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Scottish CND Executive member to speak at three public meetings in Ireland
28 Sep 2015: posted by the editor - Ireland

By Roger Cole
With the massive victory of the SNP and the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the British Labour Party, the issues of Trident and Scottish Independence have become central to politics in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Since our foundation in 1996 PANA has build up strong links with Scottish CND and British CND, and the last time Corbyn visited Ireland was to speak at a PANA conference.

We are therefore pleased to announce that PANA in partnership with innate, Shannonwatch and the Communist Party of Ireland, that Janet Fenton, an Executive member of Scottish CND is speaking at the following public meetings:

Wednesday 7th of October at 7.30pm in MNI, 83 University Street, Belfast
Friday 9th of October at 7.30pm in Pery's Hotel, Glentworth Street, Limerick
Saturday 10th October at 2.30pm in Connolly Books, 43 East Essex Street, Dublin 2.

Janet will also be holding meetings with peace activists. 

Tags: PANA, Peaceand Neutrality Alliance, Janet Fenton, Scottish CND, Shannonwatch

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