As a result of the extraordinary and tragic domino effect of Japan’s 8.9 magnitude earthquake last Friday, Ireland’s energy market could be cruelly impacted warns the energy unit of An Taisce the National Trust for Ireland.
Charles Stanley-Smith Chair of An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland asys he is deeply critical of calls by the ESRI's John FitzGerald for Corrib gas to come on-stream in order to address energy security for Ireland. He indicated that the ESRI's John FitzGerald acknowledged lack of familiarity with the Corrib gas controversy (as stated on an interview this morning on RTE radio's Morning Ireland) was evidenced in the naivety of his 'research' paper's proposition that Corrib gas would contribute to Ireland's energy security. The ESRI paper propounds that price rises abroad were the most probable supply issue and Corrib gas would supposedly enable Ireland hedge against this!