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New Heritage Council Community Grants Scheme for 2015
23 Jan 2015: posted by the editor - Local, Ireland

A new Community Grants Scheme for 2015 to be administered by the Heritage Council has been announced by Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Minister Heather Humphreys during a visit to the Heritage Council's offices in Kilkenny this afternoon. It is expected the scheme will generate total investment of €1 million.

Speaking today Minister Humphreys said: "I am very pleased to be announcing this new scheme today, which will provide funding for local heritage projects across the country. My Department is providing direct funding of €250,000 for the scheme. When combined with core funding from the Heritage Council and with private sector funding it is expected this will generate a total investment of up to €1 million. 

"Support for heritage projects has a very positive impact on local communities, where so much time and energy is given to conserving heritage projects on a voluntary basis. As well as delivering conservation benefits for heritage in the long term, this scheme will also help to support building and conservation jobs at a local level.

"I have a huge appreciation for the value of protecting and promoting our heritage. It is expected that this scheme will fund up to 100 projects nationally, and I have no doubt that it will make a huge difference to the individual heritage projects which benefit.

"I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate the Heritage Council on its upcoming 20th anniversary this year. I look forward in particular to working with the Council in the year ahead on Ireland 2016, which will include local heritage initiatives to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rising."

Chief Executive of the Heritage Council, Michael Starrett said: "In the year when the Heritage Council celebrates its 20th Anniversary, the additional €250,000 in funding from Minister Humphreys will help us maintain support for a range of communities across the country. It recognises the value and significance of their work and gives us something on which to build for the future. Full details of the scheme will be published on the Heritage Council website ( in mid February 2015."

Tags: Heritage Council, Community Grants Scheme

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