Pornography, obsceneor what?
Obscenity is what happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.
Bertrand RussellPORNOGRAPHY has always aroused controversy and argument. People have been accused of it and in some parts of the world punished to varying degrees of severity including death, often without any legitimate finding of guilt. So just what is it?
The Chambers dictionary offers the following definitions:
porn- combining form denoting obscene or obscenity.
pornography- noun- books, magazines, films, etc dealing with or depicting sexual acts, in a more or less explicit way, intended to arouse sexual excitement; description or portrayal of prostitutes and prostitution.
obscene- adjective- offensive to the senses or the sensibility, disgusting, repellent; indecent, especially in a sexual sense; (less strongly) offending against an accepted standard of morals or taste; (of publications, etc) tending to deprave or corrupt (law); filthy, loathsome (archaic); ill-omened (obsolete).
Fine, but not very helpful. As porn is described as obscene, we come to the impasse whereby the definitions of obscenity then rest upon subjectivity. Disgusting, repellent, indecent etc are all subjective understandings of the individual that are then objectively projected by the individual.
Accepted standards of morals or taste are again subjective to a particular society, or class. Depravity begs the question of just what it means to depraveand so on and so on.
Censorship is more depraving and corrupting
than anything pornography can produce.
Tony Smythe (as Chairman of the National Council for
Civil Liberties, Great Britain.)There have been many instances of persons being held to be in breach of the law by being involved in pornography and subsequently punished. If porn is accepted as a combining form denoting obscene or obscenity then pornography is presumably using methods of communication about sex in order to arouse sexual excitement in, presumably, an obscene way. Presumably, because there is no definition of the link. And then just what is obscene?
Despite the vagueness of the definitions, pornography is a punishable offence. But what is being punished? One argument is depravity or corruption, particularly of those considered as minors. Yet actual occurrences of depravity or corruption, even when seen in the context of the laws of the land, can only be soundly based on logical reason in cases of the physical abuse of others where the motive is the personal gain of the abuser. Abuse can be considered as forcing the will against the will of another without due reason in law and, in a sexual translation regarding minors, breaking the laws relating to the age of sexual consent. Given the focus of this article non-sexual abuse is not included in this perspective.
Where abuse is deemed to occur at an intellect level things become far less clear, if indeed they were at all clear to begin. Sexually consenting adults can be arrested for doing in the street what they can do to their hearts content at home. So what is going on here?
We're all wankers underneath...if we were honest about ourselves we'd know we're all wankers under the table...I'm a wanker, I have known the pleasures of the palm...why can't we be honest? Once we acknowledge everyone's a wanker it'll be easy - suddenly all authority figures disappear. Ben Elton
What is this thing love, which most seem itself to fear more
than its absence?
Eric Young
The Limp(id) Sexual Revolution
article by Börhd Hooligan
When love is absent
Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.
The Way of All Flesh, Ch. 77 Samuel ButlerWhen the warmth and love of an independent, non-birth related person is absent it can be more than hard to identify with any meaning in lifeit can appear all but impossible.
Words of comfort from the inexperienced dont count for much and do little more than waste time. There is no college book learning of the reality of isolation. Only experience can be the teacher, and life the healer. It is difficult for the majority of us to imagine what life is like without love. Indeed it is no more possible than imagining what an orgasm feels like without ever having experienced one.
Those who consider themselves in dire straits have only to look a little harder to see that they really are not as alone as they make outthere is always someone, somewhere, to turn to and receive genuine comfort from. True isolation is, thankfully, rareand yet terrible.
It has often been said that the world is a place of too many chiefs and too few braves. A brave successfully becomes a chief not through antagonistic or brutish behaviour steeped in violence, but through a sincere display of humility and wisdom. A chief of any other ilk is a failure from the start.
to be continued...
assistant consultant Prof. Wan King Rood
Love: noun fondness; charity; an affection for something that gives pleasure; strong liking; devoted attachment to another person; sexual attachment; a love affair; the object of affection; a term of address indicating endearment or affection (often spelled luv to represent dialect or colloquial use); the god of love, Cupid, Eros, etc (mythology); a kindness, a favour done (Shakespeare); the mere pleasure of playing, without stakes; in some games, no score.
(c) Larousse plc. All rights reservedLOVE, NOT LOATHING...& happiness ... ?
One thing every man and woman on this planet wants is to go to bed and enjoy nice things. That is without exception. Any person who says otherwise of themself is either lying or ignorant of such things.Love & the Search for the Ultimate Orgasm
Surely it must be the most misunderstood, misused, misconstrued and misapplied and mis-everything else word in use. One thing for sure is that our materialism-based societies teach us next to nothing valuable in the arts of love and love making.We are all in search of the ultimate orgasm. What puts a bloody big spanner into the works is thinking and pretending that we’re not. Things get kind of warped that way.
Such self-denial is staunchly supported by those who suffer from it by the use of dozens of different explanations: it’s the way of the Church; the way of the bible; anything else is ‘unclean’ or immoral and so on and so on. They are happy to so euphemise their true feelings as it is less morally embarrassing to them.
The upshot of self-denial is to live in a time space of constant frustration where the energy of that frustration is deliberately redirected to other diversionary avenues.
Those who practice sexual abstinence on grounds of religious persuasion do so in the belief that it will make them into a better person. The goal is more invisibly egocentric than they readily acknowledge. Such people are searching for superiority to others. It is a confused mêlée of a mindset.
Our world is a place permeated with paranoia and fear twisting and winding around the sun rays of love. We fear the very things we desire then we deny the recognition of our own fear. It doesnt have to be like thatand time is short.
The essential element to any rewarding life is being able to openly rejoice in simple pleasuresand to be able to recognise being able to give to another that very same thrill that we relish and seek ourself.
The element of our fear is itself a puzzle. We have educated ourselves into our own fear, instilled our lives with its poison. We get angry at others when we are unable to understand and cope with the differences between us. The stuff of that divide is the stuff of ourselves.
Sex is the great healerlifes equaliser. Without it we just wouldnt be here. It goes hand in hand with survival and everything else in life is simply secondary. But we humans have exacted the science of building false pedestals from which we gloat in smug superiority whilst trembling inside at the fragility of that very superiority.
So what then is love? Is it the giving of yourself to someone in return for what they may provide for you in a material way? Surely someone so doing is comparable to the biblical Great Whore of Babylon? Don’t be confused by the West’s self-idolating translations of the Bible. There is a phrase in the Bible referring to the “keepers of the temple”, often translated to refer to actual persons fulfilling certain roles. But look again — surely the temple is also the human body, the vessel of the soul? And who are the keepers, if not the hands?
But to return— is love the act of giving of yourself to someone because of who and what you see in that person regardless of their material wealth or poverty?
And what is this state of mind called happiness? To begin, is it dependent upon our environment? Is it an emotion that is itself dependent upon environmental factors?
To examine this in greater depth, let us look at the question of whether a child growing up on the Gaza strip might have a different evaluation of happiness than a child growing up in a more peaceful and settled part of the world.
To the child on the Gaza strip, happiness might be a state free of conflict, free of tension, a state whereby the child can expect to enjoy the simple things of life free of fear.
The absence of similar fear may consitute a different understanding of happiness. Without fear, simple things can be taken for granted and indeed can assume less, even non-important status. The perceived goalposts of happiness may dramatically change.
Discovering happiness in a particular situation or commodity will happen. Where that commodity is transitory the identification with it and with the associated feelings of happiness can fade. Likewise, happiness can also fade with the simple experience of the situation that produced it, or with familiarity.
We can spend a lifetime searching for the illusive thing called happiness, or we can spend a lifetime trying to understand what leads to happiness. The purpose of this page is to provide some desktop shortcuts to the understanding of happiness.
Sex should be the most vital part of any couples lives. Never put it aside easily for anything less serious than a matter of life or death.Sex is not about being big, about making an impression, about being smart, about being clever; yet it is all of these things in correct measure. It is about procreation. And it is about the taking and giving of self-enjoyment.
It was refreshing if perhaps a little passé to see the young woman filmed by news teams as she took part in an antiwar march in Washington with the words "fuck dont fight" emblazoned across her stomach.
Despite what anyone may say to the contrary, being alive is all about being alive and being alive is a constant sexual experience for every human being. To ignore this elemental fact either wilfully, inadvertently or through ignorance is to invite frustration and anxiety, plus anger and unhappiness into daily life.
If you are reading this then you are doing so either out of simple curiosity or out of a motive born of deeper desire. All are welcome. Anyone abusing the free service will lose further contact with the sex doctor who will simply become bored with them.
This service operated by Newsmedianews as a genuine, free service. However, supportive donations would be welcome after all, counselling means that someone has to give their time and thoughts to your particular requirements or questions.
This is a frank, impartial and open forum of learning. It has been created to help you to improve the quality of your life and your questions and requirements will be fully tended to with impartiality and with objective content response. Your questions may lead to a deeper level of response and understanding and that is what honest and genuine living is all about.
The ability to benefit from this service resides primarily with yourself. We all have all the answers its up to us how we benefit by them.
Strict confidentiality is guaranteed. Please remember however, frivolous and/or abusive use of the service will only damage your own progress.
To contact the Newsmedianews sex counselling service send an e-mail to newsmedia with the words sexual healing in the subject field
NOTE: If you are concerned at sending your inquiries through the mail system and have the facility to send either digitally signed or encoded mail, it is suggested that you use such a facility after first boiling your PC in carrot water for added assured privacy.
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