Survival or Extinction: Part Sixteen—Slaying the Beast |
29 Dec 2014: posted by the editor - Features | |
Survival or Extinction: Part Sixteen—Slaying the Beast - summary At the international level it is amoral, deceitful and secretive. While at the international level it is the way it is because nations are imperfect and are always willing to sacrifice the wellbeing of other nations for their own interests. Therefore, any attempts to reform national systems must be focused on disabling the private interests of individuals in positions of power to ensure that the wellbeing of citizens guides all state actions; while any attempts to reform the international system must be focused on disabling the narrow interests of nations to ensure that the wellbeing of the human species and of the planet guides all international decisions. But more than anything, to reform this system, which empowers evil and practices the Culture of Death, we must retool it to empower good and practice the Culture of Life. The system must help us reach this goal and we must help the system reach this goal. Only if our individual actions mirror the system’s objective can we be happy and at peace within the system. Conversely, only if the system grants us the knowledge and leverage to contribute to its objective can the system function properly and aid rather than subvert man. As much as we would want to, we cannot contemplate a world without a system because such a world – especially one as overpopulated and overexploited as ours – would quickly descend into chaos. Nor can we contemplate a world with a weaker system because the more interconnected the world becomes the more omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent the system must be in order to function smoothly and fairly across the world. Just as only one God administers the universe, only one system can administer our emerging global civilization. A world administered by competing systems assures only perpetual chaos and repeated conflict, just as a world of conflicting physical laws would. If system-initiated change is to succeed it must have three components: This we shall call The Rule of Law Principle. The outlawing of secrecy in global and national governance and the adoption of strict transparency rules that if violated must be severely punished. The creation of a global enforcement agency, a People’s Protection Force, to ensure full compliance with the first two principles and its endowment with global policing powers so it can punish any and all abuse by individuals in positions of authority, both in the public and private spheres, or by corporations or state institutions whose actions subvert the common good, equality under the law, and social and economic harmony. This we shall call The Harmony Principle. These principles already underlie the existing international architecture and the mandates of national and international organizations and institutions but in name only. In reality, these principles are being made a mockery of in the way power is exercised and the law practiced both at the national and international level. The international system is not changing fast enough and is becoming increasingly abusive, unresponsive and oligarchic, while national systems are not changing at all but rather decaying from bad to worse. Frustrated by the international system’s inertia and the stranglehold western powers have on the Bretton Woods institutions, BRIC nations have initiated their own institutions. In a clear attempt to free themselves of western monetary control and coercion, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have formed their own development bank, the New Development Bank (NDB), to substitute the World Bank. Frustrated by the corruption and pettiness of national systems and by their inability to serve and protect their citizens, people everywhere have lost faith in their governments and are calling for local self-determination or at best for a return to national isolationism. The current system is corrupt and perverse because secrecy is accepted as the prerogative of governance and secrecy allows the vilest traits of men to come to the fore and to remain unpunished. Absent meaningful system-initiated change, the people of the world, whose wellbeing, lives and genetic lines are under sustained attack, both nationally and internationally, will have no choice but to resort to violence to protect their rights and liberties and to save their and their children’s lives. No one in their right mind could possibly expect rational human beings to accept a system that has scheduled them and their genetic lines to a slow but certain death, especially when a rational alternative exists, the OM Principles. Over the past five years, I have exhausted all peaceful methods and more to protect the world’s people from genocide: innumerable appeals to the media of 191 nations and to the international media conglomerates; appeals to politicians in more than 150 nations, affiliated and non-affiliated; the publication of dozens of articles and six books to date; five hunger strikes (of 4, 30, 7, 75 and 46 days respectively); legal applications to all existing international courts, the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights, and the United Nations Human Rights Council; hundreds of open letters to heads of state, religious leaders, high-ranking military personnel, scientists and doctors. Step one It is better and just that a few elites die for the people than that the people die for a few elites. I advocate beginning with the lower ranked members of the genocidal coalition, media editors, because they are accessories to crimes against humanity for base personal reasons, namely economic self-interest, whereas the architects of the current genocide are motivated by grand geopolitical objectives, namely the preservation of life on earth and the survival of the species. The UN advises national governments what high crimes to commit in order to achieve a low, median or high population projection and national governments decide which to choose. Option A, the one chosen by the current system, sacrifices the majority for the wellbeing of a self-serving minority. And option B, which will inevitably ensue if the system refuses to change course, sacrifices the self-chosen minority for the wellbeing of the majority. Global currency to make possible closing the wealth gap between the developed and the developing world. If we approach these measures with a spirit of cooperation, universal brotherhood and self-sacrifice for the wellbeing of the planet and of our children and our children’s children they will be relatively painless. Killing Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy is considered by the author to be important in understanding the content of Survival or Extinction. Likewise a second book, Chemical and Biological Depopulation is also considered important to understanding. You can download both as a zipfile here Tags: Survival or Extinction |
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