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Survival or Extinction: Part Eight—Burden Of Responsibility
03 Nov 2014: posted by the editor - Features

Survival or Extinction: Part Eight—Burden Of Responsibility
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
In reading my previous seven articles in this series you have learned that the international community has pursued peace and prosperity since 1945 via three complementary and inseparable fronts: economic integration, political centralization, and population control.  

This state of the world was foreseen well in advance. The price of peace and prosperity in the era of consensus forged through the United Nations since World War II has been unimaginably high but well concealed. In the previous seven articles I have concentrated on the economic features and machinations of the New World Order. America has had to act as the firm father to 200 unruly children, the world’s nation states, while the United Nations has been their mother. The children have grown up and want to inherit the world from an America that has grown old and weary. America, the father of the world post-World War II, is about to expire. The United Nations, the mother of the world will be left alone. But will the mother be able to keep her children in line and preserve peace in a world of equals?  Have the world’s 200 children grown to love and respect each other to such an extent as to keep the peace in adulthood and share and manage the bounty of the earth without squabbling? 

America’s uncles, the world’s military forces and intelligence agencies, are preparing for the greatest transition of power in history; the transition of authority from the United States, the world’s father, to the United Nations, the world’s mother, and thus from national assemblies to a global government. This concomitant economic transfer is overseen by a different set of America’s uncles, the world’s transnational corporations. 

Henceforth, it is hoped, this family will eat at the same table and run the world peacefully. By the same token, anyone who treats human beings as disposable objects in the pursuit of this noble goal—be it for reasons of economic self-interest, intellectual arrogance, or political expediency—is criminal and an impediment to peace and to the survival of the species and the planet. The pigs will fly before voters demand to make sacrifices for generations yet unborn or for people at the other end of the world, which is what globalization and its underbelly, depopulation, are seeking to achieve. The low level of education of the average man and woman, the abysmal lack of understanding of global matters, and the self-centeredness and shallowness of most people ensure that no political party, however well-funded and well-intentioned, would ever come to power if it advocates anything other than the most basic and base demands of voters. The reality is that the will to accomplish global unity could not have been initiated let alone coordinated by the national assemblies of the world’s 200, or thereabouts, independent nation-states, whose voters are not up to the task and perhaps never will be. Someone had to forge ahead and the elites did. 

The elites have assumed the heavy burden of responsibility while the masses have learned to love their servitude. 

Full story

Killing Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy is considered by the author to be important in understanding the content of Survival or Extinction. Likewise a second book, Chemical and Biological Depopulation is also considered important to understanding. You can download both as a zipfile here 

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