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Sunday Trading Laws Should Not Change-NIIRTA
13 Jan 2011: posted by the editor - Northern Ireland

Responding to the options published today (12 January) for changes to Sunday Trading Laws by DSD Minister Alex Attwood MLA, the Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association has called for no change.

Glyn Roberts NIIRTA Chief Executive said: “While we understand fully that Minister Attwood is approaching this issue with the best of intentions, we take the view that the current laws ‘aren’t broke so why fix them’? “The current laws are preferably adequate for small and large retailers to trade and offer consumers ample time to shop. NIIRTA has concerns that small traders such as newsagents and convenience stores could be adversely affected if the UK Multiples are allowed to open all day on Sunday”

“Many of these small stores depend on selling newspapers and other grocery items such as milk and bread on Sunday mornings. These stores are also facing significant challenges from poor Planning policy and expensive costs in complying with the Tobacco Display Ban”“Many larger retailers have told us that all day Sunday trading would actually cost them more in terms of staffing, while essentially making the same profits as they would under the current system when they trade from 1-6pm.”

“Tinkering with the opening times or complete de-regulation will not in any way support town centre regeneration as the Minister has outlined. Instead DSD should be engaging with DOE Planning to ensure they are a statutory consul tee in Retail Planning applications”“We will be meeting Minister Attwood shortly to discuss his options, but we fail to see the benefits of any change to Sunday Trading Laws which will help retailers large and small nor support our Town Centres”

Tags: Sunday trading

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