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about Keith Harris
About The Wrekin
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NewsmedianewsWelcome to Newsmedianews
Thank you for coming to this page to learn something about Newsmedianews. This site forms a part of my contributions to the Internet and thus, ultimately, the world and all in it. It includes my belief developed over the result of my years in and out of journalism — a period in which I learned that the primary objectives of news reporting should be twofold—to accurately inform and to entertain.
This is essentially a website that exists to permit the publishing of news items that for whatever reasons do not make the mainstream press. Make what you want of that.
I like to refer to the site as a news and information portal, but it is really much more. Through it I present regular news reports from the countries of the world. It is also an open publishing platform where anyone with the desire can file news items from their own part of the world. Although the open publishing side has not gained many contributors, at least it is there and will be as long as I am able to maintain the website.
Again it is more—the site carries a lot of information and articles about myself: who I am and have been and my ethos and beliefs as to what a journalist shoud be.
This spot in the ether is therefore a blend of humour, satire and current news reports and articles from around the world and is operated as a news and information and services portal. As well as dedicated new links the site also contains numerous articles that would perhaps nicely fit under the broad umbrella The Ramblings of a Muse, or several of them.
The appearance of the site might seem amateurish—I had no training in web page/site design and learned by myself from scratch through trial and error. The appearance and much more could perhaps be improved, I know, but for now it serves as a platform. It is all my own work, apart obviously from stated external articles.
The site is extensive in content. Use the unique EasyNav facility to assist browsing and use the search facilities both on and off-site.
Your input is welcome. It is up to you to maximise this site's potential. Should you find material you consider in any way offensive, please notify me using the links available from the drop-down contacts menu above. And that’s about it, really.
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- to continue to develop as an Internet base with news, humour,
music etc. content (geographical location immaterial);- to continue to acquire the funding to enable such a project to develop;
- to be able to work towards creating a worthwhile endeavour with positive impact;
- to achieve this under the auspices of the common good
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by Keith Harris
Ireland is a land of magic and wonder and like all places everywhere a land of people with their individual and collective problems. I have indeed been fortunate in being able to extensively travel throughout the Republic of Ireland, living in a camper van. As editor of a web site that is effectively accessible by anyone on the planet today and those with the technology elsewhere, I feel I should add some additional words of introduction.
Aside from the work that I do on this site and the (now exceptionally extremely rare occasional) writing for the mainstream media, I do not work and my main income is generated by the rent accruing from a tiny plot on the dark side of the moon, the rights to which were won in a competition in a boy’s comic in 1958 and which is now one of the 10 prime lunar landing sites. If you believe this, you believe anything. Having said that, the content of this site is in the main relevant to the business of being serious in an entertaining way. I remain, regardless of all, an accredited journalist.
Prior to reaching Ireland, I worked in news covering first Sussex, then Essex and East and North East London for several years, then took on the post of chief reporter for an old established newspaper in Winchester, Hampshire UK — the capital of Wessex and once of England too; the former seat of both Parliament and the Monarchy (Kings and Queens were crowned in Winchester's medieval Great Hall) before the transfer of both establishments to what was then the newly ordained port of London. [see related story link]. Winchester remains an extremely pleasant place to visit, especially during good weather!
I quit the life I had built up over many years late one evening to take off on an unplanned journey to Ireland. Life happens like that sometimes. Setting off in my car with the reel of my life unravelling backwards, I left the UK from Holyhead and drove off the ferry at Dun Laoghaire. Why I chose Ireland, I don't really know. Maybe it was the music thing, as I'd been travelling around the UK with my electric and acoustic guitars.
I'd travelled on a late night ferry and it was still dark when I reached Ireland. I picked a destination—Galway, right across the country on Ireland’s western shore, and so set off from Dublin for the cross-country drive. I had no known family connections with Ireland—in fact I haven't yet tried to locate any family links with the country although I don't believe any exist as my grandfather father was from Newcastle and my mother from the Greek isle of Chios. It would be interesting to know as for some odd reason, as I drove through the darkened countryside to Galway, I had the eerie feeling of somehow returning home, which I have never quite been able to figure.
Reaching Galway and parking up in the harbour I settled down in the car inside my sleeping bag, tired from the trip. The next day was spent mostly in various bars and walking about the town. Two weeks later I returned to England to exchange my car for a camper van, returning to Ireland where I travelled from place to place for the best part of the rest of the year, then quit for a 12-month semi-working holiday in the United States, before returning to Ireland and Limerick in 1996.
Why Limerick? Because I arrived at Shannon Airport with just £8 in my pocket, a mite too much too carry and nowhere to go. Limerick was close and I picked up a lift right into the city centre.
We seem really to have made a mess of things down the centuries. There are several ways of imparting a sense of knowledge about something. If you expect to be jerked in your belief of all being well, please stop reading now.
Every day we award obscenely high salaries to maintain the ludicrous lifestyles of the obscenely rich, whilst ignoring those whose lives are still rooted in abject poverty.
That's right—we. You and me. And before you shout how dare you? at my temerity in suggesting we ignore poverty, please ask what is really being done?
The world is riddled with ways to make money. Imagine. Lifetimes spent on thinking up ways to make money, but for what? To live? To lounge in opulence? To be happy? Happy, whilst people starve to death daily?
Take a look at your incoming e-mail. Is it not filled with dozens of suggested ways to make money?
We ignore those in poverty, the unnecessary deaths, the unnecessary suffering because we simply continue to pay homage to the way things are.
We salve our collective conscience with the balm of charitable work being done to alleviate the problems of the world, when in reality that is little more than shifting a few pebbles about on the foothills of the Himalayas.
I am reluctantly at the conclusion that there is no-one out there for me in the world. I have gotten too serious, too intense, they say. Things seem to have greatly changed since the days of love, freedom and respect that I seem to remember when I was in my 20s, now forty + years ago.
That's strange for a man like me, who always cherished a belief that there was someone special. somewhere, and whom I would one day find. I thought those years ago that there was, but then I think I was wrong. If any of those I had known then were really for me, well surely one of them would still be here now?
And before you start mouthing off again at the seams, hold on. Have you noticed how many ignorant people there are who try telling others things about things they know nothing at all about? How they advise on matters that they do not know how to cope with themselves?
Before you do anything in reaction, take a look at yourself and ask if you are not really living a complacent and comfortable lifestyle.
If reading this has angered or upset you I am glad and make no apology as it has accomplished the purpose of making you think.
So that, then, is who is behind this site. If you wish to know more about me, you can peruse the site as there is ample information available throughout. I do not promise to reply to questions regarding the colour of my socks. Thank you for your interest.
And one last thing. If you have never met a whistling sheep in your life, then you need to walk up the long valley towards Pillar Black Crag from Wasdale Head in the mid-western Lake District, climb the dead end slopes at the end on a sunny day with rainproofs packed on your back for reasons of sanity and when you hear them, you will know.
Having said all that, I'm a friendly kind of cuss and hold no rejections to friendly approaches.
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About the site operator
Present: Musician & web editor
Background: music & journalism
Age: 64In the 60s I used to be one of fastest known under-19 sprinters in the UK. I know that because I qualified for and ran in an all-England Under-19 100 yards sprint final in Leeds, tripped and fell over from the starting blocks for the first time ever but got up and chased after the runners ahead of me and still came in third. In short, but for the trip, I would have demolished the competition.
I know that my actions are being watched. Because of that, I must strive to ensure that I try to do the right thing. Not because of how my actions might be seen, but so that I can know that I put forward my best at whatever I must do.
As an accredited journalist, my main income now accrues from a small plot of land on the dark side of the Moon, the deeds to which were won in a competition in a children’s comic in the 1950s and which now translate into small amounts of cash that make their weekly way by deviously complex methods into my bank account.
This web site is an experimental independent development of a granular experience of and insight into commitment.