A Judge has this week ordered Police that they must disclose evidence in the legal case over undercover police officer Marco Jacob's abusive sexual relationships that happened while he deployed in Cardiff. This comes in the face of the Police consistently trying to avoid disclosing evidence around this case.
Today, there have been shocking revelations (1) about Andy Coles (deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire, and Tory councillor for Cambridge (2) being an undercover officer known as 'Andy "Van" Davey'.
Four women deceived into relationships with undercover officers have released a further joint statement criticising the new HMICS review into undercover policing, and demanding a full Public Inquiry into the undercover policing in Scotland. The statement refers to the undercover units as “political policing units, akin to the Stasi of East Germany”.
On 27 April 2016 another crucial hearing will take place in London as part of the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing. The one-day preliminary hearing is set to decide issues of ‘undertakings’ – what protections will be offered to witnesses giving evidence.