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Stephen Milligan
Accident or murder & the unanswered questions
by Newsmedianews editor Keith Harris
first published 1999: latest revision: 10 May, 2018 Readers’ comments Poll Headlineseditor’s note
I compiled this page from memory and without the aid of my notes several years after Stephen Milligan's death, which took place in 1994. You can add your own comment by following the link at the foot of the text.“Autoasphyxiation Tory? That'd be Stephen Milligan, who died in what would appear to be the most embarrassing way ever (wearing stockings and suspenders with a bin bag over his head, an electric flex round his neck and an orange in his mouth). Strange, even for a Tory MP...” [source]
Lies, subterfuge and deceit riddle our global society through every aspect of living, with personal gain at the root, be it political, business or of an individual nature.
History bears witness to such deceit, from Watergate to the blatant lies covering the realties surrounding the cause of the crash of the Russian supersonic Concordski at the Paris Air show on its inaugural public display.
Stephen Milligan, a former MP for Eastleigh in Hampshire, England and at the time a Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Arms Minister Jonathan Aitken, died in early 1994. Curiously, the reported date of his death varies. His semi-nude body, wearing only items of women's underwear and stockings, was reportedly found draped across a kitchen table at his London residence by his house cleaner, Vera Taggart. He was an infrequent resident at his London accommodation, staying more at his Hampshire home in Boyatt Wood. His London cleaner said after finding the body that she had not expected him to be at the premises.
Yet was his death an accident, or was it murder most foul, engineered in such a way as to besmirch the name of the victim from the onset and make it look like a bizarre sex ritual had resulted in death? It has been reported elsewhere in reports on the inquest that “murder was ruled out”. Haven’t we somehow heard that line before ... ?
According to information released through government sources at the time, a piece of cord was tied to his neck from his ankles and a small segment of satsuma orange was found in his mouth.
The signs all pointed to a classic example of death by AEU - auto-erotic asphyxiation. An inquest into his death, which I attended as reporter for the local newspaper some months later, was somewhat inconclusive and returned a verdict of death by misadventure, though the circumstances may also have well warranted an open verdict. The inquest heard from the pathologist’s post mortem report that no traces of drugs had been found in the body.
I was the last journalist known to have spoken in depth with Stephen Milligan the former MP for Eastleigh in Hampshire, England, in relation to his private life and aspirations, shortly before his death and the resulting internationally publicised bizarre sex scandal immediately associated with it.
I knew the MP from a professional acquaintance perspective as a news man, from prior to his election and afterwards. I was chief reporter for the newspaper covering his constituency. He was then engaged to
Julie Kirkbride, at the time a political correspondent with the Sunday Telegraph and later a Tory MP at Bromsgrove in the Midlands. Mr Milligan's brother was a respected clergyman. I taped a 20-minute telephone conversation between Mr Milligan and myself, recorded before the New Year in 1994, in connection with an editorial page outlining the New Year’s resolutions of local dignitaries in the patches I was reporting within.
Eastleigh was his first political placement. He entered politics for the first time in his life the very year he won the Eastleigh seat. He had previously worked as the financial/business editor with the New York Economist and for the BBC and was a respected journalist in the world of journalism at least.
In a relatively short time following his election success Stephen Milligan rose from being a newcomer in the Conservative Party to holding a post as Private Secretary to the Conservative government’s Arms Minister of the time, then Jonathan Aitken. Milligan was tipped to rise through the political hierarchy with some pundits tipping him as future Prime Ministerial quality.
Eastleigh is a town that grew up with the railway industry and developed to become one of the largest rail manufacturing plants in Britain. Though the main manufacturing branch of the rail industry later moved elsewhere, Eastleigh retained one of British Rail’s largest maintenance depots, with several thousand workers employed at the site.
In the months leading up to his death Mr Milligan became embroiled in a conflict over his Government’s policy on rail privatisation. He was known to be his own man and, furthermore, one to speak his mind.
When the Tory Government announced its intention to privatise British Rail, including the industry’s manufacturing and maintenance divisions, Mr Milligan was appointed as a parliamentary adviser to the Government appointed privatisation steering party. Several had been established, including one to examine and oversee the privatisation of the rail maintenance division, BRML.
Milligan met regularly with management, union and worker groups from the maintenance depot at Eastleigh. Union representatives and workers feared extensive job losses in the town through privatisation of the industry and were also greatly concerned that it would lead to a local economic backlash. I attended most of these meetings in my capacity as local hack.
Following what was to prove Mr Milligan’s final meeting with railway workers and a tour of the Eastleigh maintenance depot, it became clear to me that he was moved by the arguments of the workers and was in something of a quandary over the issues. But there was another bogey lurking in the woodpile. The MP had become aware of internal plans to prevent footballer Justin Fashanu going public with claims that he had been involved in gay sexual activity with two senior cabinet members.
I would speak regularly with Mr Milligan on other political issues and other ongoing aspects of his life. His home was in Chandlers Ford, a part of Eastleigh close to where I also lived at the time in Allbrook Hill.
These were some of the matters in Mr Milligan’s life prior to his death. His semi-nude body was discovered in his London apartment by his housekeeper, who stated she had not expected him to be at the apartment over the New Year period. My newspaper retained a respected parliamentary correspondent in London and within minutes of the new flash announcing the MP's death, our correspondent was on his way to the scene, filing his reports directly to me to be incorporated in our news item.
Official sources said he was wearing only items of women’s underwear and had a chord (some reports state electrical flex) tied from around his neck to his ankles. A piece of satsuma orange was said to have been found in his mouth, fuelling speculation backed by Government press releases inferring the MP had been engaged in the bizarre solitary sexual escapade (AEA) during which he used amyl nitrate poppers to heighten sexual release.
The satsuma orange would have been used, it was said, to kill the bitter taste of the amyl nitrate fumes. However, no actual traces of any amyl nitrate caps were ever reported as found at the scene. Despite being a central plank to the official government-released statements on the circumstances of the MP's death, and the resulting innuendo, no evidence to back up the allegations of amyl nitrate was ever produced and the matter received but minor attention during the inquest.
Statements released to the media via the House of Commons press office did not dispute such manner of death and had the effect of indelibly smearing and blemishing the MP’s previous good standing. The inquest resulted in a verdict of death by misadventure. No one came forward to lay claim to supplying Mr Milligan with amyl nitrate, nor was this possibility openly explored.
Some days prior to his death I telephoned Mr Milligan in connection with a story relating to his meeting with railway maintenance depot workers for an Eastleigh newspaper Eastleigh. I had regular contact with the politician prior to his election campaign and during his term of office.
During a New Year resolutions page phone chat I had with the politician I taped the conversation, which he did not object to. It lasted some 20 minutes. He surprised me by speaking in very personal terms about his social and personal life in addition to his political life. He said he felt he had neglected his close friends because of his political commitments and was determined to put that right. He also complained of loneliness and that as a man in his early 40s felt it time that he settled into a steady relationship and raised a family.
Shortly before his death I received a second telephone call from him, routed to my mobile phone during which he asked that I refrain from publishing the more personal details of which he had earlier spoken. He was embarrassed by his comments, he said, and felt he had gone a little far. I acceded - it simplified matters for my editorial, although I resolved to come back to the issues at a later time but did not discuss this with him at the time. Amazingly I subsequently forgot about the tape until the second day following his death, when I then released a full transcript to the media. My information was the only independent contact information to emerge other than that being supplied by official sources. It also produced quite a differing impression of the man.
Anomalies exist between the circumstances of his death and the facts of his life leading up to it. It was generally accepted that he had died of self-abuse. Any questioning of this was immediately tinged with the sordid details that had already made news on an international scale.
Yet questions remain unanswered. Why was no attempt made to locate any supplier of amyl nitrate? None was actually found at the scene of the death. Its factual existence was purely surmise and speculation and was what the public was told.
Was Milligan murdered in connection with his role as PPS to the Arms Minister? He was known as a man who would not be quieted or made to follow a political line that might have fallen outside of his personal beliefs. Did he overhear something in closed circles, or did he speak out about something he knew in similar closed circles?
Who knows? One thing is certain—someone, somewhere, does. It must be remembered that Mr Milligan had many years of journalistic integrity behind him and was certainly no man's fool. However, he may have well proved to be his own enemy in a world of political subterfuge and dirty shenanigans.
‡ " ... the phenomenon of auto-erotic asphyxiation, or "scarfing", was not widely known outside police and medical circles until the body of Stephen Milligan MP was found in February 1994. He had died as the result of auto-erotic asphyxiation."
(reprinted from The Age - Melbourne Online)STEPHEN MILLIGAN, was a Tory MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the notorious arms dealer Jonathan Aitken, then a minister in the Tory government. On 7th February 1994, he was reported to have been found tied to a chair with a plastic bag over his head and a satsuma stuffed into his mouth. The usual embarrassment surrounding these cases seem to have prevented the press from carrying out an in-depth investigation into various discrepancies in the case. Aitken, was known to have an particular interest in Sado-Masochistic sex - Milligan wasn't. He was engaged at the time to a women who is now a Tory MP. More relevant perhaps is Aitken's well-documented links to intelligence agencies and his role in shadowy arms deals that were conducted in the Ritz hotel in Paris in 1993. from web page
Stephen Milligan, was a Tory MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the notorious arms dealer Jonathan Aitken, then a minister in the Tory government. On 7th February 1994, he was reported to have been found tied to a chair with a plastic bag over his head and a satsuma stuffed into his mouth. The usual embarrassment surrounding these cases seem to have prevented the press from carrying out an in-depth investigation into various discrepancies in the case. Aitken, was known to have an particular interest in Sado-Masochistic sex - Milligan wasn't. He was engaged at the time to a women who is now a Tory MP. More relevant perhaps is Aitken's well-documented links to intelligence agencies and his role in shadowy arms deals that were conducted in the Ritz hotel in Paris in 1993.James Rusbridger, who died the same month as Stephen Milligan, was an ex-MI6 agent and respected investigative journalist specialising in intelligence matters. He was found hanging from a beam in his loft wearing a diving suit at his house in Bodmin Moor, Cornwall in February 1994. When his body was discovered, he was dressed in a green protective suit for use in nuclear, biological or chemical warfare, green overalls, a black plastic mackintosh and thick rubber gloves. His face was covered by a gas mask and he was also wearing a sou'wester. His body was suspended from two ropes, attached to shackles fastened to a piece of wood across the open loft hatch, and was surrounded by pictures of men and mainly black women in bondage. Consultant pathologist Dr Yasai Sivathondan said he died from asphyxia due to hanging "in keeping with a form of sexual strangulation".
It was reported shortly before his death that he had started work on a controversial book about the Royal Family. The text of the book has never been released, and there were various discrepancies and strange events connected to his death that were reported at the time but have never been fully explained - such as journalists being followed to his house by unmarked cars. He was infamous for writing letters to newspapers which poured scorn on the Official Secrets Act; his books, such as The Intelligence Game, cast doubt on the official version of events. Just before his death, he unearthed Britain's code-cracking secrets, in particular the story that the British had cracked Japanese naval codes in advance of the attack on Pearl Harbour.
After his death, Sunday Times reporter James Adams quoted senior intelligence officials as saying Rusbridger never had any connection with any branch of British intelligence: "His death was as much a fantasy as his life", said one source . . . "Rusbridger's interest in intelligence seems to have coincided with his conviction for theft in 1977".
The above comments are reproduced to show other anomalies associated with Milligan's death—Ed.
Related links
David Icke reports
Guardian obituary
BBC news report of the circumstances of his death
Auto-erotic deaths linked to intrigues in British politics
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from: Fall Moon
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Family Members
Keith - do you have a list of Stephen Milligan's family members name who are siblings and their spouses, if applicable.
Sent - on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 02:16:18
from: Hugh
Subject: Could Do Better
I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next man, but this is not one. You fail to point to any factual basis for accusations of murder other than an absence of amyl nitrate at the scene - pretty weak. You then build an entire house of cards on this sad fellow's death. Moreover, I could take this more seriously if you knew the difference between "chord" and "cord".
Sent - on Sunday, September 08, 2013 at 14:39:41
Hugh — You appear to miss the point. Nobody is building any house of cards - this is purely an account based on the facts of the case, most of which I am directly familiar with. As for your comment regarding the typo chord / cord, I will leave it in situ for reader's to evaluate. Ed.
from Louise
Subject: Stephen Milligan
I am speaking as someone with insider knowledge and know that SM was well known in the pro SM scene for requesting extreme forms of BDSM play with pro mistresses that were always refused as they were too edgy and downright dangerous, more likely to end up with the enabler in the dock.He was into asphyxiation and breathplay and if he was done away with, then the instigators had insider knowledge of his proclivities and used against him. It is well known that various politicians were/are into BDSM including those connected to Milligan so this could be at their hands using his fetishes as a smoke screen or just a sex fetish too far gone dreadfully wrong. -
Sent on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 23:20:08
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Pictures of Stephen Milligan
1] Breaking The Code : Westminster Diaries by Gyles Branddreth [1999] - photo of Stephen at Oxford Union in late 1960's 2] 3] Find A Grave [on internet] 4] The Megaton Men : I'm A Conservative [on internet] 5] [various photos throughout his life - interesting] 6] Newspaper version of Daily Mail on 05/05/12 - "SEX, SPIES AND SEVEN SUSPICIOUS DEATHS" [I have also found this pic of Stephen on internet if one searches throughly] 7] Internet version of Daily Mirror on 05/05/12 - "MI6 dirty secrets....why do sex games appear to feature in so many spy deaths."
Sent - on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 10:52:55
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Subject: Sppeches by Stephen Milligan in PARLIAMENT
Sent - on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 18:11:08
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Subject: I almost forgot about Andrew Neil's book which mentions Stephen Milligan [whoops] :
The other book I have in my study mentioning Stephen Milligan is by journalist Andrew Neil called "FULL DISCLOSURE" [1996] - See pages 64, 132 How on eath could I forget to mention that one ??!!
Sent - on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 11:47:39
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Most recent articles to date about Stephen Milligan :
1] "Sex, spies and seven suspicious deaths: The murky waters of the intelligence world - coincidence or conspiracy?" by Andrew Malone - DAILY MAIL - Saturday 5th May 2012 2] "MI6 dirty secrets....why do sex games appear to feature in so many spy deaths?" - DAILY MIRROR - Saturday 5th May 2012
Sent - on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 11:43:33
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Books which mention Stephen Milligan which prove he's gone but NOT forgotten [found so far by me in my study] :
1] "GREAT PARLIAMENTARY SCANDALS : Four Centuries of Calumny, Smear and Inuendo" [1995] by Matthew Parris - See pages, 317-318 2] "JOHN MAJOR : The Autobiography " [1999] by John Major - See pages 557, 592 3] "BREAKING THE CODE : Westminster Diaries" [1999] by Gyles Brandreth - See pages mentioned in a seperate correspondence below under title of 'Gykes Brandreth' 4] "FREE AT LAST" [2002] by Tony Benn - See page 224
Sent - on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 11:30:40
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Subject: Newspaper articles which appeared about Stephen Milligan during period of his sad death in 1994
1] "Stephen Milligan: Brightest of the backbenchers" - GUARDIAN OBIT - Tuesday 8th Feb 1994 2]"Stephen Milligan" - INDEPENDENT OBIT - Wednesday 9th Feb 1994 3] "A bolt from the blue: Stephen Castle and Nick Cohen on events surrounding the sudden death of Stehen Milligan" - INDEPENDENT - Sunday 13th February 1994 4] "A mystery, like the rest of us: He wanted to do the right thing. He wanted to be a husband. Ian Jack on the Stephen Milligan he knew" - INDEPENDENT - Sunday 13th February 1994 5] "Tory MP Milligan leaves pounds 800, 000 in will" - INDEPENDENT - 8th June 1994 [? the day]
Sent - on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 11:11:55
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: More sites about Stephen - poignant and sad :
1] Find A Grave website at [write Stephen Milligan Find A Grave in Google]. This shows his final resting place. 2]"MI6 dirty secrets....why do sex games appear to feature in so many spy deaths?" [Daily Mirror]. This shows his London home in Black Lion Lane Hammersmith in 1994 with a police guard outside.
Sent - on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 17:24:50
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Gyles Brandreth
I am reading 'BREAKING THE CODE : Westminster Diaries' by Gyles Brandreth, which is signed by the author. There is a lovely photo of Gyles with Stephen at The Oxford Union in late 1960's as well as comments about him throughout on pages 84, 101, 110, 111, 112, 117 - 118, 119, 121, 123, 138, 146, 161, 162, 171, 176, 190, 196, 223, 227, 229, 235, 237, 238 - 242, 244, 245, 312, 424. These inputs and pics makes the reader so sad that such a brilliant mind was lost so young !!
Sent - on Wednesday, May 09, 2012 at 20:29:10
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This story must have passed me by in 1994 yet it is fascinating to read about. I remember the BACK TO BASICS fiasco vividly and lost count of those who fell on its bloodied sword. I live in Midlands and Julie Kirkbride was a Midlands MP upto 2010 and a pretty good constituency MP to boot [whatever she is suposed to have done or not done]. In hindsight i think we will all look at John Major's term as PM as a pretty golden era where the Tories ruled as a national Party and as a Party of the many not the few. What amazes me from reading around the Profumo affair and now this case, is how many journalists go into politics.
Sent - on Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 13:14:07
from: Steve
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Response
I came to this site after a conversation about this event which has always left me wondering. I think however that the popular way of disposing of unwanted politicians was the old fake heart attack on a mountain!
Sent - on Saturday, February 04, 2012 at 18:13:28
from: Denis Findlay
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Stephen Milligan
I posted a " report " of my meting with Mr Milligan, in fact his host at a Ceremony/ Luncheon in Southampton in 1994. Jonathon Aikten was the Honoured guest. By chance a re visited this site and read comments made after mine had been posted. I said that Stephen Milligan was a " strange man" and this has been picked up by D -Stephen Milligan was my friend. I would just like to say that I did not intend to be disparaging about him with that comment. His social behaviour at such a gathering where his Boss was the Honoured guest was very unusual. As someone said there was either an arrogance or a extreme shyness about him. Only his Friends would know. However had I been Stephen I would have wished to have had more astute friends than they seemed to be. As an ancient mortal,to me Stephen was heavily troubled and should not have been in Politics Denis Findlay
Sent - on Friday, November 26, 2010 at 17:45:03
from: T Stokes
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: stephen milligan
the brothel madam lindie st claire has stated that she supplied girls to parliament, and she knew stephens tastes, he had one special girl he liked, and this was not him at all. most brothel madams in the city have to report to the intel services to stay in business, and she said it was plain murder because she was involved in the aftermath.
Sent - on Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 16:18:36
from: Ady
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Stephen Miligan
What is the connection with the death of Malcolm Olson
Sent - on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 00:41:47Not sure of your direction here Ady - but this is the public info regarding Malcom Olson — ed
from: Brian Britten
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Investigative journalism
Your website covering the death of Stephen Milligan has survived, and rightly so. Researching the death of James Rusbridger has revealed several other accounts of journalists who died in suspicious circumstances. You stated that Milligan was probably linked to murky arms deals. I recall another aviation magazine editor, allegedly a MI6 officer, who also died in a violent manner. The celebrated author, John Costello met his fate whilst travelling by air from Spain to the USA. He died from `food poisoning` that could not have been accidental. And finally, the man from Bletchley Park who it was alleged committed suicide by eating an apple laced with cyanide. Such bizarre stories in the UK are not so unusual. I even recall a body found on the top of a Scottish mountain that had been shot with a silver bullet fired from a USA antique pistol. Was the CIA were either responsible for any of these crimes, or aware of the agencies involved? Given the number of years that have passed is the editor (Keith Harris) still with us. I do hope so!
Sent - on Monday, November 09, 2009 at 19:07:38Indeed I am — and for as long as its possible aim to remain so — Keith
from: Cate
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Stephen Milligan
I knew Stephen through work and socially. He was very socially inept and seemed ill at ease generally. He did seem to want to get married, but almost as if he had to in order to appear like a regular guy. He was quite brilliant, but I think that now he would be diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome. The death by misadventure seems most likely to me.
Sent - on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 12:51:26
from: H
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Stephen Milligan
I came here since I Googled Julie Kirkbride vis a vis her current problems regarding second home claims and attempts to deselect her. I didn't realise she had such a colourful past. I vaguely remember the Stephen Milligan story; as a retired hospital doctor who can count many pathologists as friends I don't find stories of auto erotic asphyxiation too surprising. The practice is probably a lot more common than we appreciate - it's only when things go wrong that it comes to light.
Sent - on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 12:19:56
from: D
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Stephen Milligan - My Friend
I knew Stephen very well from the time he became the prospective Conservative Candidate until his tragic death. He most definitely was not, as quoted by one of your readers, a "strange man", but a charming, friendly. intelligent human being. In response to your reader's query, "where were his friends", we were there but never saw any problem which could have led to the alleged manner of his death.
Sent - on Sunday, August 03, 2008 at 06:22:38
from: Alan Johnson
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Milligan Article
Stephen Milligan was not in the Cabinet but only held the humble unpaid post of Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of Defence. He died in his terrace 'house' in Chiswick not in an 'apartment'. His autoerotic form of death is quite well known, and more common than many think. Milligan was a socially awkward personality despite his apparent self-confidence(arrogance?). He had recently signed up to a introductions agency before he died (Pull Down the Moon) and found difficulty making and keeping social connections. No grounds for conspiracy here but highly plausible death by misadventure.
Sent - on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 at 17:09:59Mmmm. Curious. Did you know the man Alan? What is the groundwork of the experience from which you speak? Ed.
from: Denis Findlay
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Meeting Stephen Milligan
A short period before his death I was present at a ceremony/luncheon in Southampton and was placed beside Stephen Milligan. Jonathon Aitken was the Honourable guest. I was tasked with "hosting" Stephen for the three hour period. I have never forgotten how difficult it was to try to raise a conversation with him. He seemed to wish to be left alone, or, I was not able to rise to his intellectual level,? or he was engrossed in other matters. Then I thought how sad he seemed to be. That was when I decided to withdraw apart from ensuring that he was attended to in terms of food and refreshment, and repond to him if he asked or required something. As he left I shook his hand and once again it was not a politicians handshake --I've met a few in my life. Afterwards I mused about the experience and I could not understand why a man, an MP, with such talent had seemed to be a social recluse even when he was supposed to be "ON DUTY"!! All other politicians I had met were the absolute CONVERSE. My colleague and I occasionally meet in the local and muse over meeting Stephen Milligan. I discussed this with a colleague who was sat on the other side of Stephen. He said simply "A strange man" Then came the news of his death, and the circumstances, which was a shock, but perhaps not a surprise to me , when you have been treading the surface of the planet for as long as I have. Nevertheless it was a tragic end and I often wonder where his friends were and did they not see in him an unfolding of trouble.
Sent - on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 09:30:04
from: harry mcfarland
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: The dog didn't bark
What did Aitken ever have to say on this matter?
Sent - on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 02:34:56Interesting point. Very little of any substance at the time of Milligan’s death and nothing since. Ed.
from: Kim Berman
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: Steven Milligan
I had cause a few years back, to contact Steven Milligan for assistance with a problem. Both he and his secretary, Vera (can't remember her other name, sorry [her surname was Taggart - Ed]), went above and beyond in trying to help me. Can't say the same for our current lib dem mp. Whilst she kind of went through the motions, and did indeed respond, I just didn't feel she had the same commitment. Politicians now just all seem so corrupt, and only on the gravy train for their own ends.
Sent - on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 10:37:13
[Connecting IP:]
Subject:James rusbridger
Just before he was killed James was checking out the Porton Down offspring at RAF Portreath on the north Devon coastline, where many operatives were killed in a very serious chemical/bilogical accident, as confirmed to me in writing by the PD PR. His neighbour and councillor friend were harassed by government agents. His landlord would not talk. I was offered custody of documents that may have revealed his research in depth. His executor, and publisher, would not talk. He was certainly rubbished by the Intelligence heavy mob. I would prefer to exchange information and views either in person or private mail - if that is at all possible in this day and age! I would welcome an acknowledgement to defer thoughts of a possible sting operation.
Sent - on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 18:13:22
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: dissertation
Hi i'm a 3rd year journalism student currently writting my dissertation. The topic is sex scandals and how the press reports on them. One of my casestudies is Milligan and i would be very greatful if you caouls answer a couple of questions. It will be very brief as my paper is due in this week but, will be very helpful thankyou Helayna Springate
Sent - on Sunday, April 15, 2007 at 12:37:36
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: legend
i viewed this page as my baby brother sent me the link, having been in a similar compromising position himself last weekend. this is classic attention seeking behaviour from the sickos involved and i have now disowned my brother as he took things a step too far by letting loose budgerigars under his plastic bin liner.
Sent - on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 at 16:32:05
[Connecting IP:]
Subject: FYI
I googled to check the spelling of the name as I was telling a friend about a neighbour who died in similar circumstances...or more accurately was found in similar circumstances with far less likelihood of a set up.
Sent - on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 20:30:08
[Connecting IP:]
Since you begged for a comment, I came here simply because, for reasons which are not important right now, a colleague and I were trying to remember the name of the MP involved (his old one as it happens) in the well-known story and your site popped up in google with satsuma and mp as keywords. I read on as I found your page interesting and readable, wouldn't discount your conspiracy theory as ubelievably far fetched, given the Aitken connection, wouldn't say you produced anything to support it either. I suspect others visited, and stayed, for similar reasons, and failed to leave comments as they didn't think their reason merited one, as I don't. Thank you for solving our puzzle, it would have bugged me otherwise.
Sent - on Monday, November 06, 2006 at 16:41:39Ed's reply:
Thank you very much for your frank thoughts. I have only offered the information available to me as a journalist from the time in question and my objective in publishing this item was to raise the awareness of readers and to allow them to form their own opinion.
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