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Rotational & static banner advertisments
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Single Page of your choice
  Static                             Rotational
  €30 three months            €20 three months
  €50 six months              €40 six months
  €100 12 months              €90 12 months

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  €60 six months              €50 six months
  €100 12 months              €90 12 months

Simple static text links
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  €60 six months                €5 each additional page
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How to submit your advertisement
You can either send your simple text advertisement or send the full html code to your image advertisement by using the online form and putting the details in the comment box. Please see the examples immediately below.

Text ad code:
<a href="" target="_blank" title="text to display when mouse hovers over image">This is my advertisement</a>

Banner ad code
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.your" width="480" height="60" alt="alt display text" border="0"></a>

targets explained:
_blank loads the linked document in a new, unnamed browser window - preferred
_parent loads the linked document into the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link. If the frame containing the link is not nested, then this is equivalent to _top; the linked document loads into the full browser window.
_self loads the linked document in the same frame or window as the link. This target is the default, so you usually don’t have to specify it. Leaving the target destination field empty applies this setting.
_top loads the linked document in the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.

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