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Bradley Manning nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
25 Mar 2013: posted by the editor - International

Bradley Manning—a gentle soul who is up against the mighty wrath of America's misguided militaristic warlords—has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Those nominating him include the entire parliamentary group of The Movement in the Icelandic Parliament, the Pirates of the EU; representatives from the Swedish Pirate Party, the former Secretary of State in Tunisia for Sport & Youth.

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a member of the Icelandic parliament for The Movement said in a statement: "The lengthy personal statement to the pre-trial hearing February 28th by Bradley Manning in his own words validate that his motives were for the greater good of humankind."

The statement made to the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee in support of the nomination also said: "We can already be reasonably certain that Bradley Manning will not have a fair trial as the head of State, the USA President Mr. Barack Obama, stated over a year ago on record that Manning is guilty." has backed the nomination by starting a petition calling on the world to support it.

You can access the petition from this web page:

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