A remarkable new study published today by Spinwatch with significant new information, has implications for the UK Goddard Inquiry into child sexual abuse. The study shows that during the 1970s, the General Medical Council in Britain, the RUC and British Metropolitan Police withheld from the public important information about Morris Fraser, a Belfast psychiatric doctor who was a serial paedophile.
H and L v A City Council EWCA Civ 403
In a decision bound to stir up strong feelings, the Court of Appeal has found that disclosures made by a local authority to other organisations of a person's conviction for a sex offence against a child and future disclosures proposed by the authority were unlawful. The Court considered that the "blanket" approach to disclosure, even though the person with the conviction and his partner did not work directly with children, was not proportionate to the risk posed. Further, making disclosures without first giving the persons concerned the opportunity to make representations on the matter was unfair.