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Don't let the police off the hook
19 Aug 2011: posted by the editor - United Kingdom

"The current outpouring of sympathy for the police sets a dangerous precedent. We need to be critical of their methods if we're to prevent more disorder."

By Ian Dunt
Criticise the police and a section of the political world closes its doors. You can see why. British police probably are, ultimately, the best in the world. In the same way that we return home from holiday full of appreciation for the BBC, Brits in Europe and America quickly come to appreciate the moderation and humility of our police force.

This did not occur because the British are somehow innately superior. It happened because we hound the police. We criticise them, we regulate them and we monitor them. The police are the most dangerous thing in the world. They are the mechanism the state uses to interfere with what you do. They are to be tolerated, not loved. It's by vigilance, not praise, that we keep them decent.

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