OF BEING GENTLE...?by Rambõlo Huckenstöle in The Dingle
What ever happened to life's angels? You know the one'sthose who felt they had a duty and service to offer those in need of sucha duty and service that transcended the glut of material greed that holds our planet in a shroud of doom like some unspeakable disease.
Odd, when you think of it, that given their true position in life some women seem genuinely afraid
to offer tenderness.
Strange too that some people seem to consider everything is theirs for the taking while giving little or nothing in return.
In terms of women, the Irish woman is a genuine conundrum of mixed parts, in the main still shackled to past inhibitive Catholic Victorian religious indoctrination that has permeated Irish society for decades. Even though those shackles are being removed in a process that has been on-going for some time, the fearand there is no other word for itinstilled by religious indoctrination is deep seated.
Now then. Women are born with a certain sense of knowledge, just like men but different, and the strangest danged thing is despite the universal spectrum of that knowledge it remains open to corruption.
Some call it the work of the Devil. But when they do, given the somewhat unholy attributes they pour over Satan, why then do we cap him up? Is it to make him a bigger bogey than he is, but as he's supposed to be the opposite of God then surely he must be the worst anyway.
Someone once told me the story of the origin of God. I do not often tell the story, so in that you are fortunate to be seeing it here. It was, said my friend, all down to an Indian guru's dyslexic scribe who had difficulty in distinguishing between one and two letter O's when documenting his masters pronunciations of the meaning of life.
"And what do you believe," my friend said the guru had asked of his master.
"I believe in Good," said the master, which was written down by the guru as "God", thus sparking the debate about just who or what God is.
Strange too that some women seem less than blissfully aware of the benefits of willing submission. I am reminded of a greengrocer who went out of business because he refused to submit to the fact that all vegetables eventually go bad.
What I really can't figure is how some women seem to consider they know it all when the bottom line truth is they can only know at best the half of it.
I guess I'll work it out someday. I hope too that they do, if only for their own sakes.
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