Limerick lyricist Phillip "Scally" Scanlon has again teamed up with ex-Zoo singer Greg Ryan and a new young star to record a second charity single to help fund the Bluebell School for Autistic Children in Limerick. Former Bluebell pupil Glen Keating joins Greg on vocals and both were at a launch and CD signing session in Limerick's Cruises Street HMV store on Friday, 28 March, 2008. The new track is called The Munster Song.
Left: Greg Ryan and Glen square up fpr a publicity shot to promote the CD
To read more about the CD & learn where you can download it visit the Limerick Leader page at:
For more information about the Bluebell School and the earlier charity recording, see below.
Below: Glen gets down to the the job of signing CDs
SCHOOL FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN FACES CLOSURE THROUGH LACK OF CASH One of Ireland’s first independent schools for autistic children must close in June (2005) if additional funding cannot be found to meet its running costs.
The Bluebell School in Limerick employes professionally trained tutors to help autistic children to improve their lives but is now faced with having to shut down, despite the will and dedication of those involved. Now a local songwriter, a singer and a record producer have produced a single they hope will help raise some of the much needed money to keep the school running.
“Why” is a song about an autistic child written
to benefit a school for autism
And you can play your part by buying this CD
The CD costs €5 and all proceeds will go to Limerick's Bluebell ABA School for autistic children. The
CD can be purchased direct from the school on 061-229454, from
Dóchas on 061-315566 or from 061-315021. It is also available from Music Lane record shop at The Crescent Shopping Centre, Limerick.
About the song Why was written by Killeely songwriter Phil Scanlon, whose daughter Kayleigh is autistic. It is sung by former Celtic Crew band member Declan O'Keeffe and was recorded and mixed by Jim Hanley. The aim is to help raise funds to enable the Bluebell special school for autistic children in Limerick to continue its educational services. |
For the latest news on the song and related developments visit the page
About the Bluebell ABA School and Why
The Bluebell ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) pre-school for young children with autism was the first dedicated independent school to open in Limerick to help autistic children.It must now raise about €100,000 if it is to continue its services after its initial year of external funding. If the money cannot be found, the school must close in June this year.
The Bluebell pre-school opened in April 2004, as a result of a parent's initiative supported by the full backing of Dóchas (Hope for People with Autism). All the parents are members of Dóchas. Presently the school is only funded for one year with finance from sponsorship and a once-off grant from the Mid-Western Health Board, the regional health service provider. Five children currently attend the school and each has his or her individual ABA trained tutor, monitored by a supervisor who in turn is directed by ABA Consultant, Brigid Synott.
In a bid to help raise the cash, local songwriter Phil Scanlon, singer Declan O'Keeffe and recording studio owner Jim Hanley got together to produce a charity single which they hope will raise the cash necessary to enable the school to continue its important work.
The single, called simply 'Why', was written by Phil, whose daughter Kayleigh has Asperger's Syndrome, a specific form of autism, and who when this item was written was on the school's waiting list. Although the will is there to take in more children, the financial resources are not.
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. It is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, and impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction and communication skills. Children and adults with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. Unlike a normal childhood 'illness', the condition of autism is not readily or visibly identifiable and many autistic children can easily be misdiagnosed by the untrained.
The late John Ryan, Chairman of Dóchas said: "In 2003, a group of five parents came together to discuss what type of education they would like for their pre-school age children with autism. They decided that they would like a small school setting with each child receiving ABA from an individual tutor."
Mr Ryan, who was himself the father of two autistic boys, passed away to cancer in August 2004. In the same year he raised €50,000 for the school through local community events.
Pamela Downes, of Limerick Dochas, who has been working on fundraising and grant applications for the school said that the idea was in line with recommendations from the Government's task force on autism. Despite the recommendations, funding for schools for children with autism is yet to be made widely available.
She said that Dóchas in Limerick had around 100 parents listed in its group but there were many more families with autism who were not yet part of the group.
The aim of the school is to provide a learning programme specially tailored to the individual child and to increase the numbers of children who can attend and benefit from the school.
The children currently attending the pre-school, Adam, Ryan, Scott, Laura and Patrick are aged between two and five years of age.
Parents have worked hard to raise funds but Pamela said: "The parents are killing themselves fundraising and they shouldn't have to."
Parent Deidre Bourke, who raised €4,000 by a sponsored head shave and whose son Patrick attends Bluebell, said the improvement she had seen in Patrick after just a few months at the school, which includes speeech therapy for the children, was remarkable.
She said the song Why opened a window on the problems experienced by families with autistic children.
"Why should parents of autistic children have to try to find ways of raising money just so that their children can be given a proper education?" she asked.
Why indeed.
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