The newly refurbished and historic Kevin Barry Recital Room has today opened to the public at the National Concert Hall as part of the 2016 Easter Rising commemorations.
NUI Galway will host the major national academic conference of the 1916-2016 commemoration next year, on the theme, Ireland 1916-2016: The Promise and Challenge of National Sovereignty. The conference will run 10-12 November 2016 and will include academic contributions from a broad range of Ireland's universities and institutes of technology, as well as from a number of leading international figures.
The Limerick Writers’ Centre is seeking submissions for an anthology to be published in the spring of 2016 to mark the centenary celebration of the 1916 Rising.
Mayors and Chief Executives from all 31 Local Authorities today met with the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys and the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, Alan Kelly, to share details of local county plans being developed as part of the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme
The Ireland 2016 Global and Diaspora Programme, an exciting international programme of creative, community and commemorative events to mark the centenary of the Easter Rising, has been launched by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan and Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ms Heather Humphreys.