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UK authorities 'fail' to take prisoner to court
15 Feb 2011: posted by the editor - United Kingdom

UK authorities are being blamed for refusing to transport a jailed man to court despite the trial judge ordering that the prisoner be presented at the court.

The jailed man, Muad'Dib, was extradited to the UK from Ireland in 2010 on the request of police after he posted a video to the trial judge in the 7/7 London bombings case.

He claimed that the video presented evidence that those charged were in fact set up.

In a statement released today, Muad'Dib's supporters said: "The State failed to bring Muad'Dib to court again today, even after the judge last week ordered Him to be brought.

"The judge said that he would not grant bail to Muad'Dib without Him being in court.  Things were quickly adjourned, indefinitely at this point.

"Are we really to believe that "her majesty's" prisons don't obey the orders of "her majesty's" courts and that her judges are powerless to enforce their own orders?    

"THEY* are fighting to keep Muad'Dib in prison, claiming it is to make sure He is in court for trial, when THEY themselves now have a 33% success-rate in having Him in court, whereas He maintained a 100% perfect attendance and signing-on record when on bail for nearly two years, in Ireland.

"It's not only desperate on the part of the British authorities, but further proof of the corruption, which goes all the way to the top.

* THEY = The Hierarchy Enslaving You.

Tags: Maud'Dib, London bombings, 7/7

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