Survival or Extinction: Part Twenty—Free The Truth - summary - the final chapter
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Unless and until this distorted and perverse view of man’s nature as fundamentally evil is discredited and discarded once and for all the world will not be able to reach out to the enlightened and healthy view of man as a fundamentally good being and design the social construct accordingly.
Survival or Extinction: Part Nineteen—Lions and Lambs - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
A powerful and secretive coalition of international elites, which has grown by leaps and bounds since the end of the Second World War, has replaced the old bilateral and multilateral alliances of nation states, and the people have been left out. The end goal is the termination of the vast majority of the world’s genetic lines so as to reverse the population explosion and attain the sustainability of human civilization on a finite planet.
Survival or Extinction: Part Eighteen—The New Morality - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
All obedience to men who pretend to know the will of God as well as adherence to religions who try to possess God destroy the very purity and honesty that lead to God, that make communion with Him possible. To free God from man’s ignorance and greed so that we can in turn be freed onto God, we must conceive a future where all religions converge into one without a clergy to stand between man and God.
Survival or Extinction: Part Seventeen—Greeks, Zealots, Billionaires - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
What can we do to bring about a world in which people faithfully follow the Golden Rule?
Survival or Extinction: Part Sixteen—Slaying the Beast - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
How do we reform or dismantle this genocidal system, this beast, before it kills us all? The current system, which has coalesced national and international structures, has taken a long time and great effort to construct the “right” way, to staff with the “right” people, to harness to the “right” horse, and to drive in the “right” direction. This system has been seven decades in the making. Most importantly, the system is unaccountable because no one in the system will ever admit fault or accept responsibility.
Survival or Extinction: Part Fifteen—Man or Nature- summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
The Final Solution is the scenario the military-industrial complex has prepared for and stands by to execute if the international community, led by the United Nations, does not succeed to stabilize the global situation with the soft and cooperative means it currently pursues under the name Millennium Development Goals that constitute the Bitter Pill scenario.
Survival or Extinction: Part Fourteen—Into the Wild - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
What would happen if all borders were lifted and everyone were free to go and live anywhere on earth? As it is, borders keep citizens prisoner to the history, geography, economy, culture and politics of one’s country of birth and this restriction flies in the face of Article 13-2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that “everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”.
Survival or Extinction: Part Thirteen—Involved in Mankind - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
The absence of war must mean more than just peace with poison. The responsibility for the state of the world will shift from the nation state to the individual. A state of anarchy reigned in the world, a war of all against all wherein sovereign states were in continuous conflict.
Survival or Extinction: Part 12—Peace Without Poison - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
The Paris Peace Conference, which concluded World War I in 1919, begot the League of Nations, the first international organization created to maintain world peace. It took another global war, World War II, and the threat of assured mutual destruction by nuclear weapons, to compel the world’s sovereign states to create a neutral international organization in 1945, the United Nations Organization, and abdicate to it national jurisdiction over areas crucial to maintaining peace between nations, areas that were deemed international security prerogatives and were entrusted solely to the authority of the UN.
Survival or Extinction: Part 11—Countries Are Prisons - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Borders don’t exist. As we serve the system, the system must serve us.
The system, however, is no longer serving us. We have become subservient to the system. The system itself has become our master. To make the system subservient to human needs we must as individuals rise above the system and subdue it. A system that is out of human control is a monster, a beast. And that is the present state of the system for it has slipped out of human control. The system has slipped out of human control because no human being or body of human beings exists who has the authority to be in charge of the world and the world is, as a result, at the mercy of national authorities that are incapable of coordinating a global plan of action, which is why our civilization is spinning out of control.
Survival or Extinction: Part Ten—Crisis of Leadership - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
If you cannot wage wars of aggression on weaker neighbors because the international community will not tolerate it and the risks of assured mutual destruction are too great, you are forced to wage war on your own people’s reproductive systems to ensure that your population does not outgrow the available resources and can live within the national means. This form of self-discipline and the political paradigm shift that goes along with it are the result of nuclear deterrence and, in equal measure, of America’s global leadership post-World War II.
Survival or Extinction: Part Nine—Conceal and Deceive - summary
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Since global concerns are antithetical to national interests they will forever be outside the narrow focus of national assemblies. Matters of global concern fall under the purview of global governance and trump all national interests. Global autocracy trumps and often undermines national democracy.
Survival or Extinction: Part Eight—Burden Of Responsibility
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
In reading my previous seven articles in this series you have learned that the international community has pursued peace and prosperity since 1945 via three complementary and inseparable fronts: economic integration, political centralization, and population control.
Survival or Extinction: Part Seven—Power Of Money
By Kevin Mugu GalaIae
The banking system is beholden to political decision makers, who are using the power of money, or monetary coercion, to advance by proxy the ancient dream of a united world, which is a political goal and a worthy one. Having learned from history that international peace and security cannot be gained by conquest, thus by military means, policy makers since the end of World War II have employed fiscal means to force the world into peaceful cooperation and coexistence. Monetary coercion has replaced military force as the method by which to secure global peace and prosperity, which are the fundamental prerequisites of a one world order.
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Social divisions are expressed in money but caused by the supremacy of vice over virtue. If the rules of society are fair, transgressors will be few and human effort will be channeled towards constructive ends rather than wasted on destructive pursuits, litigation and punishment. A fair society that channels human effort towards constructive ends makes optimal use of resources and prospers. The question then arises of how to attain such a society despite our human flaws. In economic terms, that point is the division of labor.
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
The greatest economic and social problem of our time is unemployment and governments are at a loss how to solve it. To simplify, true unemployment in the developed world stands at around 25% and underemployment/underpayment at an additional 25%. Consequently, unemployment in the developed world means desperation and alienation, but not starvation. In the developing world, subsistence farmers are being displaced from the land by industry and development, by food imports from the subsidized farmers and agro-giants of the developed world, as well as by rapid population growth that cannot be accommodated by the existing land. Not unless, that is, a giant depopulation effort drastically reduces the number of people in the developing world at a much faster pace than was accomplished in the developed world where covert depopulation methods by chemical means started in 1945 and are ongoing.
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Survival or Extinction: Part 4—Taming The Wolves—Summary
Paradoxically, this giant plan to “rob” the West and “give” to the Rest, so as to homogenize wealth worldwide, has required the globalists to concentrate wealth and control over money in fewer hands so it can be easily transferred to the desperate citizens of the developing world over the objections of the frightened citizens of the developed world.
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Survival or Extinction: Part 3—Need not Greed—Summary
Greed harnessed to economic objectives becomes the profit motive, the foundation of capitalist societies. Profit begets investment and investment begets prosperity.
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Survival or Extinction: Part 2—Follow The Money—Summary
Monetary coercion has replaced military force as the means by which to move the world towards global unity and maintain international peace. This shift from military to monetary coercion took place at the end of World War II and is the result of the Bretton Woods system, more specifically the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
This is the first of a 20-part series from Kevin Galalae's book Survival of Extinction. A chapter from the book will be published every Monday for 20 weeks.
By Kevin Mugur Galalae
Your genetic line will die out and with it the world as you know it is about to come to an end. This is no idle threat, but tragic reality; as certain as tomorrow’s sunrise.