Have your say
use the contact formWorking for the common cause is never easy. To begin, you are constantly challenged by those who have no comprehension and who remain hostile to anything beyond their own confines.
The common cause is what most people reach out for and towards when all else is snatched from them. In such circumstances and beyond the bottle and other similar perspective wrecking distractions, thoughtful contemplation and meditation will lead to the awareness of the common cause. Meditation is the art of relaxation.
Sanctification and protection of the common cause is what enables people to go about their daily lives without having to immerse themselves in fighting for that common cause. How many of us give deliberate thought to the solidity of the foundations of the homes in which we live until something occurs to make us focus on those foundations?
The questions then become numerous. Who designed those foundations, who worked upon and put them in place? What, if any, is our own role in the presence of those foundations?
By default, those who work for radio, television and the newspaper industries are in the front line of promoting and standing up for the common cause. How they acknowledge and comply with their respective positions depends much more upon professional training than on personal volition. The danger preceding failure is in wearing an outward cloak of respectability whilst failing to meet the demands. Feeding the populace pap might fatten personal bank accounts but that is in reality all it will achieve.
Those who watch the news reports currently emanating from western journalists in the Middle East should listen carefully to and analyse the perspective of those reports.
We might not all be in a position to work for the common cause as actively as others might. Yet pause a moment to ponder that but not for the common cause, none of us would have the education nor the time nor the freedom to even ponder in such fashion.
It might also be valid to ponder the worth of the individual within the common cause and whether any common cause could ever exist where the intrinsic worth of any individual is devalued.
Quiet Corner
We live in a dangerous
world—dangerous because men and women
alike shirk from the responsibility of being humble.
This sonnet epitomises the gift of humility.
Grant me the Serenity to accept
the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can and
Wisdom to know the difference,
Living one day at a time — enjoying one~
moment at a time
Accepting hardships as the pathway of Peace
Taking as He did this sinful world as it is —
and not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right —
if I surrender to His Will
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy in the next world
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