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More unmarked common graves discovered in Mount Jerome Cemetery
07 Sep 2010: posted by the editor - Ireland

Niall Meehan of Griffith College's Journalism & Media Dept discovered 40 unmarked Bethany Home graves in May 2010. He subsequently discovered many more Mount Jerome Bethany graves for the period 1922–49. This information is to be published for the first time in the September-October edition of History Ireland.

Bethany Home (1922-72) on Orwell Road, Rathgar, was a Protestant evangelical home for unmarried mothers and other so-called 'fallen' women, including alcoholics and prostitutes.

The courts sent Protestant women convicted of crimes up to infanticide for detention in the Bethany Home from the 1920s up to the 1960s. The state did little or nothing about reported increases in illness and mortality during the 1935-39 period, though it was brought to the attention of the Dept of Local Government and Public Health by its own inspectors.

After the Press Conference on Monday 13 September, 12 noon, in Buswell's Hotel, Dublin, the Bethany Survivors Group will deliver a demand to the ministers for Health, Education and Justice, that the Bethany Home be included in the Irish State's redress scheme for victims of institutional abuse.

The details are due to be published  published in History Ireland (magazine) on Friday 10 Sept 10.

Tags: Bethany Home, Niall Meehan

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