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EU releases self-censored version of migrant hunt information
13 Oct 2014: posted by the editor - Human Rights, Europe, European Union

On Monday, 13 October, the EU began a massive and orchestrated hunt—Joint Operation (JO) "Mos Maiorum"—for 'illegal' and other migrants. However, the public document released by the EU was listed as 'partialy accessible' and had all dates and details of Joint Operation (JO) "Mos Maiorum" taking place between 13 to 26 October 2014 deleted.

Tony Bunyan, Director of Statewatch, which drew attention to the issue said: "There has to be full accountability and post-operation scrutiny by the European Parliament: How many people were "checked in each participating Member State and which of their agencies were involved in the operation? Where were they "checked", at EU border point, on a train or bus or in the street or where else? How many in each country were detained how long for and where? Of those not released what happened to them and where are they now?" (See also

Statewatch reports that the frequency of invoking the protection of the Commission's decision making process (Article 4(3)) as ground for refusal at the initial stage, in relation to all invoked exceptions, slightly increased in comparison with the previous year (27.1% against 25.2% in 2012). It was the most frequently invoked exception, and 16.3% of confirmatory applications are refused on the same grounds.

Full text document:
Censored text

Media/web coverage of "Mos Maiorum" : EU launches Operation Mos Maiorum - European police on a two-week hunt for tens-of-thousands of 'irregular' migrants. (Aljazeera, link) : Frontex, Europol ou une police européenne en devenir (Paris Luttes.Info, link) and : Opération Mos Maiorum : attention aux rafles dans toute l’Europe du 13 au 26 octobre (Paris Luttes.Info, link) : EU launches Operation Mos Maiorum (Yahoo News, link) : Mos Maiorum: de nuevo el discurso del miedo y la xenofobia institucional (link) 
• Sweden: : EU-länders insats mot papperslösa kritiseras (Expressen, link): Confirms that Sweden is taking part in the operation.
•  NOTHING TO DO WITH US STATEMENT from: : FRONTEX on Joint Operation "Mos Maiorum" (link) 

Tags: EU, document discolosure

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