: me
[Connecting IP:]
subject: food
after going there i was starving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent - on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 11:12:24
Did you try eating? Ed.
from: yobtaf
[Connecting IP:]
subject: great
hi all i have never been to the park but are going soon. Could any1 give ma an idea an what i have in store from gregg
Sent - on Monday, July 02, 2007 at 10:58:2
from: Rachelle
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Fond memories
I have no idea what half these comments say, so you can guess how long ago I was there! I'd just like to say what fond memories I had when I went to Boreatton Park about 23 years ago (I think). It helped make me who I am today.
Sent - on Monday, June 18, 2007 at 15:53:23
from: charlotte booth
[Connecting IP:]
subject: i really enjoyed myself at pgl thank you
thank you so much for having my school at pgl i really enjoyed myself there. And i just gotta say the food there was really nice and i love the cabins. plz say hello to my groupie emma miss u loads pgl thanx charlotte
Sent - on Saturday, June 16, 2007 at 11:52:28
from: Shanam
[Connecting IP:]
subject: PGL
i went 2 Boreatton park last week and had a brilliant time i wud definitely recommend it!
Sent - on Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 07:51:06
[Connecting IP:]
subject: PGL
Boreatton park is the best it is really cool and is so much fun. Can you say hi to nattile our groupie when she looked after Amberley! PGL is so much fun you should come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent - on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 10:22:08
[Connecting IP:]
subject: thank you
hi thank you to all the pgl staff that help me and my group i had a great time stay with you thank and i would like to say thank you to cat and dan from annie from the wcp
Sent - on Monday, May 21, 2007 at 14:15:01
[Connecting IP:]
subject: fab!!
heyas ii went annd ii finnk it was fab!!.... best fiing ii eva dun...ii also met ldza pgl instructers...especiially dan(lanky lol) and teabag!! ...n also alex even though he pushed me iin da lake!! lmao newaiiz iif yew fiinkin bout goiin do iit! iim goiin agen soon! YEY!!
Sent - on Friday, May 18, 2007 at 17:39:16
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subject: awesomeness
wow it were well cooooool high ropes a bit to high i think :p my groupi was mint cheeeeeeers ami senior
Sent - on Monday, May 07, 2007 at 16:27:58
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subject: staff
what happend to the staff...max sharman mike watson mick miller dave gooding rob mullis ted mcardle ivor norman
Sent - on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 18:32:09
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subject: real boreatton park
i was at boreatton from 1974/76 and loved the place still do any one remember me
Sent - on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 18:24:59
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subject: boreatton park
its brill lol our leader was Pocket she was kwl lol ... I would luv to go bck and live there lol I might be going bck in YAY!!
Sent - on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 14:45:41
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subject: boreatton park
i think it is well over rated for £200 for a school trip
Sent - on Friday, May 04, 2007 at 20:47:46
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subject: boys
i went with the skl and at the disco i met a fit boy called GARTH he is fine
Sent - on Monday, April 23, 2007 at 16:59:03
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it was great there i loved it cuz it was all about dance and charlie our instructor was the bst luv u we wnt on 20th to the sunday i luved it plz do a dance weekend again and tell parkfiled high skwl thnx xx
Sent - on Monday, April 23, 2007 at 13:15:13
[Connecting IP:]
subject: Crazy Mouse
Boreatton park was the best ever n if u get the change to go there say yes otherwize you don't know what ure missin' out on!
Sent - on Monday, April 02, 2007 at 17:14:02
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it twas asoum
Sent - on Friday, March 23, 2007 at 17:17:09
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subject: boreattonpark
it was too good and id like to go again you have a laugh
Sent - on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 20:29:16
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Sent - on Thursday, March 15, 2007 at 19:23:14
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it was mega class.i had a laugh and love 2 go back
Sent - on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 17:18:23